The most powerful system in history

Chapter 70 Nine Tripod Sect's No. 9 Protector

Chapter 70 The First Guardian of the Nine Cauldrons

"Wait? Promise me what?"

Hearing Su Mu's response suddenly, Wu Liang was in a daze when he heard the voice he had been waiting for for a long time in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have completed the temporary mission [Heroes to Save the Beauty], rewards will be issued soon, the rewards are being calculated... the calculation is complete!"

"Conquest card 1."

"Transfiguration Card 1."

"Plunder Card 1."

"10000 points."

"What? Is this considered to be the completion of the task?"

Ever since rescuing Su Mu, Wu Liang has been wondering why the reminder to complete the mission did not come.Even Wu Liang gave away Taisu Dan. You must know that Wu Liang was in a state of poverty at that time, and his point account had long been empty. In order to redeem Taisu Dan, Wu Liang even handed over some of the treasures at the bottom of the box to the system. Got all the points.

But what almost broke Wu Liang was that even after Su Mu took Tai Su Dan and recovered quickly, Wu Liang still didn't hear the prompt.

That's why, when Su Mu woke up, he would see the nagging Wu Liang.

However, just when Wu Liang was about to give up, this reminder came.

And what's weird is that it came just after Su Mu inexplicably agreed to you.

However, the doubt in Wu Liang's heart didn't last long, because immediately after, a new voice sounded in Wu Liang's mind again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the side mission [Rush to the crown and become a beauty] is triggered. The content of the task is: the three beauties Qinglian Saintess is determined to join the Jiudingzong where the host is, and the host has promised to avenge her for the beauty. Wipe out all the three major fifth-rank sects in Zhenwu County within ten years."

"Task Level: [Difficult]"

"Task Reward: Since this task is a long-term branch task, the specific reward content will be determined according to the completion degree of the host. The higher the completion degree, the higher the reward."

"Mission punishment: A guy who breaks his trust in a beauty is naturally not eligible to have a beauty, and all the beauties around the host will be wiped out."

Another task was triggered by himself, and Wu Liang was attracted by one sentence before he could complain.

"You want to join the Nine Cauldrons?"

At this moment, Wu Liang seemed to be hit by a big pie from the sky, and asked Su Mu in surprise, only then did he understand the meaning of what she just said.

A beautiful woman in the soul-shattering state was actually infected by her domineering declaration and was willing to follow her.

At this moment, Wu Liang's mind was filled with narcissistic thoughts.

Especially when Su Mu nodded slightly, Wu Liang was even more pleasantly surprised.

This is a huge surprise!
Wu Liang was worrying about how to build a second-rank sect. It was nothing more than strengthening his strength. He didn't expect to send a monk who had lost his soul to the third level. If he joined the Jiudingzong from Su Mu according to the rules of the Shenyuan Continent From a moment on, the Nine Cauldron Sect is a third-rank sect.

"Doesn't this mean that my fourth ring mission has been completed?"

As soon as the idea in Wu Liang's mind was born, it was immediately extinguished by the system's ruthless bucket of cold water.

"The host has misunderstood. The main body of the fourth ring task is not the rank of the sect, but the growth of the sect. If the host's sect is still the second rank after six months, it will get an evaluation of E and face the end of obliteration." .”

"This reminder is not free, and the host points will be deducted [-] points forcibly."

When Wu Liang heard the last sentence, his complexion suddenly became extremely exciting, first he was disappointed, then he was helpless, and finally he was angry.

"Your sister, the [-] points I just got are gone."

Although Wu Liang felt sad and indignant in his heart at this time, and felt very sorry for the [-] points he just got, but after reading the reminder, Wu Liang couldn't help but feel a sense of joy.Before this, Wu Liang had always thought that the fourth ring task was to make Wu Liang build a perfect second-rank sect as his goal, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

If Wu Liang really did just that after six months, he might end up being obliterated.

Sure enough, after Wu Liang read the content of the fourth ring task again, he had a clear understanding in his heart.

Strengthen the sect!

These four words are the key. To what extent Wu Liang can bring the Nine Cauldron School within six months is the key to the system evaluation.

Now, a new cultivator who has joined the soul-shattering state clearly cannot let Wu Liang enter the safe area.

Second grade sect, only E grade evaluation.

After having Su Mu, it can barely be regarded as a third-rank sect. It may have a C-level or B-level sect, but it is still far away from the safe A-level.

"Almost got scammed again, the value of this [-] points."

From the bottom of Wu Liang's heart, he gritted his teeth and spit out these words.

"It seems that the plan made before has to be changed."

After the grief and anger, Wu Liang immediately began to think about a new plan in his mind.

But before that, he had to deal with other things first. After pondering for a while, Wu Liang's eyes fell on Su Mu again.

"Let's go, let's go back to the sect!"


After the hustle and bustle during the day, an astonishing news spread in the area of ​​Daluo County... The Qinglian saint who was exiled by her family really appeared in the Tiandi Mountain Range, and was intercepted by the King Kong Sect Master. Unfortunately, the fight reached a critical moment However, Saintess Qinglian was rescued by a mysterious man.

In just a few hours, the news spread to Zhenwu County again.

At this time, all the sect masters who had seen the excitement left King Kong Peak and returned to their own sects.

Although Zhao Mang, the vajra suzerain, was extremely furious about what happened during the day, and he also had the idea of ​​venting his anger on these suzerains, but after the sect's chief deacon persuaded him, Zhao Mang resisted the urge and sent all The suzerain put it back.

It's a pity that Zhao Mang, the bald suzerain, didn't know that he had missed a good opportunity. If he could find something wrong with the doppelgänger puppet, he would naturally be able to dig Wu Liang out.If this opportunity is missed, Zhao Mang is doomed not to receive the inheritance of Qinglian Sect.

Because at this time, Su Mu had secretly followed Wu Liang back to Jiuding Peak.

That night, Wu Liang gave Su Mu two magical cards.

[Transfiguration Card (Bronze Level): I believe that the host from a certain time and space understands the function of this card very well. 】

[Aura Card (Black Iron Level): This is a magical card that can lower your cultivation level. It is useless for monks above the Condensation Realm. For monks at the Soul Shading Realm, you can lower it by one level. For monks at the Body Tempering Realm, you can set it freely . 】

When the two cards were used up, Su Mu, the Qinglian Saintess, disappeared.

Instead, there was a beautiful middle-aged Taoist nun.


Not long after, many monks who paid close attention to the Nine Cauldron Sect discovered that there was another person on the Nine Cauldron Peak. She was a middle-aged Taoist nun whose cultivation level seemed to be stronger than that of Wu Liang, the suzerain. Wu Liang was appointed as the first protector of Jiudingzong.

In normal times, this news might spread for a day or two, but at this time, no one pays attention to such small news. The whole Daluo County is still immersed in the shock of Qinglian's disappearance. With the brewing of this time, Daluo County not only did not calm down, but became more noisy and lively, with faint signs of turmoil.

(End of this chapter)

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