Chapter 549
There are new monks who have just arrived in the four states and have always heard about Wu Liang's reputation, but after all, they have never felt or seen it.

Now, when these people saw the terrifying scene above their heads, they all nodded.

"Great, great."

"Sure enough, he is the legendary super slut. I am afraid that the only slut in this world who can attract divine punishment is the head of Wu Da."

"Increased knowledge, really increased knowledge."

Just when everyone was sighing, Wu Liang, as a "party", was facing a difficult situation.

Advanced Jiuding Jue!

The real energy in Wu Liang's body soared tenfold, and directly pierced the Yuanshi Realm's moat that had trapped countless arrogances in the Shenyuan Continent to death.

Such a simple and rude way of promotion, like cheating, has advantages, but of course it also has disadvantages.

The good thing is that Wu Liang has upgraded again.

The downside is that the scourge from heaven is extraordinarily violent.

It should be known that in the Shenyuan Continent, every monk who wants to be promoted to the Yuanshi Realm will spend a lot of time, calling friends, preparing secret realms, formations, treasures, elixir... everything, just to deal with those who are stepping on the stage. Before entering the threshold of the Immortal King, a catastrophe will surely come.

That's right, it's a catastrophe.

Immortal, heaven can tolerate it.

But if it is an immortal king, it means that it can open up its own domain in this world.

Such a creature is destined to offend Heaven.

Therefore, the ruthless Heavenly Dao will bring down the catastrophe and destroy the creature desperately.

On this vast continent, the number of monks is extremely large, and naturally a large number of strong people will be born, especially monks who have cultivated to the peak of the Promise Realm. Not to mention 10 people, there should be at least tens of thousands of people.

But in the Shenyuan Continent, there are very few monks in the Yuanshi Realm.

One of the most important reasons is that those monks died in the catastrophe when they were promoted.

Different monks have different intensity and types of catastrophe.

But the catastrophe that enveloped the entire Qingzhou like now is absolutely rare.

Many well-informed monks immediately made inferences in their hearts when they saw the catastrophe.

"The head of the Nine Cauldron Sect is probably..."

"Must! Die! No! Doubt!"

Even those who had endured Wu Liang's torture were shaken after seeing the catastrophe that was about to destroy the entire Qingzhou.

"Is it true that people are cheap and have their own money?"

"Master Wu has committed too many crimes, will he finally be punished?"

"It's very possible. After all, there are few such sluts in the world. Maybe it's because God couldn't see it, so he took it away."

Of course, in addition to these, there are still opposing opinions.

There are quite a few people, who have been harmed by Wu Liang for too long and still have Stockholm Syndrome, they actually sided with Wu Liang out of their minds.

And their reason is this.

"Master Wu will be fine. The so-called good people don't live long, but the evil will last for thousands of years."

"It does not exist, the punishment of God does not exist."

"There is no existence in this world that can accept that super slut, not even Heavenly Tribulation."


Of course, Wu Liang didn't know that because of himself, the monks in the four states had set off a huge controversy.

The intensity of the scene is no less than the war between the sweet party and the salty party.

At this moment, Wu Liang was immersed in that incomparably mysterious experience.


A nascent field is being born.

With Wu Liang's vision, what he thinks and sees, everything is dominated by his mind.

This feeling almost surpasses all desires.

Even with Wu Liang's determination, he couldn't help but immerse himself completely at this time.

At this moment, he understood.

Why are the monks in the Yuanshi Realm, the so-called Immortal Kings, so awesome.

Indeed, after experiencing this feeling, which monk would not change?

However, it is precisely because of this that there are so many Tianjiao experts who fell and lost their lives at the moment of promotion.

Because at the moment when he was immersed, the catastrophe had already begun.


Silently, a "breeze" blew over.

Gradually cool and refreshing.

Where the breeze passes by, the green grass is swaying and the flowers are fragrant. It is like a heavenly scene. No one will have any vigilant thoughts, let alone the robbers who are immersed in the fairyland.

Who knows?

This ray of cool wind is the impeccable wind that can erode bones and marrow in the Nine Nether Lands.

Even if it is a mountain made of diamond, it will turn into dust and dissipate immediately after the wind blows.

Many people who crossed the catastrophe in Shenyuan Continent died at this level.

If nothing unexpected happened, Wu Liang would do the same.

But Wu Liang is not an ordinary person after all, even the way of heaven here knows, this is the number one slut in the four ancient states.

Not only did he use the method of poisoning the monks of the four states to seize the luck of the four states, but he even went to Shangzhou not long ago, so that a super dynasty like the Yin Dynasty fell into the current situation.

All in all, this is no ordinary arrogance.

Therefore, after a moment of stagnation, Tiandao decided to take a few more insurances.

"Boom~buzz buzz"

The second robbery came from deep underground.

The tremor that no one could feel began to brew, until the moment it erupted, countless world-destroying ground thorns were about to burst out, completely destroying the area where Jiuding Peak was located.


"Boom~ chi chi chi chi"

The third catastrophe comes from the sky.

Streams of strange cyan sand appeared out of thin air, and in an instant, they condensed into a huge vortex. The mouth of the vortex was aimed at Wu Liang.As long as it falls, under the grinding of these nine heavens and ten earths grinding sand, even Da Luo Zhenxian will die in an instant.



The fourth catastrophe is around Wu Liang's body.

Groups of delicate and beautiful flames of nothingness were born out of thin air, surrounding Wu Liang's entire body.From a distance, it looks like a huge fire lotus, and Wu Liang is where the lotus heart is.

This fire is called Soul Devouring False Flame. Although it is ineffective against the body, it can burn the soul of a living being instantly.


"Boom ~ Ka Ka Ka"

"Hoo Hoo Hoo"

The fifth catastrophe came from the top of Wu Liang's head.

Countless thunder dragons scurrying in the black clouds suddenly turned towards one direction at the same time at this moment, and then in the violent movement, all the thunder dragons disappeared, leaving only a huge and extremely ferocious dragon head that slowly broke. Opened the black cloud.

The Thunder Dragon's Mouth, which seemed to destroy the entire earth, came to bite Wu Liang.


No leaks!

World-destroying thorn!

Nine days and ten earths to grind the sand!
Soul Devouring False Flame!

Zixiao Divine Thunder!

Either one is a terrible doom that is enough to destroy any super genius.

But at this moment, everything was prepared for Wu Liang.

Any monk with some knowledge will make the same judgment as long as he takes a look at it.

Even if the Holy Emperor and the Demon King came, seeing Wu Liang's current situation, he might have the same thought.

This son... It's over!
(End of this chapter)

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