Chapter 707

Not long after Wu Liang killed Daji, the puppet army led by Bai Qi also invaded Xuandu.

Nuo was born in the Yin Dynasty, and those who could fight were already killed by Daji, so the army of the Great Qin Empire didn't even receive any decent resistance, and took over the entire Xuandu in a short time. When the beautiful figure of Sister Lu sat on The moment of the queen's throne.

In Wu Liang's mind, the bombing that he hadn't heard for a long time came again.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, complete the eighth ring mutation task [Chasing the Central Plains], and start calculating rewards..."

"The reward is being calculated!"


When a large number of rewards began to bombard Wu Liang's mind, he closed his eyes.

It's just that some clues can be seen from the look.

Obviously, the rewards this time may be far more than the seven ring tasks above. They are just some cumbersome and basic rewards, and it took Wu Haohao a long time to listen to them.

In Wu Liang's mind, a scene like fireworks blooming is appearing. Each brilliance represents a reward. After flashing, it disappears into Wu Liang's storage space. The space that was originally consumed for the casting of the Great Qin Empire is now full again. .

However, although there were many rewards, they were not enough to make Wu Liang's mood fluctuate.

The so-called shotgun exchange, today's Wu Liang, regardless of his status or cultivation, has undergone earth-shaking changes.

As far as the eye can see, it is extraordinary.

Previously, Wu Liang blackmailed Wuji Sword Master, Tiandi Old Man, five triple heavenly powerhouses one after another, and Wu Liang exchanged all the things he snatched from the five into points, as high as more than one billion, but Wu Liang didn't have much money. He still enjoys the pleasure of blackmailing people.

And this time when the hell-level difficulty task was completed, the point rewards that were given first were also as high as hundreds of millions. Accumulated, Wu Liang now once again has nearly 20 billion points.

But this only made Wu Liang a little excited. 20 billion was enough to make Wu Liang a moat in the Zijin District of the system mall, but it still couldn't allow Wu Liang to open the next Xianyu District.

In this way, naturally it is not worth getting excited about.

The same is true for a large number of basic rewards that were very precious in the past, such as puppet blueprints and Kaijiang cards.

Until the reward content reached the last moment, several notification sounds came.

Finally, a look of excitement appeared on Wu Liang's face.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have been rewarded with an [Extraordinary Trial Cave]!"

[Extraordinary Trial Cave: This is a trial cave that can be solidified in the Zongmen resident. It is temporarily blank and the host can freely set it. After it is formed, it can accommodate monks below the Yuanshi Realm for various cultivation or Combat trials can be opened an unlimited number of times, and no permissions are required. 】

[Remark [-]: To put it simply, this is equivalent to a super-advanced killing illusion solidified in reality, but after setting the specific environment, it cannot be changed. 】

[Remark [-]: With such a cave, the host Jiudingzong can be regarded as having a real foundation. 】

A cave is naturally worthy of Wu Liang.

In fact, if other eighth-rank forces had obtained such a cave, they would have been ecstatic and celebrated.

Even if it is the eighth-rank forces in the two states of Qiankun, it is the same.

With such a cave, it means that the disciples and elders in the sect will have a place where they can conduct trials at any time, and they don't have to worry about being assassinated by hostile forces. produce.

In this way, the Zongmen can be extended continuously and passed on for a long time.

This is also why, the system will comment that only the Nine Cauldron Sect has the foundation if it has this cave.

The Legendary Six States and the rest of the eighth rank forces do not have such caves.

Di Shitian's Holy Gate is nothing more than a scam.

Even Wu Liang himself did not expect that after a large number of basic rewards, the system would give away a cave so generously, which was a big surprise.

But when Wu Liang continued to listen, another notification sound came.

When the content surfaced, Wu Liang was stunned for a moment, and then joy appeared in his eyes again, and it was even more intense than when he saw the cave reward just now.

But the system beeped and said: "Ding, congratulations to the host, you have been rewarded with a world-class rare treasure [Prime Ancient Sinan (broken)]."

Rao Wu Liang thought to himself that he was very calm, but he was still taken aback by the word "world-shattering", until he saw the word "damaged", he calmed down a little.

Then impatiently, he glanced away.

[Prime Ancient Sinan: A shocking world-class rare treasure in a damaged state. This object is a treasure of the same age as the two mountains and rivers and Sheji owned by the host. It has incredible pointing supernatural powers. Where to go, or what to find, will automatically get all the information. 】

[Remark [-]: Since this treasure is in a damaged state, it can only be used once at present. After one time, this treasure will enter a sleeping state and cannot be used. 】

[Remark [-]: Still due to damage, the place where this treasure went and the treasure found should not exceed the world-shocking level. 】


After reading the introduction, Wu Liang frowned slightly.

His hesitant eyes fell on his mind, and for the first time, he couldn't determine the use of the treasure on the extremely simple and strangely beautiful utensil.

Especially this treasure is still a world-shocking existence.

However, Wu Liang didn't hesitate, and temporarily put it down after thinking about it for a while without any results. At this time, the system's last notification about treasure rewards also came over.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, you have been rewarded with a [Plane Battle Monument]."


Even though Wu Liang had passed the tests of Dongtian and Sinan, he still couldn't contain the surprise on his face.

But Wu Liang couldn't be blamed, it was indeed a treasure that appeared at this time, it was too terrifying.

[Plane Battle Monument: A special treasure, use this treasure to launch a plane war, then the war monument will be judged according to the result, if the host wins, the plane will have to accept a plunder from the host.If it fails, the host and the host-related creatures will no longer be able to enter this plane. 】

[Remark [-]: This battle monument allows the host to choose all planes below the low-level planes for war. 】

[Remark [-]: Once used, the battle tablet will automatically judge the time required for the war, and neither the host nor the plane can resist. 】


At this time, Wu Liang's mind was completely immersed in his mind. The stone tablet exuding a strange brilliance, he didn't know what thought came to his mind, and a mysterious smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Allowing the brilliance transformed by the treasure to sink into his storage space, Wu Liang heard the last few prompts from the system.

"Ding, congratulations to the host, the completion of this task is: SSSS."

[Mission evaluation: Due to Di Shitian's strong assists, this mission, which should have been difficult, allowed the host to take advantage of a big loophole and win the Yin Dynasty at almost no cost.If it weren't for the fact that the host once again showed the demeanor of the shameless master in history in Di Shitian's conspiracy, blackmailing five strong men one after another, mercilessly cheating Di Shitian, and saving a lot of points, the host is likely to be so To get the lowest evaluation, this system has to sigh: what a shit luck. 】

[Remark [-]: By the way, before I have time to congratulate the host, I beheaded a super beautiful girl, Daji. Killing a sister to prove the Tao is awesome. 】

[Remark [-]: From this mission, it can be seen that the host is as shameless and shameless as ever. 】



Hearing the system's daily complaints, Wu Liang suppressed them with the word "hehe" as usual.

(End of this chapter)

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