Chapter 548

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the side mission [Unblock Sheji Ding], rewards will be issued soon..."

Wu Liang, who was wearing a dragon robe and a bright red scarf, heard his long-awaited voice at this moment.

Another cheating task was completed by Wu Liang.

Sheji tripod!
Like the Shanhe Ding, it is also an ancient Jiuding.

But this time, Wu Liang didn't spend a full ten years to unblock him.

In just one day, Wu Liang did it.

This dream-like achievement made Wu Liang himself a little unbelievable.

"When? Is the master so awesome?"

"Oh no, this sect leader has always been so awesome, saving a dynasty that is about to collapse, how simple it is."

Obviously, this guy is back to his old ways.

Anyone who is not blind can see what is saving the dynasty that is about to collapse.

Of course, the reward for completing the task still fell on Wu Liang.


A pale yellow beam of light suddenly rose up in this vast dungeon space.

It enveloped Wu Liang in an instant, and then teleported him out with a flicker.


As soon as Wu Liang's figure appeared on the top of Jiuding Peak, the voice of the system also came.

"The statistics are complete!"

"Congratulations to the host, you have been compensated with points, and the master points are 1000 million."

"Obtain the complete mighty version of the Saji tripod."

[Sheji Cauldron (Complete Power Version): One of the ancient Nine Cauldrons, once the treasure of the super sect Nine Cauldrons, was unsealed by the host not long ago. According to common sense, it should be in a weak state like the Shanhe Cauldron. The erosion of years and the poison of luck.But because of a special reason, it directly returned to its peak state. 】

[Remark [-]: The four words that the host spit out are the most terrifying supernatural powers among the heavens, please use them with caution in the future. 】

[Remark [-]: The pinnacle of the Saji tripod can allow the host to have a real super dynasty, please don't let the host down, let alone the bright red scarf on his chest. 】


After reading these introductions, Wu Liang let out a sigh of relief, just as he was about to say something.

But found that the sound of the system did not end.

"Ding, since the host has successively owned the complete version of Jiuding No. [-], Shanhe Sheji, the beginning of Jiuding, the official advancement of Jiuding Jue..."


When the voice sounded, Wu Liang immediately felt an unprecedented shock.

From within his body.



For a long time, the Nine Cauldron Jue practiced by Wu Liang showed a top-level cultivation method, which made Wu Liang's cultivation level surpass that of ordinary monks.

But that's all, and it didn't surprise Wu Liang.

After all, in the introduction of the system, the Nine Cauldron Jue is a super skill from the ancient times, which should have been more powerful and even more inconceivable.

At this moment, the doubts in Wu Liang's mind were completely answered.

The majestic primordial energy that had been surging in his body began to skyrocket at this time, as if he had taken some great tonic.

Moreover, it is the kind of skyrocketing that is completely unreasonable.

Do not!
At least ten times, Wu Liang felt as if he had swelled into a giant at this moment.

Whether it is body, mind or spirit and soul, they are all undergoing transformation at this time.

Not the usual transformation, but another level of change.


At this moment, the world that fell into Wu Liang's eyes was vastly different from before.

Wu Liang, who is in the realm of the Six Scenes of Promise, can be called a powerful immortal.

He can move mountains and fill seas, and he can cut off rivers and rivers, but these powers can only reveal a momentary horror.No matter how powerful he is, the earth, sky, or others in front of him will continue to operate without any essential changes.

Because the immortal is also a human being, and a member of the common people.

Can destroy other existences, but cannot dominate them.

But at this moment, it changed.


Wu Liang only felt that with his gaze, a special aura was spreading and expanding, as if it was some kind of tentacles, forming a domain of its own wherever it went.

And everything in that area seemed to be controlled by Wu Liang.





Even time!
Everything is under the control of Wu Liang, in which he is no longer an ordinary fairy, he will be the complete master.


As soon as this feeling comes out, no matter how hard-hearted a person is, he will be moved by it and become addicted.

It was an experience more terrifying than any drug, more than any desire for power.

In this world, who can refuse to become a god?
As for the current feeling, I am afraid that only the gods who rule everything can enjoy it.

Almost instantly, Wu Liang understood.

"Fairy! Domain!"

The extremely astonishing word suddenly spit out from Wu Liang's mouth.

That's right, this is the fairyland.

Only the king among the immortals can control the supernatural powers.

And to give birth to your own fairyland, you must be a monk from the [Yuanshi Realm].

"I've advanced!"


Wu Liang seemed to spit out a secret, which suddenly led to an unimaginable change.


A thunderbolt sounded without warning.

The void, which was extremely calm just before one breath, has changed at this moment.

The vast expanse of white clouds turned into pitch black in an instant, and terrifying thunderclaps were brewing and roaring in it, and terrifying lightning-light thunder dragons rolled out almost undisguisedly. The power contained in each thunder dragon seemed to be It can destroy the earth below hundreds, thousands, or even ten thousand times.

Nuoda, Qingzhou, was completely shrouded in this doomsday-like scene.

"Boom~ bang bang bang"

At this very moment, all the creatures fell to the ground.

Can't move!

Even the most ignorant mind can feel the anger from the top of the head at this time. It is not the anger of living beings, but the anger of heaven, the entire heaven.

"God damn it?"

"Someone attracted the scourge?"

"No~ no, this is...?"

At this moment, not only Qingzhou, but the three ancient states of Chikunpeng were also shocked by this world-like scene, and fell into chaos.

The dense black sea of ​​clouds conveyed a thought clearly to the common people on the earth.

Before long, everything under the sea of ​​clouds will be destroyed.

And the source of all this is because someone offended the way of heaven.

Not waiting for someone to ask angrily who caused the scourge?
Many well-informed monks realized what happened in an instant.

"Crossing the Tribulation!"

"Someone is crossing the catastrophe. This is a sign that someone is going to be promoted to the Immortal King."

"Oh my god, it's Yuanshi Realm, someone is going to be promoted."

"who is it?"

"Om ~ Swish Swish Swish"

Almost at the same time, even the monks who asked the question subconsciously seemed to think of something after they thought about it. Countless eyes crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, and all fell on the center of the land of Qingzhou.

There, a lone peak, just like a sharp sword, faced the violent Black Sea of ​​Scourge.

In the four ancient states, if someone can enter the inconceivable Yuanshi Realm and become a real fairy king, then there is only one person who can do it.

And if the monks from the four states are allowed to vote, it will be between angering the heavens and causing divine punishment and crossing the catastrophe.

Almost all monks have only one choice.

That's damnation!
After all, she is the number one slut in the four states, so it is normal to attract divine punishment.

(End of this chapter)

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