Chapter 556

The fairy king is born!

Not only did the four states boil, but the legendary six states were also alarmed.In particular, this newborn fairy king was born in Qingzhou, a remote place. Coupled with Wu Liang's previous grievances with the prince of the Yin Dynasty, the reputation of the Nine Cauldron Sect suddenly skyrocketed in the legendary six states.

Of course, no matter how skyrocketing it is, it still can't steal Yin Chao's limelight.

It should be noted that the current Yin Dynasty is in a stage of undercurrents and turbulence. Seeing that a super dynasty is about to close down, this is a huge cake. Even those eighth-rank powers are all motivated by greed.

Many peeping gazes gathered on the Yin Dynasty almost day and night, waiting for the dynasty to enter a crisis moment, and then attacking it in groups to divide all the benefits.

Yin Zhetian!
If this strong man with the title of "Zhoutian Immortal King" is normal and sober, then the crisis of the Yin Dynasty can be easily resolved.

It's a pity that Wu Liang's crimes are too serious. If Daji, the peerless demon queen, is released, the Yin Dynasty will undoubtedly die.

Wu Liang had a mission and he had a grievance with the Yin Dynasty, so although few forces believed that Jiudingzong was qualified to participate in the war in the Central Plains, Wu Liang would definitely participate, and he had to be the winner.

Fortunately, this guy has always been the best at cheating.

Seeing that all the girls came to care, Wu Liang took the opportunity to give Lu Xue the treasure of luck that he had just obtained, the "Heart of the People". "Eternal—Great Qin Empire", the time limit for its growth will be shortened at a terrifying speed.

Ordinarily, it should be Wu Liang's responsibility to work hard for the dynasty.

But this guy used Lu Xue as a trick, and decisively dumped the blame, making her a queen, and had to run around for the dynasty.

Of course, Wu Liang didn't really want to completely become the hands-off shopkeeper.

Building a dynasty was not Wu Liang's forte.

Wu Liang still had a clear understanding of himself. If he wanted to successfully complete that tricky and terrifying task, the Jiudingzong, that is, the Great Qin Dynasty, must have a strong man at least comparable to Yin Zhetian.

Yuan Shijing!
Not the first heaven, but the third heaven.

Don't think it's just a difference of two small realms, but any monk with a little knowledge will know it.

To cross those two small realms, the time is at least a hundred years.

That's right, after entering Yuanshi Realm, it is so difficult to improve one's cultivation.

If it weren't for this, wouldn't Nuoda's Shenyuan Continent be full of Immortal King-level existences everywhere?

As one of the legendary six states, Shangzhou has only had one strong man in the third heaven of Yuanshi for many years, that is, Yin Zhetian.

The same is true for the other five states.

Of course, in some special secret realms, there are some even more perverted powerhouses.

Putting these aside for now, there is only one thing Wu Liang has to do.

That is... to become stronger!
The First Heaven of Yuanshi is just the beginning.

Wu Liang had to concentrate on cultivation and becoming stronger. If he had to worry about the dynasty while practicing, then Wu Liang's final outcome was likely to become a bald man.

The women took away the hearts of the people and devoted themselves to the great cause of the dynasty.

Wu Liang sat cross-legged on the top of Jiuding Peak again, thinking about an ultimate topic that belongs to human beings~ oh no, it should belong to men.

How to become stronger without hair loss!
This kind of subject that only true philosophers can understand is obviously impossible for Wu Liang to understand.

On the contrary, because of thinking too much.

In the past three days, Wu Liang died a lot of brain cells and hundreds of hairs along the way.

If this continues, this guy will become bald before he becomes stronger.

But stupid people also have stupid blessings. Just when Wu Liang was feeling a little distressed, suddenly a familiar movement came from his body.


In an instant, Wu Liang understood the source of the abnormal movement.


A call from the abyss!
At this moment, Wu Liang suddenly recalled a cruel fact that he had been deliberately ignoring.

Love debt!
That's right, it's a debt of love.

In the abyss world, this guy has left a relationship that can be said to be shameless.

Anyone who knows what this guy has done will call him a scumbag, a heartbreaker, and Chen Shimei.

In the Abyss World back then, in order to complete the mission and become stronger, this guy resolutely deceived a girl, and then fled back to the Shenyuan Continent without giving the girl an explanation.

It can be said that this guy is currently a fighter among scumbags.

But as the saying goes, he has to pay back when he comes out to mess around. After all, he still has a clone in the abyss world. How can he escape by deliberately ignoring it?
Now, Wu Liang's avatar sent a call, obviously the abyss world was encountering a critical juncture, if Wu Liang didn't respond to the call, there would be only one consequence, and that would be that he would completely lose that avatar.

If he is a complete scumbag, he must give up his avatar decisively at this time.

However, although Wu Liang is always shameless, he still has a sense of responsibility, so he made a decision instantly.

He wants to return to the abyss!

"Hey, I hope Miss Dali doesn't hate me too much, at least she's a little less aggressive."

After making a decision, Wu Liang immediately remembered the fear of being dominated by a Balrog goddess, that is, the legendary Lord of Strength, Miracle, and Balrog.

However, no matter how afraid you are, you must go.

In particular, another problem that Wu Liangzheng is troubled with is the ultimate problem for men - to become strong but not bald.

At this moment, almost a perfect answer was obtained.

If you change your body, you will naturally not become bald.

Especially Wu Liang's avatar is the legendary Balrog clan. This is a race whose male body has no hair since birth. It not only completely solves the problem of shampooing, but also has no risk of becoming bald. Perfect race too.

"Tsk tsk, my head is indeed the legendary proud son of heaven. Any ultimate problem can be easily solved by me."

In the sea of ​​clouds, Wu Liang sighed shamelessly.

After finishing speaking, he was planning to return to the abyss immediately.

Suddenly, he seemed to think of something, and said: "I travel through the plane with my heart and soul, and come to the avatar, but this body of mine has to be put away. You must know that the head of the sect is a fairy with bones and bones, which is rare. Very, if I run into a few female hooligans, wouldn't my sect leader be a virgin?"

"Hey, no, I'm no longer a virgin."

"Aha, I thought of it, who should take care of the body of the head."

When he said the last sentence, a bright and wretched smile appeared on Wu Liang's face unconsciously.


Late at night, Jiuding Peak.

In a quiet courtyard filled with aura, several crisp knocks on the door sounded.

"Who's outside the door?"

An ethereal and pleasant voice came from the courtyard.

As long as anyone hears this voice, a figure of a peerless beauty who is dressed in white snow and looks as faint as the moon will immediately appear in his mind.

Outside the door, Wu Liang heard the sound.

The wretched look that was still on her face disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Wu Liang might not be able to help but subconsciously release his baseness towards other people, but for the beauty inside, Wu Liang only has pity in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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