Chapter 705 I am a survivor

As a race specializing in charm, the extraterritorial succubi, among other things, is extremely tyrannical in terms of spiritual cultivation.

Therefore, once she has heard and seen any sound or image of a living being, it is difficult to forget it.

Wu Liang's voice was just like that.

Almost instantly, Daji recognized who the voice was.

It's just that the answer that came out of her mouth the next moment was....

"Song Da Jackal!"

Gritting her teeth, Daji said.


These three characters almost made Wu Liang, who had just appeared from the void, rush to the street. After a while, this guy remembered the origin of the name.

Didn't he just borrowed the name of Song Dayu from someone else, and managed to sneak into Xuandu.He killed someone, borrowed his name, and quickly forgot about it when he turned his head.I have to say that Wu Liang is simply too much.

But soon, Daji himself also reacted.

Looking at Wu Liang who came out of the void with a very high force in a green shirt, and recalling the words Wu Liang said before he showed up, Daji immediately understood.

"Your Majesty?"

"No, no, you are not Song Dajie, you are... Wu Liang of the Nine Cauldrons."

As soon as she realized Wu Liang's identity, a switch seemed to be turned on in Daji's mind.


After a bang, a series of incredible messages emerged directly.

Rao Daji, as a ruthless succubus specialized in charm, was also very frightened at this time.

Because she suddenly remembered her own origin.

She once thought that she was an extraterrestrial succubus who accidentally wandered in the Yin Dynasty, took over Daji's body, borrowed it to charm Yin Zhetian, and waited for an opportunity to corrupt this profound dynasty and complete her own path.

However, she was wrong.

Her appearance was artificial at all, and there was a "black hand behind the scenes" who had been manipulating all of this.

But now, the black hand behind the scenes appeared.

"It's you!"

Daji pulled off her veil, pointed at Wu Liang and shouted with trembling lips.

That angry look, the broken appearance of the three views, if an uninformed person sees it, I'm afraid they will immediately think that Wu Liang, a beast, has done something shameful and exciting to this beautiful and unparalleled girl. Xia wants to slay demons and eliminate demons.

Even Wu Liang himself was almost fooled by Daji.

"Hey, this style of painting is not right."

"This head is the culprit of all this, yes, this head admits it, but what is the accusation of the mastermind behind the scenes?"

"It's obviously caused by the little ghost's carelessness. I, Wu Liang, just provided a little help."

"Well, it's a big help."

"Uh, Daji was indeed brought by me."

"Well, it seems that Yin Chao is... Forget it, I did it, how about it? Is the head of the sect powerful or not, fierce or not?"

Daji looked at Wu Liang who shamelessly admitted, and immediately recalled the scene of being cheated in her mind.

Wu Liang, who was clearly behind the scenes, sneaked into the harem with "bad intentions" and shamelessly robbed her of her first heavenly treasure.

Now Wu Liang can block Daji very accurately, presumably because he is familiar with the road. After all, Wu Liang robbed Daji here last time, and incidentally killed a loyal old eunuch Hai Dafu.

Of course, Daji suffered more than just being robbed last time.


Daji recalled the last time in her mind, after skipping the incident of being robbed, the scene that was finally frozen was that thrilling confrontation.

On the one hand, it is Daji's secret ban on great joy.

On the other side is the blind holy monk.

In the end, Wu Liang, referred to as "Blind Monk" for short, won the victory and succeeded in getting rid of his virginity with the help of Daji's powerful assist.

In this way, Daji is indeed at a loss.

So she was unwilling, and she didn't know what strange thought came to her, but she saw that in Daji's eyes, which were so beautiful that all men could suffocate, suddenly the autumn water was rippling and the smoke was flowing, and the originally angry complexion immediately turned into unparalleled coquettishness.

Accompanied by the sound of "嗤啦", the clothes on Daji's body were immediately torn to pieces.

The white and fiery carcass leaned over so softly, and at the same time, a soft and fragrant voice entered Wu Liang's ears, which almost immediately made the bastard raise his eyebrows, and his face couldn't help it. blooming bright smile.

A certain harmonious part was even more politely changed.

"Fierce, Master Sect Leader is really fierce."

"Daji likes a domineering enemy like the master the most, so Daji is willing to be captured by the enemy."

"Speaking of which, there is still one thing that Daji and the master have not finished. If the master wants to, why not continue here. The ground is the bed, the sky is the quilt, and the sun, moon and stars are witnesses...ah Ah, it's exciting just thinking about it."

"My lord, come on."

"I am still a widow!"


"Boom~ boom"

Every time Daji uttered a word, the evil fire in Wu Liang's heart surged up.

A deeply discordant part, which is no longer polite, will soon become mandatory.

As a succubus, Daji naturally saw through Wu Liang's state at a glance, a smug look immediately flashed in the misty eyes, and at the same time, in the depths, the killing intent was extremely fierce.

She is no longer a nascent succubus now. After devouring most of the power of the unlucky Yin Zhetian, she has barely cultivated to the realm of "Yuanshi Second Heaven" and condensed a fairyland of her own.

She is sure that once she gets close to her, she will immediately open the fairyland and kill the hateful guy in front of her.

Thinking of this, Daji looked forward to it even more, and at the same time proudly said: "Hmph, those old succubi were right when they were outside the territory. This kind of creature called a man is the most fragile and cannot resist the magical powers of our succubus family at all." , What a dirty and stupid existence."

With this thought in mind, Daji's soft, fragrant and naked body will really lean on Wu Liang's body in the next moment.

However, at the moment when Daji was about to release the fairyland.

She... was pushed away.


A big hand ruthlessly pressed down on her beautiful face, and then pushed hard in the opposite direction.Unprepared, Daji's naked body crashed into the rockery beside her like a beautiful painting under the action of a huge force.

She could feel that the beautiful face she was so proud of at this moment should have been deformed.

Fortunately, I am not deaf, so I can still hear the voice from that guy.

"I made a big mistake. I almost made a principled mistake just a little bit."

"There are still a bunch of beauties at home who have not been dealt with. Even the head of the sect will not forgive himself for stealing food at this time. He must guard his innocence for his wives."

"However, this is definitely not the fault of the sect leader. It must be that the evildoer's skill has increased, and the sect master was careless for a while, which almost caught her in the way."

"Well, it must be so."


Listening to these, Daji would rather be knocked deaf at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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