Chapter 566 An Accident on the River of Chaos
"No matter how you choose? The result is not sure?"

Wu Liang frowned slightly, this time he didn't complain about the system.

After all, the matter in front of him is obviously not the fault of the system.

In short, the first step of the trial that Wu Liang and Sister Dali are about to carry out is to cross the chaotic boundary river in front of them, and then go through an unknown number of dangerous places, enter the depths of the burning plain on the other side of the world, and enter a doomsday volcano .

Once you get the Balrog's Heart, the trial is considered complete.

But this first step encountered a problem.

The chaotic boundary river is not dangerous, and the chaotic ferrymen are not threatening either. Although they are immortal accompanying creatures, they have no attack power at all. They just mechanically send the creatures crossing the river to the other side of the boundary river.

Of course, the world on the other side is vast.

The chaotic boundary river meanders and cuts an extremely huge world into two halves. This boundary river naturally touches almost all places.

Where are you going?

It is entirely up to the Chaos Ferryman to decide.

If it was a normal ferryman, as long as a little abyss magic crystal was given as a boat fee, they would usually send the river-crossing creatures to the correct place.

But the system also made it clear that no matter which ferryman Wu Liang and sister Dali choose next, the result is uncertain.

This time, the two of them were a little bit blind.

After all, this is not a safe place, especially on the other side of the chaotic boundary river, which is an extremely dangerous and terrifying world.

Years of plane wars have created a terrifying place full of forbidden places and faint ruins.

If the ferryman chosen by the two of them suddenly had a brain twitch and sent them directly into a dangerous place, wouldn't they be in danger directly, and if one was not good, both would perish.

It is a pity that although both of them are aware of the danger, they have no other choice.


Faintly, ever since leaving the troubled place, Wu Liang has always had a bad omen in his mind, haunting his mind.

It is very strange that the direction of the ominous omen is not the other side of the chaotic boundary river.

It was behind the two that there was a sense of urgency that made Wu Liang want to cross the river quickly.


"Forget it, since it's a test of the will of the abyss, I'm afraid we won't be able to avoid it. Even if we can hide for a while, we won't be able to hide for a lifetime. Soldiers will just cover up with water and earth."

With one breath out, Wu Liang made a decision.

He obviously wanted to understand, the moment in front of him was obviously arranged by the will of the abyss.

Wu Liang's avatar and strong girl are both genuine creatures of the abyss, so it is naturally impossible to completely oppose the will.

Passing the test with strong strength is the right way.

Having made a decision, the two of them didn't delay any longer. At the same time, a flicker appeared across a distance of a hundred feet, and appeared on a wrecked boat right in front of them.



When the two appeared at the same time, the dilapidated boat immediately swayed, and the yellow light hanging by the bed also flickered.

But the ferryman standing at the bow saw the two of them, but he wasn't surprised at all.

The arm covered under the black robe moved, the oars swung, and the boat moved immediately.

Under the faint lights, he left the dilapidated pier without a sound, and then sailed into the Netherworld River at an extremely fast and steady speed.


The mist came from nowhere, blowing over.

Soon, the two of them, together with the boat, disappeared into the depths of the boundary river.

After getting on the boat, Wu Liang stood holding Dali's sister, his eyes swept behind him immediately, when the dilapidated pier disappeared in the mist.


For a moment, a golden light surged in Wu Liang's eyes.

Almost subconsciously, when he performed the Tianzi Wangqi technique, the time in his heart also started.

Two breaths!

Three breaths!

Four breaths!


Nine breaths!

In the first eight breaths, Wu Liang's eyes could not reflect any scene.

Until the ninth breath, Wu Liang's pupils suddenly moved with a "shua".The originally dark and empty world suddenly reflected a real scene, like a city, a city with the characteristics of an abyss, flashing in the mist.

"where is it?"

Wu Liang almost subconsciously thought that the huge and majestic city in the abyss was the first stop for the two of them in the chaotic abyss.

After all, the time for nine breaths has come.

But the strange thing was that the ferryman at the bow didn't show any intention of stopping.

On the contrary, as if he had sensed Wu Liang's gaze, the ferryman who had been manipulating the oars suddenly turned his head.


It was obvious that the body of the ferryman, including the head, was covered in the black robe.

But at this moment, Wu Liang seemed to see it.

Under the black robe, a playful gaze flitted out.


"not good!"

Immediately, Wu Liang's complexion changed.

Subconsciously, he wanted to pull Dali girl to use her supernatural powers to get off the boat, but it was just this moment.

There was no movement all the time, but the ferryman who was manipulating the wrecked boat suddenly moved.


The long paddle, lightly below.

The chaotic Boundary River, which was originally extremely calm, suddenly changed its ripples, and a strange scene was reflected.

That scene seemed to be an extremely dark underground palace.

Like a monster, hidden deep in the ground.

Although the scene was very strange, Wu Liang didn't even look at it, and still planned to run away with Miss Dali.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The next moment, the illusion of the underground palace flickered and disappeared.

Instead, there was a loud bang.

A huge vortex of nothingness formed instantly without warning, and then swallowed the entire boat within the time that no one could react.


The last wave of water rippled, the vortex disappeared, and everything returned to calm.

Ships and people have all disappeared.

A gust of wind blew over, the mist cleared, and the towering and huge city that Wu Liang had seen before was revealed in the distance. A large number of abyssal creatures got off the ferry from all directions of the boundary river, and then entered the city called "Dark Night". City" in the city.

This city is actually the first transfer station of the chaotic abyss, creatures from all major races and even major worlds gather here.

Of course, there were also more creatures who did not succeed in coming.

Just like not long ago, the two on the dark and empty boundary river.


The underground world, a huge tunnel.

This tunnel seems to be a passage for some kind of creature. The wall of the cave is covered with a viscous, foul-smelling transparent liquid, and a large number of white spider threads are connected into large messy webs everywhere in the tunnel.


Some weird voices came from various hidden places.

It was at this time that an accident happened.




Accompanied by these huge sounds, a group of dim lights flickered out of thin air.

In the dim light, a ferry appeared inexplicably.

(End of this chapter)

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