Chapter 555 Can You Become Strong Without Recharging Money?
"Immortal jade skill points? What kind of trick is this?"

"Come out of the system, tell me honestly, do you want to rob the master of the points, you just got [-] million, you want to go half of it, is there such a shameless system like you?"

As a bitch, Wu Liangguo cut off the curse.

Are you kidding me?
5000 million points, just to exchange for a skill point, it's a big loss, okay?

And wasn't Zijin the highest level skill point before?When did an extra fairy jade come out?
Hearing Wu Liang's complaints, the system this time answered Wu Liang for the sake of points.

"Ding, above the Zijin skill point, there is the Immortal Jade skill point. As the name suggests, only the supernatural powers of the Immortal rank can use this skill point to upgrade."

"The price in the mall is fair, and the host can choose not to exchange it."

"In addition, in response to the host's doubts, this system can attach an ancient golden jade to the host."

"What kind words?"

Subconsciously, Wu Liang asked.

Then the next moment, he regretted it.

Because in his mind, a huge horn suddenly appeared, and a deafening sentence resounded suddenly.

"Stupid host, don't charge money...can you become stronger?"


Sure enough, never lie, be honest, and be a good system. Once this sentence comes out, even if you are as stingy as Wu Liang, you can feel a strong philosophy from it at this moment.

It's also thanks to Wu Liang's communication with the system in his mind, and his thoughts are turned in just a breath.

Otherwise, with such a toss, the time limit for three breaths would have passed long ago.

After Wu Liang was reminded by the system, he made a decision in an instant.

In fact, he had thought it through from the very beginning, and the entanglement with the system was nothing more than a struggle.

Most stingy people are like this.


The next moment, Wu Liang's voice was heard.

The [-] million points that had just arrived in the account were reduced by half in an instant.

However, there was also a piece of good news that made Wu Liang excited. When the points disappeared, a little light suddenly appeared in his body.

This aura is simply like the condensed moonlight, containing incredible power.


The spiritual light burst out suddenly, and the sound of the system came immediately.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the special martial art dissociation technique has begun to mutate... the pattern of the avenue is injected... the mutation is successful, and the supernatural power is being generated...."



"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the ancient supernatural power [Separation of Two Realms]."

[Separation of two worlds: ancient supernatural power, according to legend, it is a supernatural power created by a superpower who loves to travel between planes. Once cast, it can divide the barriers of the world with a single thought. It is really incredible and mysterious. 】

[Remark [-]: This supernatural power is mutated from the dissociation technique, and it is currently in an uncultivated state. Although it is an ancient supernatural power with terrifying power, it still needs to be cultivated by the host. 】

[Remark [-]: Stupid host, tell this system, is this deal... worth it? 】


Although Wu Liang really wanted to say that it was worthless against his conscience, but thinking about it, because he had been with him for too long, this broken system seemed to be becoming more and more cautious.

So Wu Liang thought about it, and silently chose to ignore it.

To be honest, this deal is naturally too worthwhile.

Paying 5000 million points, but in exchange for such a supernatural power that you can know just by reading the introduction, it is really worth it, isn't it?

If possible, Wu Liang even wanted to spend his remaining tens of millions of points in this way.

Unfortunately, such a good opportunity is obviously gone.

Next, many of Wu Liang's supernatural powers passed the test.

God Race Sword Art Shocks the World!
Tianzi Wangqi Technique!
Super Round Light!
The hands of mountains and rivers!

Void Teleportation!

No matter which kind, they are all existences of the first level of ancient magical powers, so it is natural that they will not be able to pass the test of the pattern of the great way.

Of course, this is also because Wu Liang's Dao pattern is the lowest level.

If it was replaced by a strong immortal king who was above the third heaven in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the pattern of the great way reflected might be able to crush all the supernatural powers possessed by Wu Liang in an instant.

The only hope of surviving may be the Immemorial Nine Cauldrons Jue.

The test was over, but Wu Liang didn't lift the mountain closure immediately, nor did he leave the Jiuding Peak.

But when he closed his eyes, he put his thoughts into his own mind.


With a thought, the personal attribute panel that Wu Liang hadn't looked at for a long time flew out.

Host: Wu Liang

Level: Monk [Yuanshi First Heaven]

Identity: Sovereign of Jiuding Sect (the only ruler of the four states, the newborn fairy king.)
Spiritual power: majestic

Cultivation method: [Nine tripod formulas, two tripods complete. 】

Skills: [Tianzi Wangqi Technique], [Super Round Light Technique], [Hand of Mountains and Rivers], [Void Teleportation], [God Race Sword Art (Shocking World)], [Separation of Two Worlds]

Attack: Shattering

Defense: A world of its own

Dodge: without a trace

Physique: Immortal muscle and jade bone

Talent: unknown

lucky: unknown

Charm: Unknown

Pets: None
Achievements: [Virgin Killing], [Genius Virgin Killing], [Heart of the Strong], [Lord of the Four States], [Newborn Immortal King]

Weapon: Black Snitch

Skill Points: 0
Clone: ​​Fire Demon General [Blood Moon · Slaughter · Devourer]


[The world-renowned murderer hero (50000/1000000), can be superimposed and worn with achievements, all attributes are automatically +20000 during battle, and immune to the influence of monks below the first level of Yuanshi, and have a chance to trigger monks below the infinite realm (including six scenes) [Shock] effect. 】

[Remarks: Unknowingly, the host has taken tens of thousands of heads. If you were a perverted war executioner in the original time and space, but here, you will be a murderous hero attracting the attention of the world. 】

[Lord of the Four States: Obtaining this title means that the host has successfully conquered the four ancient states and has become a real master. This title is automatically worn and can be blessed by the luck of the four states during battle. 】

Reputation: 50000 [Remarks: The reputation of the host has dominated the four ancient states, and has also gained a lot of popularity in the legendary six states. The probability of triggering various tasks and opportunities has increased by 11%. 】

Head Points: 8000 million [Tuhao, is there still a pendant on the thigh? 】


[Evaluation: The host has become a newborn fairy king, the master of the four ancient states, and a rising star in the legendary six states, so brilliant, so admirable, such a host... still You are a small shrimp, do you want to impress this system, then please continue to set off, your journey is the sea of ​​stars. 】

"Damn, this broken system, when did it start to become a second grader?"

Sure enough, the system wasn't the only one holding grudges, Wu Liang, as soon as he seized the opportunity, he gave the system a slut complaint.

After complaining, Wu Liang's eyes fell seriously on his already changed panel.

Compared with the past, it is indeed a huge change.

It seems that after being promoted to the first heaven of Yuanshi, the previous numerical columns have been replaced with some variable descriptions.

Of course, the biggest change still belongs to the skill column.

All the "cumbersome" skills were shattered by the pattern of the avenue, and now, every one of them is an ancient magical power with terrifying power.

After watching it for a while, Wu Liang sighed in a trance that left the system and the crowd at Jiuding Peak speechless.

"In just a few years, the head of the sect has already possessed such a powerful force. I am indeed a super genius."


The girls who had just stepped onto the peak rolled their eyes and vomited blood.

Originally, they thought they were used to the shamelessness of their head, but now it seems that they are still too young.

(End of this chapter)

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