Chapter 540 My Emperor's Majesty Is Insane
"Your Majesty, what's the matter with you, Your Majesty?"

"Your Majesty, wake up, you can't have anything to do, the fate of our Sun and Moon Dynasty rests on His Majesty."


"What the hell, it's so noisy."

As soon as Wu Liang woke up, the sound of crying and wailing entered his ears.

Subconsciously, he cursed, and the effect can be said to be very outstanding.


The scene immediately quieted down.

All voices disappeared at this moment.

But after Wu Liang looked up, he was also confused.

The scene in front of him was that he was in a luxurious and majestic palace, with more than a dozen rows of people kneeling below, roughly divided into two camps, one camp was wearing uniformly styled Chinese clothes, and the other was wearing armor.

But he himself was sitting upright at the head, and under his buttocks was a gleaming golden village noble dragon chair.

"This picture, could it be...?"


Just as a look of astonishment appeared on Wu Liang's face, immediately, the voice of the system came.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the task of [Unblocking Sheji Ding] has officially started."

[Mission Background: The host is now a special dungeon world, the last emperor of the Sun Moon Sacred Dynasty, due to the host's crimes of shamelessness, lack of IQ, insanity, favoring treacherous ministers, exclusion of dissidents... etc., the sun and moon are prosperous Hajj is in a crisis phase.Not only is the entire Holy Dynasty full of wars, but the rebel army has already attacked under the capital... Please the host resolve the crisis as soon as possible and take back the country and society. 】

[Remark 99.999: In order to prevent the host from cheating, this system will temporarily seal [-]% of the host's power. 】

[Remark [-]: Host, this will be your path to salvation. 】

[Remark [-]: How to prove that I am a qualified Lord of the State?Only... Wan Tianqing. 】

"Fuck you..."

After reading the background of this so-called special dungeon mission, Wu Liang immediately wanted to curse.

This was completely different from what he had expected.

It should be noted that before unsealing Shanheding, although it was facing the legendary [Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Swallow Secret Ban], at least Wu Liang still had an unsealing stone at that time. After hard work, he successfully completed the task.

But now, there is no unblocking stone for cheating.

This goddamn broken system actually sealed almost all of his cultivation power.

It can only be said that there is no worst, only worse.

But fortunately, there is some consolation that at least this so-called Sun and Moon Dynasty is a mortal dynasty at first glance.

That is to say, except for Wu Liang, everyone else, including the rebels, are mortals.

But even so, Wu Liang was still very upset.


When he let out a cold snort, Wu Liang had already cleared up the background in his mind.

His current identity, called Zhu Ritian, is the current and possibly the last emperor of the Sun Moon Sacred Dynasty.

The ones kneeling down were naturally the civil and military officials of the Holy Dynasty.

On Wu Liang's side, there stood an old eunuch with white beard and gloomy expression, as well as some young eunuchs and court ladies.

His eyes flicked to the outside of the palace, and the sound of crying and howling was everywhere, and the atmosphere was similar to that in the palace at the moment.

Obviously, this pilgrimage is coming to an end.

The reason is also very simple. Like all doomsday dynasties, internal and external troubles, coupled with the emperor's unreliability, killed his own country and society.

Wu Liang was the emperor who committed suicide. He glanced at the reason given by the system.

"Insufficient IQ, insufficiency, petting treacherous ministers...breaking the system, what's the matter with the head of these things?"

"Don't think that the head of the sect didn't know, and just took the opportunity to blackmail me, right?"


While complaining, Wu Liang gave the system a middle finger from the bottom of his heart.

As far as this behavior is concerned, I don't know who is naive.

Of course, in terms of adaptability, Wu Liang is still very strong.

After complaining about the system, Wu Liang quickly entered his role as the last emperor.

But in the field, neither the civil and military officials nor the eunuchs noticed that their extremely unreliable Emperor His Majesty had been replaced by an even more unreliable bastard.


Seeing this guy, he slapped the dragon table in front of him violently, and a strong "kingly aura" gushed out.

"To shut up!"

"Shut up all of them, why are you crying, I'm still alive and well, and my country is not dead yet."

Seeing that he could satisfy the emperor's addiction, with Wu Liang's temper, how could he let it go?
Opened and closed his mouth, "Zhen Zhen Zhen" came out.

Although I don't know why the Emperor suddenly became domineering.

But the civil and military officials were still intimidated.

However, there are exceptions.

For example, at this moment, the old eunuch with white face and beard beside Wu Liang.

As the most revived eunuch of the original emperor, Nine Thousand Years Old, he can be said to have single-handedly covered the sky in the Sun and Moon Holy Dynasty. This Holy Dynasty will be destroyed, and he is a part of the credit.And he had already arranged it. When the rebels entered the city, he would pick off the emperor's head and go to seek refuge.

The plan can be said to be perfect, but unexpected changes will happen.

Seeing Wu Liang's "dominant spirit", the old eunuch was surprised at first, but recovered quickly.

Then, he showed the demeanor of an extraordinary veteran.


After a sharp wail, the old eunuch fell to the ground, saving Wu Liang's legs.

"Your Majesty, you are finally alive."

"You scared the old slave to death just now. As soon as the news of the rebels entering the city came, His Majesty was so frightened that he fainted. The old slave was worried to death. Fortunately, God is sorry. God must have heard the old slave's heartfelt voice, so he let His Majesty go. the soul of the

"Now that His Majesty has returned to his soul, let's not delay any longer, let's go, as long as we retreat from the West City, the rebels will have no time to intercept us, and His Majesty's life will be saved."

The old eunuch's words were shrill and earnest, and it can be said that everyone who listened was moved.

Of course, among the hundreds of officials below, there are still some sensible people, and they all looked at the old eunuch with angry eyes.

It's a pity that most of the civil and military officials are as treacherous as the old eunuchs, especially some high-ranking officials.

While listening to the old eunuch fooling the brain-dead emperor, all of them showed smiles of successful plots.

When a country is about to be destroyed, there must be evildoers.

Today, most of the luxurious palaces are full of monsters.

These people didn't know that the emperor who was supposed to be a brain-dead emperor, at some point, had a strange arc on his mouth, and a pair of eyes that should have been full of panic and fear flashed with wisdom and insidiousness. shine.

Some careful officials in the palace seemed to have noticed this scene, but they didn't believe it.He shook his head fiercely, and secretly hypnotized: Impossible, impossible, my emperor is a brain-dead, it is impossible to suddenly become smart.

Just when these officials wanted to slap themselves to verify whether they were in a dream, suddenly everyone seemed to feel something.

As soon as he subconsciously raised his head, he saw Wu Liang who was sitting on the dragon chair slowly getting up, staring straight at the blood-red smoke rising outside the palace.

At the corner of his mouth, a disdainful smile slowly rose.

With an evil and maddened look on his face, he slowly uttered a sentence.

"Rebels, are you very powerful?"

"I... want to see and see."

(End of this chapter)

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