Chapter 569
Being hunted down by a large number of disgusting and sticky devil-faced spiders, Wu Liang was already furious.

Now that the map is drawn, how can Wu Liang endure it?

As soon as he turned around, it was a legendary power word without hesitation.



Accompanied by the white light gushing out from Wu Liang's fingertips, all the devil-faced spiders in his sight wailed and exploded in place.

After all, they are only low-level races in the abyss. Even though they are rapidly expanding due to the evil power of the Spider God Queen, the fighting power of a single individual is still very weak.

Especially their opponent is a legendary priest.

Even if Wu Liang is a Balrog priest, he is still a priest.

Natural lawful alignment!
The chaotic and evil camp that these devil-faced spiders are in is a deadly enemy.

Skill and strength also restrain each other.

As the stronger side, Wu Liang naturally defeated these devil-faced spiders to death.

So what follows is a very disgusting and spectacular scene.



"bang bang bang"

Wu Liang and Sister Dali followed the map in their minds and went all the way to the depths of these complicated corridors.

Wherever it passes, no matter how many devil-faced spiders emerge.

Before they had time to release their skills, Wu Liang's many terrifying priest skills were thrown out first.

Under the legend!

There is no difference between these spiders and ants.

Wang Yanghai's tactics actually failed at this moment.

And as the two went deeper, these spiders with low IQs finally realized something.

To be more precise, Wu Liang's "target" realized something.


An extremely sharp hiss suddenly came from the depths of the corridor.

What followed was a ripple visible to the naked eye.

As soon as the hissing sounded, the devil-faced spiders in the entire underground tunnel rioted. The fearful spiders who had been killed by Wu Liang turned into immortal Xiaoqiang again at this moment, and began to kill Wu Liang one after another.

Even though these spiders hated the priest's holy light emanating from Wu Liang, they still came to their deaths.

It seems that there is a force that they can't resist in the dark, driving them.

Almost too lazy to guess, Wu Liangming realized the reason.

"Ding, because the spider mother worm felt the threat from the host, the devil-faced spider family officially entered the state of madness. At the same time, the mother worm sent a message for help to the great spider queen, asking the host to kill or interrupt the mother spider within ten breaths. Worm's request for help, otherwise it will attract the attention of the Spider God Empress, and the consequences will be disastrous."


As soon as the system's prompt came out, Wu Liang's expression immediately turned cold.


"Kill the big mother bug!"

Obviously, Wu Liang was too lazy to procrastinate.

As soon as the ten-breath time limit came out, Wu Liang immediately turned around and took Dali's sister's hand. Regardless of her blushing face again, she stepped out with one step, and the holy light exploded in her hand, and her whole body turned into a holy light cannon. Go deep into the tunnel.

"Boom~ bang bang bang"

Accompanied by the explosion of a large number of devil-faced spiders, the figures of Wu Liang and Dali girl rushed out in an instant, and then submerged into a huge pit that was extremely dark.



Wu Liang and Sister Dali just stood still, before they could see the scene in the pothole clearly.

A huge spider web enveloped them, and at the same time, an extremely ferocious head passed through the darkness and appeared on top of the two of them.

The huge, bloated body exploded at such a speed that even Wu Liang couldn't help looking sideways at this moment, like a yellow-brown lightning, it appeared in front of Wu Liang and sister Dali in an instant, sharp and strangely long, with venom floating Fei's fangs pierced Wu Liang's head silently.

These attacks are as fast as lightning, flowing like clouds and water.

Even legendary professionals couldn't react immediately.

Fortunately, from the moment he entered the pothole, Wu Liang knew the danger inside.

After all, he was the one who calculated the opponent first.

Feeling the strong wind above his head, Wu Liang completely ignored the violent reminder from the system in his mind, raised his hand and slashed a sword in front of him.

"Boom~ Chick"


The originally extremely dark and damp potholes were all illuminated by a scorching sword energy like the sun at this moment.

The temperature that erupted at that moment even transformed this pothole lair into a warm and comfortable place.

Of course, the feeling of the devil-faced spider mother who was struck by such a sword qi was not very good.

The modified version of the Flame Demon Sword Art shocks the world!
One sword can shock the world.

But now it was a modified version, which also dealt an extremely heavy blow to the devil-faced spider mother.

"Hiss~ hiss"

"chi chi chi"

Accompanied by a sharp neighing, a narrow and terrifying wound appeared on the body of the female worm. Her huge and bloated body was almost split in half by Wu Liang's sword.

But even so, it immediately entered the brink of death.

The terrifying sword energy ignored the poison in the female worm's body, and continued to wear down its body.

If there were no accidents, Wu Liang would not need to make any further moves.

Just wait, wait for the female worm to weaken and die.

This is the difference!
The gap between level and skill can be called a gap, so that the mother devil-faced spider was treated like this, and was cruelly killed by hateful humans.

After slashing that shocking sword, Wu Liang didn't look at the result.

Instead, he turned his gaze and landed in his mind again.

Sure enough, he saw a lot of hints that he wanted to see.

"Ding, the host is attacked by a special creature [Magic Face Spider Mother]!"

"The host successfully injured the female worm, and the female worm entered a state of serious injury, the bleeding effect continued, and the weakening effect continued."

"In half a stick of incense, the female insect will die."

"During this period, the mother worm in a weakened state was unable to call for help from the real spider queen, and instead sent out a pheromone to ask for help from the underground palace."

"Aid from the Spider Dungeon will arrive after three breaths."


After a series of reminders, what Wu Liang really cared about was the last sentence.


In my mind, a real-time map of the Spider Dungeon is being displayed.

Sure enough, Wu Liang saw black dots one by one, quickly left the dark and huge underground palace, and then followed the path towards here.

Around the corridor, some scattered devil-faced spiders also came to protect the lord.

When they moved, except for the main passage leading to the lair, the rest of the place was instantly emptied.

When Wu Liang saw the scene of reconciliation, the corners of Wu Liang's mouth immediately curved into a smile.

Once again, his eyes fell on the depths of the pit, on the female worm that was huddled tightly in the corner, constantly whining and trembling.


A strange brilliance gushed out from Wu Liang's fingertips, and spread out in strands and strands, and quickly appeared under the bloated body of the female insect, entangled and touched each other, and a pentagram circle formed immediately, The white light flashed and then disappeared.

Once the trap was set up, Wu Liang didn't miss it at all.

Leading Dali's sister, he quickly left the pit, turned around and entered an empty corridor.

"Om ~ hoo hoo"

With a movement of their feet, the figures of the two flickered immediately, leaving the outer area at an extremely terrifying speed, and almost rushing towards the real spider dungeon like a rampage.

(End of this chapter)

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