Chapter 539 Unsealing the Sheji Cauldron

Wu Liang subconsciously glanced at the boundary of Shangzhou, and immediately seemed to feel something.


In the eyes, a golden light appeared.

Under the Tianzi Wangqi technique, the change of luck in the sky above Shangzhou immediately reflected in his eyes.


"Boom ~ Roar"

The horrifying scene was being staged, but it was seen that in the sky, the huge and extremely lucky golden dragon suffered serious injuries at this moment.

Under it, in the vast ocean of luck, suddenly appeared a ferocious black dragon python. Although its size was far inferior to the golden dragon of luck in the Yin Dynasty, it was extremely agile and ferocious. What is the connection.

After the dragon python leaped out, it bit the golden dragon's huge body without hesitation, and quickly tore off a large piece of golden dragon meat. After swallowing it, its body doubled in size instantly.


Before Jinlong could react, Longmang plunged headlong into the ocean of luck and disappeared.

It can be said that it is extremely vicious to succeed in one blow and flee in an instant.

"Ho~ ho ho ho"

The Luck Golden Dragon, who was seriously injured, couldn't do anything to the opponent except roaring again and again.

Even Wu Liang couldn't help being surprised by this scene.

With his eyesight, he could naturally tell that the luck black python, which had not yet transformed into a dragon, belonged to the same source as the luck golden dragon.

If not, with the size of a golden dragon, the dragon python can be torn apart with just one turn of the head.

It's not like being bitten off a big mouthful of dragon meat, but you can't do anything to the other party.

"Cause Xiao Qiang!"

"It seems that it won't be long before the Yin Dynasty will fall into complete chaos."

Lying on the white clouds, Wu Liang muttered to himself.

With the Tianzi Wangqi technique, coupled with the many situations that Xuandu and his party knew, Wu Liang's judgment was extremely correct.

This is indeed the case. Under the tossing of Daji, the "extraterritorial succubus", the Yin Dynasty, the eighth-rank power that dominates Shangzhou, is indeed on the road to collapse.

Around Shangzhou, the legendary five states are about to move.


It was also at this time that Qingchi Kunpeng, the four states that the monks in the other ancient states of the Shenyuan Continent considered to be "backgrounds", was about to have a major event.

The only master of the four states - Jiudingzong.

This seventh-rank power suddenly made a decision that surprised the monks of the four states.

Under the leadership, Jiudingzong is about to create a super dynasty.

Although the monks from the four states don't know why the Nine Cauldron Sect, which is already the master, made such an unnecessary move for some reason.

But no one dared to violate the will of Jiudingzong, and the lords of all major forces came to participate in the foundation stone laying ceremony called "The sons and daughters of China are so ambitious and proud that the old Qin will never destroy the Great Qin Dynasty".

The day the dynasty was founded!

The four states were shocked!

The scene is unusually grand.

But after the monks from the four states came, they found out one after another.

The master of the dynasty is not Wu Liang, the head of the Nine Cauldron Sect.

It was Lu Xue, the senior sister in charge, who became the legendary "My Lady Queen".

When many monks looked at Sister Gao Leng who ascended the throne with a sword, they were all shocked.

The roar of mountains and tsunami, the overwhelming Queen, resounded through the four ancient states.

The scene where the lords of many forces expressed their surrender also meant that the four ancient prefectures merged into one and fell under the command of the Great Qin Dynasty at the same time.

The Great Qin Dynasty has become a super dynasty that cannot be ignored since the first day of its establishment.

Even though the power is far inferior to the Yin Dynasty, no one can ignore the vigorous and surging vitality.

It was at this time, the peak of the Nine Cauldrons.

A figure sitting cross-legged in the sea of ​​clouds looked at the shocking scene down the mountain, and a bright smile emerged.


His gaze fell in front of him in an instant.

In front of Wu Liang was a tripod.

Sheji tripod!
This is the second ancient Jiuding that Wu Liang got, and because of Wu Liang's great wish, it flew from afar.

Just like the original Shanhe Ding, the Sheji Ding is also in a sealed state.

When Wu Liang unsealed the Shanhe Ding, he relied on the extraordinary treasure unseal stone.

Originally, Wu Liang wanted to repeat the old trick and go to the head mall to exchange for an unblocking stone, but was told by the system that the unblocking stone could not be exchanged.And starting from the Shanhe Ding, each of the following Eight Dings has its own method of unsealing, which needs to be explored by the host.

After several days of hard thinking, a flash of inspiration flashed in Wu Liang's mind, and he really thought of a way.

Thus, there was the shocking scene that happened in the four states today.

At the moment when the Great Qin Dynasty, which symbolizes the "supreme authority" of the Jiuding School, was established, the Sheji Ding in front of Wu Liang... moved.


At first, it was a tremor.

Then the next moment, a golden light bloomed.


"boom boom"

Within the golden light, the people in the world and all things in the country engraved on the three sides of the ancient tripod seem to come alive.

The Sheji Ding, which could only be regarded as ancient and clumsy, was endowed with supreme divine power at this moment.

In the dark, the common people of the four prefectures of Qing, Chi, Kun, and Peng, and all things on the earth, their fates are like trickling streams, converging together and merging into a river of fate, slowly flowing towards this artifact, this mouth The ancient cauldron.

Once it is done, Wu Liang, who is the master of Sheji Ding, will be.

He will become the true master of the people of the four states, not only the world of monks, but even mortals and even monsters will also become Wu Liang's subjects and accept his rule.

But at the moment when the river of fate is about to flow into the Sheji Ding.

Unexpectedly, it happened suddenly.


Without warning, blood appeared.

The intense and terrifying blood light instantly condensed into a barrier, blocking between the River of Destiny and the Sheji Cauldron.

What is frightening is that the bloody light gushing from the Sheji tripod, after blocking the influx of the river of fate, began to quickly devour it.

Witnessing this scene, Wu Liang seemed to have expected it, and there was no surprise on his face.

But at that moment, the system's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the side mission [Unseal Sheji Ding], will the host start the task immediately?"

[Unseal the Sheji Ding: The host needs to unseal the seal in the Sheji Ding, otherwise he cannot become the true owner of the Sheji Ding.Mission level: Nightmare; mission rewards: complete mighty version of Sheji Ding, advanced Jiuding Jue, master 1000 million; task failure punishment: Sheji Ding backfires, the host's cultivation base is reduced by one level, and the Great Qin Dynasty is destroyed on the same day. 】

Whether it is the reward or the punishment of the mission, it is worthy of the difficulty of the mission.

If it was the usual Wu Liang, he would have complained habitually.

But at this moment, Wu Liang seemed to have entered an extremely domineering state.


Almost without hesitation, Wu Liang shouted in his mind.

At this moment, the Sheji Ding, which was being eroded by the strong blood light, suddenly trembled violently.



An ancient, golden light suddenly gushed out from the Sheji Cauldron and landed on Wu Liang's body in an instant.


When Wu Liang's body touched the golden glow, it immediately turned into a streamer and was sucked into the Sheji cauldron.

(End of this chapter)

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