The most powerful system in history

Chapter 69 Domineering Declaration

Chapter 69 Domineering Declaration
As soon as the strange elixir entered the stomach, it turned into a ball of warm current, flowing all over Su Mu's limbs and bones in an instant, and the injuries that were enough to kill her, a soul-shattering cultivator, began to recover quickly.

With just one breath, Su Mu got rid of the serious injury, it was like a miracle.


Although Sanwu Damei's complexion did not change, a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes. With her status as a saintess of the fifth-rank sect, she immediately judged how precious the spirit pill she had just entered was.Even for the Qinglian Sect in its heyday, it was not easy to come up with such a panacea.

But such a panacea was easily taken by the delicate young man in front of her.It would be fine if Wu Liang's cultivation was strong, but Wu Liang's cultivation at the Body Tempering Realm couldn't be hidden from Su Mu, who was a whole realm higher than him, which made the three beauties even more puzzled.

How could such a monk have such a panacea, and how could he use it to save her so easily?

It doesn't make sense to covet the inheritance of the Qinglian Sect.

It should be noted that Su Mu had already agreed to pass it on to Wu Liang, as long as Wu Liang agreed to a small request.

Now that Su Mu has taken the elixir, his cultivation will soon recover. If Su Mu repents, he can kill Wu Liang, a weak monk, at will.In this way, wouldn't it be a waste of time for Wu Liang to fetch water from a bamboo basket, and he would also have to pay for his own life.

Could it be that this is a fool?

If Wu Liang at this time knew the messy thoughts in the mind of the three beauties in front of him, he might be annoyed and take back Tai Sudan who was eaten by her.



Half an hour later, Su Mu, who couldn't help but sit cross-legged on the ground to heal his wounds, suddenly woke up, and a long breath full of bloody smell was spewed out from between her chest and abdomen.

As soon as he woke up, Su Mu sensed the current situation in his body.

Not only have all the extremely serious injuries gone, but his true energy is full and majestic, and what is even more surprising is that he seems to have improved a bit.Not long ago, Su Mu was facing the situation of falling, and now not only was he out of danger, but the serious injuries that had been on his body since that night also disappeared.

It was a huge surprise, even if Su Mu's temper was too cold, a smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Soon, Su Mu also remembered how all this happened.

A delicate face instantly appeared in her mind.

As soon as she looked up, Su Damei saw Wu Liang who was pacing back and forth not far away, still muttering.

At this time, Su Mu had recovered his cultivation, and he could hear Wu Liang's muttering in a low voice without getting close.

"It's a big loss, this time it's a big loss."

"What kind of hero do you want to be, this time it's miserable, and all the good things in your body are folded in."

"Next time, don't try to be brave again, beauty is misleading people."



As soon as the laughter came out, Su Mu murmured inwardly that he was not good, and quickly turned cold, and returned to the appearance of San Wumei, but the smile in his eyes could not be concealed.Hearing her laughter, Wu Liang's resentful woman's face immediately retracted, and she walked over slowly.

"All right?"

"All right!"

If someone else had changed, Su Mu's cold temperament could easily kill the conversation, but it was a pity that she met Wu Liang.It was obviously the first time I met Su Dameiren, and I didn't know what a stranger was. He walked over and sat cross-legged beside her, and said directly, "What are your plans for the future?"



"You want to stop me?"


As soon as Wu Liang said those words, he immediately realized what it means to be icy and snowy.

An incomparably terrifying aura surged out from the body of the beautiful woman next to him, covering this deep valley in an instant, all living beings were forcibly suppressed, and Wu Liang, who was the key caregiver, felt as if he had been stripped naked. took off the clothes and threw them into a world of ice and snow.

Shivering, cold to the bone.

But even so, Wu Liang didn't show any sign of surrender on his face. Instead, he sneered slowly, and then spoke out with great firmness.

"Hmph, I heard that your enemies have at least three fifth-rank sects, and none of them are weaker than your Qinglian Sect's heyday. What is the difference between looking for them and looking for death with your current cultivation base?"

"If I knew that you, a stupid woman, wanted to die so much, I shouldn't have tried to save you. I should have let that dead bald head kill you directly, and I wasted so many good things..."



At some point, that terrifying aura disappeared without a trace.

If it wasn't for the fact that Su Damei, whose face was still extremely cold, was still alive, Wu Liang would have thought it was an illusion.

Now, he was lying on the ground panting like a dead dog, while squinting at the three beauties beside him.

Su Mu, as the Holy Maiden of Qinglian, is of course not an idiot, and naturally knows the horror of the three fifth-rank sects in Zhenwu County.In fact, there are five fifth-rank sects in Zhenwu County. Originally, the Qinglian Sect was ranked first. Unfortunately, the second, third, and fourth united to destroy the Qinglian Sect one night. The fifth sect chose to stand by. .

And in the Shenyuan Continent, who doesn't know that in order to become a fifth-rank sect, there must be a strong person in the sect who is at least the first level of the God Transformation Realm.

Su Mu is now in the third level of the Soul Transformation Realm, but there are still two full realms between him and the God Transformation Realm. This gap is enough to make almost all monks despair.I don't know how many monks can't cross the natural moat of a big realm in their lifetime, let alone two.

On top of the shedding soul is the condensed image, and then the transformation of the god.Perhaps Su Mu, who has mastered the inheritance of Qinglian, has been cultivating extremely hard for more than ten years, and can enter the realm of transforming gods, but after that, the opponent she has to face is still so powerful, no matter how strong she is alone, she may not be able to destroy it. A fifth grade sect.

Thinking of this, Su Mu's beautiful eyes were about to show determination again.

But at this moment, Wu Liang's voice came.

"I have a way!"

Hearing Wu Liang's voice suddenly, Su Mu slowly turned his head, staring at Wu Liang with a pair of emotionless eyes.

"I said, I have a way."

It was clear that the beauty in front of him was asking a question, and Wu Liang immediately gave an affirmative answer.

"If you want revenge, you have to choose not to practice desperately or burn everything, but... me."


For the first time, Su Dameiren's tone fluctuated a little.

Then, she heard the most overbearing and shameless "declaration" since she was born, from Wu Liang.

I saw this man raised his finger and pointed to his face.

Then slowly said: "Do you believe it or not, I can raise my sect from the second rank to at least the sixth rank within ten years, and your revenge will definitely be avenged by then."


If he was a normal person, he should have yelled at Wu Liang at this time.

It is common sense in Shenyuan Continent that it takes at least ten years for a sect to upgrade to a rank. If it is to be promoted from the second rank to the sixth rank, it will take a full four ranks, which requires at least the efforts of several generations of monks. To be successful, you need the cooperation of chance and timing.

But now, Wu Liang is brazenly declaring that he can do it by himself in ten years, which is really shameless.

But the strange thing is that Su Mu who heard these words didn't curse, but nodded in a strange way.

"Okay, I promise you."

Hearing this response suddenly, Wu Liang was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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