Chapter 584 The Legendary Mentally Retarded Halo

After knowing a little about the details of those two terrifying figures, Wu Liang couldn't help casting a sympathetic look at the blue-skinned monster who was having a "beautiful dream".

It naively thought that it was really a respected and freed god.

As everyone knows, it is really about to fall into the hands of a god now.

Sure enough, the next moment, a very compelling conversation began.

The two sides of the conversation, one is the mysterious plane businessman called "Traveler 46", and the other is the golden prince who is called "Shenhao".

"His Royal Highness, how is it? This is my goods, are you satisfied?"

After No. 46 finished speaking, he raised his head and glanced at the blue-skinned lamp god with a proud and gratified look.

"Not bad, suitable to be one of my favorites."

"make a deal!"

The Golden Prince was also very satisfied with the blue-skinned lamp god above his head, staring at the lamp god with a look that seemed to be looking at strange and rare things, as if he couldn't wait to put it on his collection shelf.

The two chatted happily here, and the blue skin lamp god's mood suddenly became unbeautiful.


"Stupid humans, stupid guys, you have successfully angered the greatest god, who will banish you to hell and be tortured by countless demons."

"Go, go to hell and confess your crimes."



Accompanied by the angry roar of the blue-skinned demon, it suddenly took a deep breath, and its big blue belly immediately swelled up, and the next moment, a majestic storm spewed out from its mouth, instantly causing the entire Night City to enter The wind was raging.

With the bitter wind and the yellow sand mixed in, it seemed that the blue-skinned monster was planning to destroy Night City in a short time.

Although it is not a real god, it is also a high-level demon that is higher than legendary professionals.

Because of this natural disaster-like sandstorm, the Dark Night City fell into chaos in an instant, and some low-level professionals were even unfortunately seriously injured.

So "shua, shua, shua", the blue-skinned monster who was instigating the storm felt a series of disgusted eyes.

That's right, it's disgust, not the fear and worship it imagined.


Above the head of the blue-skinned demon, a huge question mark was born.

At the same time, it became even angrier.

As a high-level demon, it puts aside what it would do as a good demon, and pretends to be a god, just to enjoy the worship of mortals.

According to its experience in the past thousands of years, whenever it appeared and then performed such a miracle of natural disasters, those stupid mortals would kneel down, worship it, and fear it.

But this time, he was actually disgusted. Is this script wrong?

Not only the blue-skinned devil felt extremely strange, but Wu Liang was also faintly puzzled.

Is the blue-skinned monster blind?
Can't see the strangeness of Dark Night City?
There are not many mortals here, the residents are all races from thousands of planes, and most of them are professionals with extraordinary power.

Playing tricks here?
Aren't you afraid of being beaten to death?

Wu Liang just had doubts in his heart, and suddenly he was as happy as his heart, and looked at the blue lamp god again.

Sure enough, Wu Liang saw it.

A faint white halo was surrounding the blue-skinned monster.

Following Wu Liang's gaze, a small line of notes appeared.

[Mentally retarded ring: one of the terrifying halos of power, once entangled by this halo, IQ will plummet, and become a legendary irreparable brain damage. 】

[Remarks: Host and relax, your funny attribute is automatically immune to this level. 】

"Fuck, it's actually the legendary mentally handicapped Guanhuan, awesome."


Wu Liang saw the halo covering the blue lamp god's head, and couldn't help but shed tears of sympathy for it.

What a pity!

He was imprisoned by a wizard for thousands of years, and just after he escaped from birth, he was taken by a god with a "collection addiction".

One can imagine its fate, I am afraid it will soon be placed on the collection shelf of the Golden Prince.

Wu Liang's "prophecy" came true very quickly, after all, he had a strong crow's mouth.

Just when the blue-skinned lamp god was screaming, the golden prince seemed to have admired it enough, and glanced at it contemptuously.



The real pressure of the gods fell on the blue-skinned demon at this moment.

It is a high-level demon, whose combat power is far stronger than that of legendary professionals, but compared to lower gods, it is much weaker.What's more, it is a mysterious god like the Golden Prince who can trade with merchants from mysterious planes.

Howls and screams spit out from the mouth of the blue-skinned devil in an instant.

Its huge blue body began to distort at this moment, as if it might dissipate at any time.

It was at this moment that the Golden Prince patted the dilapidated oil lamp lightly.

He said lightly, "Don't get out yet!"


As a demon who believes that "the big fist is the truth", the blue lamp god completely lives up to the style of his race.

The aura of wanting to devour the Dark Night City disappeared in an instant, and with a low eyebrow, he obediently got back into the dilapidated oil lamp.

As soon as Priest Lantern disappeared, Dark Night City returned to calm, and the crowd dispersed one after another.

Obviously, everyone is used to it.

The residents here are not mortals. They are professionals from various planes. Although few have stepped into the legend, they all have a wide range of knowledge.

Not all of them are polymaths, but they usually have the title of traveler.

Seeing a god elsewhere might be big news, but in Night City, it's not uncommon.

In fact, some disasters would appear here every once in a while, and usually the ones who came out to resolve the disasters were either gods, demon gods, or sometimes some ancient powerful creatures.

Compared with those terrible disasters, the lamp god transformed by a mere high-ranking demon is just a child's play.

Seeing that there was no more excitement to watch, Wu Liang also planned to leave with Miss Dali.


Before leaving, Wu Liang had sharp eyes.

But seeing the area on the old oil lamp that was wiped clean, the few lines of demonic language seemed to have changed.

The original Diabolism: Aladdin's Lamp, All You Need.

Today's is: Aladdin's Lamp, exclusive to the Golden Prince.

"Damn, this is stamped? The force level is so low, no wonder it's just a lower god, and it's so proud, hehe."

That's right, this guy's childish disease is committed.

The lower god called "Golden Prince" was born extremely noble, and his net worth can be called the earth moat among the gods, referred to as Shenhao for short.

This naturally made Wu Liang, who had always aimed to become a godly hero, feel unhappy.

This unhappiness will immediately cause an accident.


Wu Liang and sister Dali, who were about to leave abruptly, suddenly came to this moment.

The two of them felt it together.

A gaze full of nobility, terror and coercion fell on the two of them.

"please wait!"

The three words of gentleness fell into the ears of the two of them, but it was extremely terrifying.

The two could hear clearly that this voice was the god who subdued a high-ranking demon with just a casual look.

His Royal Highness the Golden Prince!

(End of this chapter)

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