Chapter 568 Let's Play a Little Game 


Accompanied by these sounds, there are terrifying spiders that are as big as calves.

I don't know when, these spiders appeared in large numbers, and immediately surrounded the ferry that was entangled in spider silk.The screams that made goosebumps all over the body suddenly formed like a tide, enveloping Wu Liang and Sister Dali.

Before Wu Liang could express his opinion on the scene in front of him, a sharp cry suddenly sounded beside him.


"Spider, there are so many ugly spiders."


Sister Dali screamed like this, and threw herself into Wu Liang's arms.

The fiery carcass, which was as hot as fire jade and glass, was hugged firmly by Wu Liang.With the warm and soft jade in his arms, no matter how much dissatisfaction Wu Liang had in his heart, it turned into a "thumbs" at this moment, pointing at those big spiders.

At the same time, the system's detection feedback came.

"Ding, the host found the abyssal creature [Magic Face Spider]."

[Devil-faced spiders: As the name suggests, this is a huge spider with a devil's face. Because it is contaminated with the evil power of Rose, the queen of spider gods, they have an incredible ability to reproduce and become extremely crazy, bloodthirsty and murderous. It is an inferior race that is rapidly expanding. 】

[Remark [-]: The magic face spider received the thank you from the host, and said that you are welcome, as long as you offer your fresh and tender flesh, everyone can taste it together. 】

[Remark [-]: No matter how powerful a woman is, she will be afraid of spiders. 】


As soon as he saw the introduction, Wu Liang subconsciously set his eyes on the backs of these big spiders.

Sure enough, Wu Liang saw it immediately.

On the back of each big spider, there is an ugly human face, like a legendary devil, twisted and crazy, and constantly screaming sharply.

And at this moment, all the devil faces were aimed at Wu Liang and sister Dali.


"sizzle sizzle"

Although it was a "foreign language" from the Devil Face Spider Clan, Wu Liang understood it miraculously.

The spiders expressed only one meaning.

That's... dinner!


Almost instantly, these devil-faced spiders moved first.

The spiders the size of a calf exploded with incomparable agility, like streaks of black lightning, they all rushed towards Wu Liang who was holding Dali's sister.

Facing this horrific scene, Wu Liang's addiction to pretending to be coercive broke out again.

"Spider brothers, although I am very grateful for your assists, but considering your disgusting appearance, even I can't stand it anymore."

"Even in this dark underground palace, your existence is an insult."

"Come on, this will send you on your way."


As soon as the words fell, Wu Liang raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

The posture is very chic.

Thanks to preparations, this time he did not appear in the embarrassment he had when he performed the legendary poisonous milk technique before.

"Legendary Power Words!"


With an extremely simple word, the culled devil-faced spiders rose into the air one after another, and then exploded like fireworks.

Without reservation, each spider exploded to pieces like heated meat sauce.

"Russy ~ Papa Papa"

The rain of spider meat sauce has begun.

"Fuck~ Mistake!"

Seeing the rain of meat sauce above his head, Wu Liang's expression changed instantly.

This guy pretends to be aggressive and forgets about the consequences.

He didn't want those disgusting meat sauce raining on him, so he hugged sister Dali fiercely, aimed at another passageway, and hid in it when it flickered.

"Phew, it's dangerous"

Wu Liang was lucky to have escaped the rain of spider meat sauce, while observing his surroundings.

Not long after, Wu Liang figured out the current situation.

If there is no accident, although he and sister Dali have entered the range of [Spider Dungeon], there is still some distance from the real dungeon.

The real place where the two of them are now should be the lair of those devil-faced spiders.

These disgusting spiders drilled huge tunnels in the dark and vast depths of the ground, surrounding the spider dungeon, forming a huge defensive perimeter.

So the question is coming?

How did Wu Liang know this?

The reason is actually very simple, because now, and in the past tens of breaths of time, Wu Liang and sister Dali have been hunted down by the devil-faced spider.

That's right, it's hunting.


"Your uncle, are these stinky spiders so persistent?"

"Stop chasing me, I didn't eat your rice, and I didn't seduce your female spider, so why are you so persistent?"

Wu Liang kept moving and flickering while hugging Dali's sister, while complaining to the almost endless devil-faced spiders behind him.

At this moment, Wu Liang finally understood the meaning of what he said during the system introduction.

"Because they are infected with the evil divine power of Rose, the queen of the spider gods, they have an incredible ability to reproduce..."

At the beginning, Wu Liang's power word technique caused at least a thousand devil-faced spiders to ascend to the sky and explode.

Since it was too easy to kill the enemy, Wu Liang thought that these devil-faced spiders were useless.

Facts have proved that they are useless, but they perfectly reflect what is called a quantitative advantage.

Regardless of Wu Liang's wanton killing, they just sent out one after another, team after team of devil-faced spiders, chasing and killing Wu Liang and sister Dali very persistently.

The two of them fell into the sea-like attack of the devil-faced spiders.

The two sides were engaged in a tug-of-war. Although the devil-faced spider could not kill Wu Liang and sister Dali for the time being, he tirelessly disgusted them with his disgusting, ugly and ferocious body.

But this scene will soon come to an end.



Suddenly, Wu Liang, who was running wildly with Dali's sister in his arms, seemed to hear something, his body froze suddenly, and actually stopped.

In the mind, a voice came.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the map has been drawn and is being transmitted..."

"Transmission complete!"


Accompanied by the sound of the system, a very detailed map of the underground palace was reflected in Wu Liang's mind.

Obviously, tens of interest in the past.

Wu Liang didn't try to avoid being chased and killed ineffectively. In fact, with the power of his current legendary priest, he wouldn't really be chased and killed by these spiders to nowhere.

Wu Liang's real purpose is still for the map in his mind.

It's also because the system is a bit cheating, insisting that the detection range is insufficient, and Wu Liang needs to travel most of the area to draw all the maps.

However, the pits return to the pits, and the products produced by the system must be high-quality goods.

In the spider dungeon, some important areas are clearly reflected in Wu Liang's mind at this moment.


Without hesitation, Wu Liang's eyes fell directly on an area deep in the outer area.


There, a red light is flashing.

The six big characters of the Devil's Face Spider Nest were clearly marked.


"It's my turn, ugly spiders, let's play a little game."

"Let's explode in place, okay?"

As soon as the words fell, Wu Liang, who was already full of anger, turned around abruptly, and walked towards the "shivering" baby spiders with a sneer on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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