Chapter 703 Yin loses his deer and I want to take it
On the top of the sea of ​​clouds, Wu Liang was lazily lying on the bluestone, but his eyes were staring at the far away world.

The scenery of the legendary six states caught his eyes at a glance.

Since he destroyed Di Shitian's conspiracy, the entire six states have fallen into complete chaos.

Di Shitian and the other five were naturally unwilling to fail and tried to make a final struggle.

After all, the five of them are all elders from the Holy Heaven Sect in the Two States of Qiankun, and their skills and magical powers, as well as their combat experience, are far superior to those of the natives of the six states, the Wuji Sword Master and the Old Man Tiandi. Advantage.

Now that the plan of decoy has failed, try another.

Beat the master of the six states to the ground, and then throw them all into the magic pot, refining them into pus and blood.

Anyway, now, they have got Yin Zhetian, the lord of Shangzhou, and there are only five people left. If you round it up, there are not many left. Thinking about this plan, it seems that the success rate is very high.

Unfortunately, Di Shitian was still too naive.

As soon as their plot was shattered, the five Wuji Sword Masters each notified the backstage supporters.

In the same two states of Qiankun, the backers behind Juggernaut and others are naturally unwilling to let their opponents be promoted to the realm of Jiuchongtian perfection. As soon as they got the news, they began to sabotage the promotion plan of Sect Master Shengtian, and at the same time sent people to support Wuji Juggernaut Several people.

Before the support came, although the Wuji Juggernauts were pressed and beaten, they persisted desperately.

So now, what caught Wu Liang's eyes was scenes of disordered Qi mechanism, like a pot of chaotic porridge.

"Not bad, not in vain. It's not in vain for my head to save those five guys from the sea of ​​suffering. It's still very powerful, and I'm very trustworthy."

After watching for a long time, Wu Liang felt that the flames of war could not reach his Nine Cauldrons, so he showed a smile of "I am very satisfied".

If the five Wuji Sword Masters were here, upon hearing this, they would immediately pull out their swords as big as door panels, and chase this extremely shameless thing for three thousand miles before giving up.

Hard work?

Save the bitter sea?

Can you show some face, you've worked so hard, isn't it just drag racing?

Moreover, after collecting so many treasures from us, they were kicked out of the car mercilessly when they arrived at the ground, without even a little gentle treatment. For this kind of service, you still want five-star praise. You can dream, there are only bad reviews, or the ones with pictures.

Speaking of which, Wu Liang has indeed made a lot of money with Shengmen and his party.

Blackmailed five triple heavenly experts one after another. With Wu Liang's treacherous and treacherous temperament, the inventories of the five people were almost emptied.But for the sake of their own lives and the lives of a bunch of Tianjiao disciples, the five had no choice but to obey even if they didn't want to.

From a sensible point of view, Wu Liang, as a "junior", should not offend the five powerful seniors to death.

Once you commit evil, you will inevitably be retaliated in the future.

But it was at this time, Wu Liang was sure that even if the five escaped, he would never have time to trouble him.

As for when the five of them have passed the real crisis and are free...

"Hmph, I'm not easy to mess with, the head is not easy to mess with. Why should I ask the head to return something that was blackmailed by my ability?"

"Besides, after this battle, even if those five guys want to make trouble, I'm afraid they won't be able to do anything to the head."


When uttering these words, Wu Liang's eyes suddenly fell on the central area of ​​the legendary six states.

Where is Shangzhou.

Wu Liang released the Tianzi Wangqi technique, and the scene he saw at this time was completely different from the luck of Shangzhou that he had seen before.

In the sky of Shangzhou, in the dark, a vast golden ocean of luck is already empty. A real dragon of luck that should have existed at this moment disappeared without a trace. The disappearance of the master made the whole film Wang Yang began to dissipate.

If this continues, this vast ocean will gradually return to various parts of Shangzhou, and it will not gather again until decades, even hundreds of years, or even longer, after a new master is determined.

Of course, if Di Shitian's plan comes to fruition, all these will be swallowed up by the pot of six desire demons.

Together with luck, although it is invisible and intangible, it is equally terrifying.

But if this scene fell into Wu Liang's eyes, it was destined that the above situation would not happen.

In the magic pot of six desires, Wu Liang risked being chased by Di Shitian crazily, and even offended a superpower, and rescued the Wuji Sword Master and others. One of the most important reasons was for this moment. scene.

When Wu Liang looked at Shang Zhou, something called ambition appeared in his eyes for the first time.

A plan that seemed to have been brewing for a long time suddenly emerged at this moment.


Wu Liang turned his head slightly, and glanced at the two Immemorial Divine Cauldrons that were emitting brilliance under the Nine Cauldron Peak.

Without hesitation, Wu Liang said, "It's time."

Almost at this moment, when Wu Liang uttered this sentence, the entire Jiudingzong, the Great Qin Dynasty, and even the four ancient prefectures of Qingchi Kunpeng, all had a huge commotion.


"bang bang bang"

The earth and the sky began to tremble.

Sounds that seemed to go straight to the soul sounded in the minds of everyone in the Great Qin Dynasty at this moment.


It's roaring!
For a moment, everyone raised their heads.

"Yin lost its deer, I want to take it!"

"You guys, are you willing to drive me to compete in the Central Plains?"

When Wu Liang's faint but extremely firm voice reached their hearts, the fighting spirit exploded completely.

In the Great Qin Army Camp, General Bai Qi, who was training the army, suddenly heard the sound, raised his head immediately, but suddenly saluted in the direction of Jiuding Peak, and then a roar full of chilling breath resounded: "My wish! "

Bai Qi opened his mouth, as if it was a signal.

Promising a Great Qin Dynasty, Qi Qi broke out.

"I wish!"

"I wish!"

"I wish!"

"I wish!"




It's moved, the Great Qin Dynasty, which has been dormant in the abyss for a long time, has completely moved.

The fighting spirit spread all over the four states.

The murderous spirit soared into the sky.

After receiving the order, the Great Qin Dynasty is now like an extremely large, but extremely sophisticated war machine. Before it is awakened, it is peaceful and vast, and people can't help but immerse themselves in it. wake.

This dynasty, which has only been established for a few years, has revealed an extremely terrifying and fierce side.

Under the leadership of Bai Qi and the support of the entire Great Qin Dynasty, the army of millions of high-ranking puppets ruthlessly penetrated into the core area of ​​the land of Shangzhou almost overnight like a deadly sharp knife.

It's really just one night!

Half of the land of Shangzhou has fallen into the hands of the Great Qin Dynasty.

And the native forces on this land didn't even have the slightest reaction, didn't even have the slightest decent resistance, just like a stream under the impact of a flood tide, which couldn't even stir up a little wave.

The monks in Shangzhou, after waking up from their sleep, suddenly found that the whole Shangzhou had changed.They still don't know that Yin Zhetian, a stupid old man, has been taken by Di Shitian to fill the magic pot.They only knew that after waking up overnight, half of Shangzhou had changed hands.

The most frightening thing is that it is not the invaders from other legendary five states who did all this.

Instead, they come from the forces of the four states of Qingchi Kunpeng, which have always been considered "bitter cold and barren land" under the six states.

The "hillies" they have influenced for many years now showed an extremely terrifying side, with an overwhelming momentum, they captured half of Shangzhou in this way, and look at the fierce fighting spirit emanating from those millions of puppets.

Half the site is not enough.

What the sudden rise of the Great Qin Dynasty wanted was the entire Shangzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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