The most powerful system in history

Chapter 71 Nightmare Level Temporary Mission

Chapter 71 Nightmare Level Temporary Mission

In Zhenwu County, the most widely spread news recently is that the Qinglian Saintess, who is responsible for the entire inheritance of the Qinglian Sect, disappeared in a Daluo County area in the Tiandi Mountain Range. Ghostly monks came from all directions.

However, for some reason, the three major fifth-rank sects who were the "culprits" who destroyed the Qinglian Sect, instead of sending the strongest monks, instead restrained each other, so that none of the monks who gradually poured into Daluo County surpassed the soul-shattering pinnacle state.Even so, for the local monks in Daluo County, it will usher in a period of disaster-like times.

The most aggrieved one was naturally Da Luo County's overlord Vajra Sect Master Zhao Mang. In just a few days, he changed from a first monk to an ordinary person.

Just when Daluo County fell into such a situation, the Jiuding Peak, which towered alone at the beginning of the Tiandi Mountain Range, was exceptionally quiet.Linglong and the three daughters cherished this peaceful life very much, practiced diligently, and happily took care of everything on Jiuding Peak.

Su Mu Yi Rongcheng's middle-aged Taoist nun was not rejected by the three women at all, even Linglong who escaped felt sorry for her, let alone the gentle sister Pu, but she got along best with Lu Xue who had a similar temperament.

In this way, Wu Liang is the only one who is in the worst condition on Jiuding Peak.

"Too poor!"

In the quiet room, Wu Liang's lament came.

That's right, upon returning to the Zongmen, Wu Liang discovered a serious problem. He is indeed too poor now.

There are not many spirit stones left in the head.

What's even worse is his points account, which is astonishingly zero.

In the battle with Heijinmen, the two vitality cannons directly consumed Wu Liang's 20 low-grade spirit stones. Changing to another sect was enough to bankrupt a second-rank sect.

Later, in order to save Su Mu, Wu Haoliang didn't want to have a little extra points, so he cleared them directly.

How can it be a tragic word!
However, Wu Liang, who was a student, still had several missions on his back. Although they were all missions with a long time limit, for monks, time was the least valuable, and a retreat would be fleeting.

The so-called clever woman can't cook without rice, Wu Liang's most important task is to strengthen the strength of the sect, but if he doesn't have points, even if Wu Liang has a grand plan, it will be difficult to implement.Especially at this time, Wu Liang could clearly feel the chaotic atmosphere in Daluo County. A feeling of impending storm gave Wu Liang a sense of urgency, the urgency to improve his strength quickly.

Even without the fourth ring mission, Wu Liang would do everything possible to improve the strength of the Nine Cauldrons.

"Improve yourself first?"

"Or the defensive ban?"

"Or make money?"


Thoughts emerged from Wu Liang's mind one after another, and were finally arranged neatly by Wu Liang.

Making money is the highest priority.

To be correct, it is to earn points.

Because Wu Liang discovered that some of his follow-up plans would probably require a lot of points.Spirit stones and the like, Linglong's refining technique and Pu's sister Pu's alchemy and spirit cooking techniques can all be provided continuously.

With this in mind, Wu Liang didn't hesitate any longer, and directly opened an interface in his mind.

Task board!
In an instant, a series of mission information appeared in front of Wu Liang.

With the improvement of Wu Liang's level of cultivation, the limit on the number of tasks on the task board has been lifted again and again. Now when Wu Liang looks at it again, at least hundreds of tasks are listed, and the difficulty is naturally the most easy [daily]. Then follow the tasks of [Normal] and [Easy]. As for the [Difficult] tasks that Wu Liang most wanted to see, he didn't see any of them.

After a while, Wu Liang read all the mission information, and a look of disappointment appeared in his eyes.

Almost every task has a point reward, but none of the figures satisfied Wu Liang.

Wu Liang made a random calculation in his heart. Instead of completing these tasks with great effort, it would be better to enter the core area of ​​the Tiandi Mountain Range again and hunt those high-level beasts to gain points faster. At least at the same time, Wu Liang could gain a lot of experience. upgrade.

"Isn't there a task that allows me to quickly earn a lot of points without taking time?"

In Wu Liang's mind, this idea was extremely greedy.

It's no wonder Wu Liang thinks so. Since rescuing Su Mu, Wu Hao seems to have jumped from the level of the second-rank sect to a bigger world. The monks of Zhenwu County, the Qinglian Sect, the soul-shattering, the transformation of the gods... When these elements piled up together, it was enough to put Wu Liang, a "soil turtle" in the quenching state, under tremendous pressure.

Even though Wu Liang had performed miracles many times, Wu Liang knew very well that any one of these elements would be enough to overwhelm Wu Liang.

Wu Liang is still a local turtle now, and seeing a wider world also means that Wu Liang is weaker and more vulnerable than him, unless Wu Liang has...

"Strength, only strong power can allow me to protect them and protect everything I have obtained now."

A strong obsession rose up in Wu Liang's heart.

It's a pity that Wu Liang still couldn't find a task that met the requirements, even if his obsessions belonged to his obsessions.

Just when Wu Liang couldn't help but feel disappointed, suddenly at this moment, a reminder sounded without warning.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for first realizing [Heart of the Strong], and detected that the host has a mid-level authority to kill illusions, triggering a temporary task [True Killing], task content: consume an intermediate level authority, the host can be transported to another world to carry out The killing trial, this trial is inconsistent with the real time flow, and the default is constant."

"Mission Level: [Nightmare]."

"Task reward: Once the trial is passed, the host can leave the coordinates of the plane in the other world, and can enter and exit at will in the future. All income from the plane will belong to the host after deducting the travel fee."

"Mission punishment: Once it fails, the host's strong heart will be broken, and the system will permanently deduct the chance to own the killing authority."

[Remarks: The host of this mission has the right to choose, and the killing authority is related to the achievements of the host's life. Please choose carefully whether to accept it. 】

When all the voices fell, there were only two big characters flashing in Wu Liang's mind.


Two words, one light and one dark, just wait for Wu Liang to read it.

At this time, Wu Liang was in shock.

He never expected that such a temporary mission would be triggered by an obsession. Let alone the mission content that shocked Wu Liang, the mission level alone was enough to shock Wu Liang.

A temporary mission turned out to be at the [Nightmare] level.

It should be noted that until now, apart from the only epic-level task [Revitalize the Nine Cauldrons] that Wu Liang has accepted, the only system task that Wu Liang has accepted is the mysterious [Unseal Shanheding] task. compared.

Both are equally difficult, and both are nightmares.

But there is also a difference, that is, unsealing Shanhe Ding is a mandatory task, but this temporary task in front of him gave Wu Liang the right to choose for the first time.

But those three words not only did not make Wu Liang happy, but made Wu Liang's face a rare dignified expression.

After such a long time, Wu Liang has a clear idea of ​​what kind of huge pit the system is.

The system will not be so cute!
Having the right to choose means that this task may be a real giant pit.

But Wu Liang just thought about it for a while, and then he realized something.

Whether he has the right to choose or not is the same, because Wu Liang will definitely choose to accept it in the end.It wasn't because of the reward of this [Nightmare] level task, but the so-called "Heart of the Strong". For some reason, Wu Liang seemed to realize something in his heart, and a touch of determination emerged.


When Wu Liang made this choice in his mind, the quiet room where Wu Liang was located suddenly shone brightly, and a portal like a black hole suddenly appeared, directly swallowing Wu Liang's body.


As soon as Wu Liang disappeared, an extremely mysterious aura descended on this quiet room, and everything froze accordingly, including space and time.

(End of this chapter)

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