Chapter 704 I am your noble person

In a war, if the two sides are equal in strength, the comparison is strategy, luck, or the right time and place.

If it was the former Yin Dynasty, it would naturally be able to compete with the Great Qin Empire.

It's a pity that Yin Zhetian, the holy emperor, was smashed by Di Shitian's small fist, and the entire Yin Dynasty was hollowed out by Daji, a vixen. , other than being destroyed, there is no second ending at all.

The Yin Dynasty couldn't even last a little longer, and fell extremely fast.

On the first night, half of the territory was lost.

On the second day, another two-thirds was lost.

On the third day, Nuo Da had a Shangzhou, and the Yin Dynasty almost lost it. There was only one territory left, and that was Xuandu, the ancestral imperial capital of the Yin Dynasty.

After the Three-Day War, the army of the Great Qin Empire hardly encountered any decent resistance.

The monks in Shangzhou, after discovering the invasion of the Great Qin Empire, were stunned at first, but soon, they showed the attitude of "welcoming the king's master into the city", and had no intention of helping the Yin Dynasty to resist at all. .

Even, a large number of leading parties have been produced.

From this point, we can see how unpopular the Yin Dynasty is today.

Without the help of the masses, Yin Dynasty's own foundation and strength were also corroded by the succubus from outside the territory.

Naturally, this battle was fought with ease, and even the system sent a congratulatory message.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the eighth ring mutation mission [Chasing the Central Plains], the completion progress is 90.00%!"

"The host, please make persistent efforts and ascend the throne as soon as possible. Ah, this system almost forgot that there is a queen in your family, so the host should feel at ease as the man behind the queen."


Wu Liang, who has long been immune to the system's daily ridicule, sent out the word haha ​​to suppress the universe.

Just kidding, this can't be blacked out at all.

Although everyone knows that the Great Qin Empire has a domineering and extremely cold Queen.

However, it can be seen from the scene where the war was launched three days ago.

There is only one real master of the Nine Cauldrons and the Great Qin Empire, and that is... Wu Liang.

No matter how unreliable and cheating this product is.

But at the critical moment, as soon as Wu Liang uttered his words, Dafa immediately followed him.

What's more, he is the only man in this world who can arrest Her Majesty the Queen and spank her ass at any time.

Hey, thinking of this, Wu Liang suddenly had a bold idea.

Who said that in the world of monks, you can't play uniform temptation?
Playing here is more exciting than the original time and space, it is very exciting just thinking about it.

"Hey, if you think about it this way, isn't there a very exciting one in front of you?"

"Daji, that vixen, is both a widow and a holy queen. This identity is simply too..."

Wu Liang muttered these things, but there was no trace of obscenity in his eyes.

Just staring at his task interface, it has reached the final progress bar, and only the last part is left, which is stagnant.

Obviously, let the system determine that the task is complete.

The last hurdle is the Xuandu in front of you.

After knocking down this vast and luxurious capital city, Wu Liang's eighth ring mutation mission was completely completed.

"Go ahead!"

Standing in the void, Wu Liang waved his hand almost without any hesitation.

The puppet army that had been prepared for a long time, immediately under the command of Bai Qi, came out in full force, and a torrent of steel surged towards the luxurious capital. In the roar, it burst like a huge soap bubble in an instant.

This scene disappointed the monks in Shangzhou who were looking forward to a big battle. Everyone thought to themselves: Is the Yin Dynasty so weak?
In the face of a new eighth-rank force, there is not even a little bit of resistance.

This is completely different from the image of the overlord in the past thousands of years.

But at this moment, Wu Liang looked at the broken forbidden law, but seemed to realize something, and immediately narrowed his eyes slightly.


With a thought, Wu Liang's figure disappeared in place in the flash of brilliance.


In the depths of Xuandu, in the Zhetianxian Palace, which has shown signs of dilapidation, a tall building appeared through the large forest of wine ponds and meat.

Reaching for the Star Tower!
This is a high-rise building that witnessed Daji, an extraterrestrial succubi, corrupting the entire Yin Dynasty. It was cast by countless rare and precious spiritual materials, shrouded by forbidden laws, and integrated into one. It is a rare treasure at all, especially this building The forbidden law shrouded within.

Impressively, it is the ban of immortals and demons... 33 days of ban on the secret world of Xinghai.

It can be said that Nuo Da's heritage of the Yin Dynasty was finally condensed in this building.

And to open this treasure building, only two people in the entire Shangzhou can do it.

After the unlucky Yin Zhetian was hammered to death by Di Shitian, naturally only the demon queen Daji was left.

Many people have had the idea of ​​the Star Picking Tower, and all of them ended up dead without exception. The monks in Shangzhou guessed that the Star Picking Tower would eventually benefit the head of the Nine Cauldrons Sect.

But at this time, the treasure building suddenly "buzzed", and amidst the surge of precious light, the entire building of picking stars shrank dramatically, and finally turned into an extremely exquisite thing that was only the size of a palm, with a "huh" It fell into a white, beautiful palm.

The owner of the palm is a woman wearing a court lady's clothes and a black veil.

Although the clothes are very ordinary, the aura revealed by this woman's occasional glances is simply incomparably frightening, and the rolling eyes seem to be the most beautiful scenery in the world, and no one can avoid being immersed in it.

The woman looked at the small building in the palm of her hand, a smile immediately appeared on the corner of her mouth under the veil, and then she put the building in her arms very preciously, her graceful body twisted, and the fragrance burst into the sky. There were ripples.

This seems to be a magical and weird way of escape, which can make the woman completely leave the boundary of Shangzhou in the next moment.

Seeing that she was about to escape successfully, and thinking about the bright future and the huge gains of this trip, the woman couldn't help showing a little complacency.

Under the veil, a voice that charmed the common people came.

"Hehehe... I didn't expect that I won in the end. I was still having a headache how to clean up the mess, but I didn't expect that two noble people helped me one after another. They not only took Yin Zhetian's life, but also gave me a chance to escape. It's just perfect."

"With this building for picking stars, I will have the foundation of enlightenment, and finally I can truly cultivate in this beautiful world, without having to suffer from the evil wind from outside the territory."

After saying these two sentences, the woman will twist her graceful figure and run away completely.

But at the moment when the last word fell, a voice that made her feel familiar sounded here very abruptly.

"Since you, the succubus, call me a nobleman, why do you want to sneak away without seeing the nobleman? It's very impolite, so you should stay."


"not good!"

When Wu Liang's voice sounded, the woman immediately exclaimed that something was wrong.

Sure enough, the next moment her graceful body turned around, but the ripples in the void disappeared without a trace, and she did not escape into the void and leave this world as she wished.

Under the pitch-black veil, that suffocatingly beautiful face suddenly changed color.

(End of this chapter)

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