Chapter 565 Chaos Ferryman

On the eleventh floor of the chaotic abyss, in half of the world belonging to the abyss, there is a stormy place.

This place seems to be shrouded in an eternal storm, and any living beings who enter it will be torn apart by the endless wind.But in the depths of it, there is a towering huge mountain range, the whole body is blue and black, and it is strangely rugged, like a hideous and terrifying ancient monster crouching in the depths of the earth.

Here is the Fengmoling!
As the name suggests, this is the residence of the Fengmo clan in the eleventh-level world.

As one of the great clans of the abyss, few creatures dare to break into it. The residence of the Fengmo clan is also the most ominous place in these eleven floors.

At this moment, in the depths of the blue-black mountain range.

In a cold, ancient palace, in the depths, twelve thrones are neatly arranged.

On each throne, there is a huge sculpture.




The revealed image is a typical body of a wind demon.

The blue-black cloak covering everything, and the terrifying claws exposed.


Without warning, a stream of black light pierced through the void in an instant and shot from a distant place.

When this streamer appeared, great changes immediately took place in the palace.



Almost at the same time, the originally motionless sculptures on the twelve thrones were all shattered at this moment.

Accompanied by the shattering of the shell like dust, it fell and then drifted away.

Twelve terrifying wind demons...resurrected!


"Hiss~ Ho Ho Ho Ho"

A terrifying storm flooded the palace in an instant, and what caused this scene was nothing more than a breath exhaled by the twelve waking up wind demons at the same time.

Any abyssal creature, as long as they see their huge bodies and the black crown on their heads, they can realize it instantly.

These twelve wind demons are all existences beyond the rank of legend.

Half step king!
Or rather, elders.

That's right, these twelve Wind Demons are exactly the twelve elders of the Wind Demon Clan. Although they lost the chance to become kings, they all linked their destiny with their race and became the guardians of the clan .

It was a different path again, and while not bright, it also brought them great power and glory.

But at this moment, they were all angry because they saw something in that black streamer.

A soul orb!
This means that some members of the Fengmo clan have fallen.

Moreover, it is still a high-ranking member.

At least not those ignorant and still struggling original Fengma, but the semi-legendary Fengma who have left the twelfth floor and have their own profession.

And when the soul orb flew into the palace and released the message sent back by the fallen Fengmo at an extremely fast speed, the twelve Fengmo elders fell into a rage.

Balrog... Trial... Doomsday Volcano!
The intermittent information did not bother the twelve Feng Mo elders at all.

"Ah~ The enemy who killed that child is the damned Balrog clan."

"Hiss~ More than that, the murderer is currently undergoing the trial of the Fire Demon King."

"That's right, the Balrog went to the Doomsday Volcano because of the Balrog's heart, and one of the Balrog is going to be promoted to the king."

"It has to be stopped, killed."

"The Doomsday Volcano is on the other side of the world. If we want to cross the Boundary River, we~ can't make it through. Let's send a legendary hunting team."

"No, add another person."

"Human race?"

"That's right, there is a human race from Shenyuan Continent who came to visit us. The divine power he is good at in the Holy Land just restrains the Balrogs. We can use a law of wind to lure him, and the hunting trip will be foolproof."

"it is good!"

Each of the twelve Feng Mo elders uttered a sentence, and a terrible conspiracy was formed.

Not long after, a terrifying hunting team set off.

There is even a mysterious existence among them, and the menacing aura it exudes is more terrifying than the other Feng Mo who all have legendary professions.

It's just that Wu Liang and sister Dali, who are the "targets", are completely unaware of all this.

The two are facing a difficult choice at this moment.


Wu Liang and sister Dali are standing in front of a huge river like a vast ocean at this moment.

Under the two people's feet is the yellow-black, hard earth that exudes the smell of sulfur, but after hundreds of feet, it is a terrifying giant river that seems to flow out from the depths of the sky, twists and turns, and then pours into the depths of Jiuyou. .

What is extremely strange is that no matter how exhausted Wu Liang's eyesight is, he still cannot clearly see the true colors of the river.

"Om ~ hoo hoo"

Looking away, only a dark, endless darkness can be seen.

Even if Wu Liang performed the Tianziwangqi technique, there was no change.

And on the bank of this weird Nether River, at intervals, there is a very simple pier. Inside the pier, there is a boat. The boat is also extremely simple, but it floats on the Nether River strangely. Accompanied by the dark river, ups and downs.

On the boat, stood a strange figure covered in a black robe.

At the bow, hung a dangling lamp.

This scene is a perfect fusion of the legendary scene of the Nine Serenity.

However, except for Wu Liang, the "hillies", the other creatures of the abyss seemed to be used to it.



"Crunch ~ crunch"

Abyssal creatures of various races, grotesque shapes, and different auras constantly appeared in all directions. Without hesitation, they boarded the strange wrecked boats, and then did not speak. The black shadow on the bow immediately swayed the oars, and then Then I saw the broken boat carrying those creatures, slowly entering the Nether River.

In the end, everything was lost in the darkness.

But after nine breaths, the boat, the lamp, and the black shadow reappeared in the pier without a sound.

Like eternity, waiting for the next wave of guests.

Seeing these scenes, Wu Liang frowned. Although his temper was fearless, it did not mean that he was reckless.

In fact, this guy is extremely treacherous and cautious.

If the scene is too weird, Wu Liang will naturally think about it.

Fortunately, before Wu Liang could think about it, the system's voice came suddenly.

"Ding, the host found a special place [Chaos Boundary River], world exploration speed +0.5%."

[Chaotic Boundary River: This is a river of the world, which is formed by the void water after the law of the abyss is broken. It is because of the existence of this boundary river that the eleventh floor of the abyss is called the chaotic abyss. One river divides into two realms. After crossing this river, there is another chaotic world that cannot be shrouded by the law of the abyss. 】

"Ding, the host found a special creature [Chaotic Ferryman]."

[Chaos Ferryman: A special creature that lives with the Chaotic Boundary River. It can control boats to and from the Boundary River, and send all creatures who want to cross the river across the Boundary River. 】

"Ding, a special reminder, since the host signed a contract with Hercules, the lord of the Balrog, and the king's trial is about to begin, the will of the abyss will disturb the will of the chaotic ferryman. No matter which ferryman the host and Hercules choose, after crossing the river The place where it will appear will be uncertain, please choose the host carefully."


After reading the introduction, Wu Liang's complexion changed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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