Chapter 585 The God Who Covets Baby Rose

In the night city, on the bustling main avenue, adventurers and travelers from all planes are coming and going.

But no one seemed to notice that a very "friendly" conversation was going on on the side of the avenue.


As soon as they were stopped by that voice, both Wu Liang and Sister Dali stopped at the same time.

The next god!

That is also a god!
Wu Liang and Sister Dali, one is the legendary Balrog Priest and the other is the Great Lord of the Balrog, they are well aware of the horror of a lower god.

If you are not careful, you will end up being wiped out.

Wu Liang had always had fun with the system, but in the face of this kind of indigenous god, he wisely chose to stand still, stop first, and see what this so-called "golden prince" wants to do?
The two stopped and turned around.

Then, he saw an incomparably noble figure walking slowly.

On the handsome face, there is a faint smile.

His interested eyes first fell on Miss Dali, and there was an undisguised understanding inside, as if he had seen the secret of Miss Dali at a glance, which was the ongoing trial of the Fire Demon King.

Not waiting for the two to show vigilance, the Golden Prince's gaze suddenly turned and finally landed on Wu Liang.

"His target is me?"

Wu Liang frowned slightly, obviously he didn't expect that the target of this lower god called the Golden Prince was actually him, a guy who should be a trick in the eyes of outsiders.

Both were sure of this, as it was evident from the almost undisguised gaze of the Golden Prince.

The Golden Prince has seen through the secret of the strong sister, but he has no "covet" in it. This may be his own thoughts, or it may be the reason of the will of the abyss.

However, his eyes fell on Wu Liang, but he actually showed interest.

Of course, not interested in Wu Liang itself.

It was an interest in something about Wu Liang.

That kind of gaze is similar to when he traded "Aladdin's Lamp" with the mysterious plane merchant before.

Sure enough, the next moment, the Golden Prince spoke.

"Balrog of the Abyss, are you willing to make a deal with me?"

"As a god with a very good reputation, I will reward you very generously."


As soon as the golden prince finished speaking, Wu Liang immediately received some information. Although it was vague, Wu Liang could clearly feel the reputation of the golden prince in many planes.Indeed, as he said, the reputation is excellent.

This should be the effect of "plane reputation". Only a god who has traveled through many planes and has a lot of legendary experience can let the will of the major planes spread his reputation for him.

If it was a different person, I would not be too happy to be able to make a deal with such a god.

Who doesn't know the many planes, the richest existence has always been a god.

In particular, the Golden Prince is still the Tuhao among the gods, referred to as Shenhao for short.

May I ask, who wouldn't want to be Shenhao's thigh pendant?
However, at such critical moments, Wu Liang's "morality" that has been lost for many years will return strangely.

After receiving the transaction request, Wu Liang did not rush to agree.

Instead, he frowned and asked neither humble nor overbearing: "Your Highness, what do you want?"


The Golden Prince didn't answer directly, but turned his eyes and landed directly on a scale on the back of Wu Liang's hand.

The scales happened to be Wu Liang's storage space for the Balrog.

All Balrogs will choose to refine a certain part of their body into such a space, which is used to place various treasures or food.

Of course Wu Liang is not an ordinary Balrog. As an avatar, he can still open his storage bar. Of course, the many treasures or other things he gets are reliable in the storage bar. At least there is no one who can hide it from the system. steal something.

Therefore, Wu Liang's scale should have been empty.

But now, there is really one thing.

After leaving the spider dungeon, there will be.

Wu Liang also wanted to put that thing in his storage, but he was rejected.

The scene at that time was like this.

"Ding, due to unknown reasons, the extraordinary pet [Little Rose] failed to be collected and cannot be placed in the storage slot."

This sound, three times in succession.

Wu Liang was helpless and confused, because this kind of situation had never happened before.

The storage bar of the system is not like some tasteless storage magic weapon, which can only place some dead objects, but cannot collect living objects.

It stands to reason that there should be no problem placing Baby Rose.

But an unknown reason blocked Wu Liang back.

But now, the "Golden Prince" who appeared out of nowhere seems to be eyeing this godly relic.

Wu Liang's brows furrowed even tighter.

"Because they belong to different camps, there are often wars and frictions between gods and demon gods, but they usually keep a cautious distance and will not intentionally invade the domains related to other gods."

"That spider egg, that is, baby Rose, is an orthodox descendant of the gods according to blood relationship. It is a mother-child relationship with Rose, the queen of the spider god. Although this little boy has a good background, he is definitely not the god of Rose. Then why did he provoke Rose?"


Thousands of thoughts flashed through Wu Liang's mind.

Although he is not a native of the abyss, this avatar has entered the legendary realm anyway, and Wu Liang is still clear about some related secrets.

At least he knew that according to common sense, some demon gods from the [Chaotic Evil] and [Lawful Evil] camps would covet the baby Rose on him.But a lower god like the Golden Prince who came from the [Lawful Neutral] camp would never snatch the bloodline of the Spider God Empress Rose.

During this time, something must have happened that he didn't know about?
When Wu Liang was thinking hard, the Golden Prince's patience seemed to be not very good.

Yes, he is a real god.A condescending person who made a deal with a small Balrog like Wu Liang was actually treated coldly. It was thanks to the lawful camp he was in that the Golden Prince didn't get angry.

Of course, if he knew that in the mind of the Balrog in front of him, he was the dignified golden prince who was called "little boy".

Maybe he will forget about the transaction in an instant, and let's kill this bold and rebellious Balrog first.

"Little Balrog of the abyss, you have to think carefully, this is a deal that will benefit you very much."

"Not only can I give you a generous reward, but I can also make your partner pass the mysterious test smoothly. What do you think?"



While speaking, the Golden Prince suddenly snapped his fingers.

Then, in front of Wu Liang, a void portal opened without warning, and through the rippling ripples, Wu Liang saw the scene behind the portal.

Almost for a moment, Wu Liang's saliva came down.

The kind of stream that flies straight down three thousand feet!
(End of this chapter)

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