Chapter 708
"Kill my sister to prove the way? To prove the fart, it is a succubus, an existence designed to seduce men. Although it can't reach the level of a pair of jade arms and a thousand people's pillows, and a little bit of red lips, it's not much better. At best, this sect leader has destroyed a broken shoe."

"What's more, since she didn't change the name Daji, she deserves to be burned to death in this wine pool and meat forest."

Wu Liang fought back against the system without hesitation. He broke the system thinking that he couldn't see the rhythm inside. If Wu Liang really started to kill his sister to prove the way, he would really embark on an evil path. Crystal Palace is his lifelong goal.

Speaking of this, Wu Liang's eyes suddenly penetrated the ruins in front of him, covering the entire Shangzhou directly.

The scene in Wu Liang's eyes in the first scene: It was Lu Xue wearing a domineering queen's attire, sitting on the throne in an extremely cold manner.

The queen has been upgraded!
Before that, Lu Xue was the empress of the Great Qin Empire, and her ruling territory was the four prefectures of Qingchi Kunpeng, but now she was suddenly promoted to be the empress of Shangzhou, and her territory more than doubled.

When Wu Liang crossed this scene and looked at the sky above Shangzhou.


Immediately, Wu Liang saw it.

A golden-yellow young dragon that looked like the rising sun suddenly flew out from the depths of Jiuding Peak, and then plunged into the rapidly dissipating ocean of luck above Shangzhou without hesitation, and swallowed it wantonly with its mouth open.

And with the puppet army led by Bai Qi, as well as other guest ministers settled in various parts of Shangzhou, the originally dissipated majestic luck seemed to be guided by a force in the dark, and it automatically threw it at the young dragon. went.

"Ho~ ho ho ho"

It seemed to be a cheerful roar, constantly spitting out from the young dragon's mouth.

Its body swelled at a speed almost visible to the naked eye, and a trace of terrifying majesty appeared faintly.

This scene, although only Wu Liang, who possesses the "Son of Heaven's Watching Qi Technique", can see it.

But at this moment in Shangzhou, both mortals and monks felt it. They were extremely surprised to find that the invading Great Qin Empire digested the entire Yin Dynasty, or the entire Shangzhou at a completely incredible speed.




None of these.

The Yin Dynasty, a powerful force with a profound foundation and ruled Shangzhou for countless years, was wiped out in such a commotion, without even a slight wave of disturbance, and the Saint Emperor and Queen that everyone had expected fell silently. up.

To be precise, this is the case with the Holy Empress Daji.

Yin Zhetian was still alive, although he fell into the hands of Di Shitian, was mercilessly pierced with a bronze corpse nail, and then thrown into the pot of six desire demons to die, but he still kept his life for a while. life.

It's just that if the Holy Emperor could choose for himself, I believe he would choose the dog leash.

After all, what happened to him was indeed too miserable, although it was his own fault.

In short, taking advantage of this opportunity, Wu Liang's act of taking advantage of the fire to rob was a perfect success, and the task of the eighth ring of mutation was also successfully completed, and the rewards that came out made Wu Liang extremely satisfied.

This guy flickered, and appeared directly in front of Sister Lu. He hugged Lu Xue who was still wearing a domineering queen's dress, kissed him hard, left a word, turned around and ran away.

"Sister Lu, don't worry about everything here. The head of the sect still has one important matter to deal with."

"By the way, come to my room at night, this clothes...don't take off!"


It was also fortunate that Sister Lu's empress dress was too cumbersome and domineering at this time, which made it inconvenient to draw the sword. Otherwise, no matter how fast Wu Liang ran, he would inevitably be hit by the sword.

But as soon as he escaped, Sister Lu saw that there was no one around, a red cloud immediately flew onto her cheeks, it was so beautiful, and the tenderness like spring water appeared in those eyes full of ice-cold, slightly Biting her red lip, as if she had finally made a decision, Sister Lu nodded her head imperceptibly.

He didn't know that he might have Yanfu's tricks, and he was already turning around Jiuding Peak at this time.

This guy threw everything to Sister Lu and Linglong's daughters, and said that he had to deal with an important matter, but he was not lying.

As soon as Wu Liang returned to Jiuding Peak, he entered the depths of the earth in an instant.


After flashing, in front of Wu Liang, there were two simple and magical ancient divine cauldrons.

Shanhe Ding!
Sheji tripod!
At this time, the two divine tripods have gradually recovered some of the style of the ancient times, especially after the Great Qin Empire controlled by the Nine Cauldrons took over the entire Shangzhou, the mountains and rivers were even more miraculous. There seems to be a world in the cauldron, constantly swallowing a wave of majestic luck.

If you look closely, you can still see the difference between the two divine cauldrons.

The air transported by the Shanhe Ding is thicker and deeper, just like the real earth.

The Sheji Ding, on the other hand, is ever-changing and upright, representing the dynasty and the rule of man.

Faintly, wisps of dense air emerged above the two divine cauldrons, each outlining a different scene. On the mountain and river tripod were the green red Kunpeng plus Shangzhou, the majestic mountains and rivers, which were extremely spectacular.But on the Sheji tripod is a vigorous and powerful empire, with tens of thousands of vigor and unfathomable depths.

Seeing this scene, Wu Liang couldn't help but nodded in satisfaction.

Wu Liang knew without asking the system that the power of these two divine cauldrons was entirely dependent on the development of the Nine Cauldrons and the Great Qin Empire, and now that both of them were showing terror, these two divine cauldrons were of course even more terrifying.

Although it is still very far away from the real ancient artifact, but the dawn has appeared, and the road ahead is no longer bleak.

If it is the kind of monk who is sad and sad, it is time to recall his own struggle.

But Wu Liang was not, especially at this moment, when a good opportunity presented itself, Wu Liang was not willing to miss it.After feeling the current power of the two divine cauldrons, Wu Liang's complexion moved slightly, and he walked forward slowly. After standing still, he stretched out two more fingers.

One on the left and one on the left, they suddenly probe into the tripod.


Accompanied by Wu Liang's movements, he saw that Wu Liang elicited a breath from each of the two divine cauldrons on the left and right.

A pale yellow!
A golden yellow!
It is a ray of original energy from the two tripods of mountains, rivers, and land, which represents the power of the law of the divine tripod. It is difficult to extract it even if the two tripods are dismantled. There is only a little opportunity to take advantage of.

This is what Wu Liang is thinking about.

If these two breaths escaped, it might not be long before two treasures with the same origin as the divine cauldron could be produced, but the power would be far inferior to the ancient artifact.

After finally extracting it, Wu Liang didn't waste any time.

After directly pinching the two breaths, with a twist of the fingers, the two breaths are entangled together and turned into a strange pointer.

This pointer, divided into two colors, is incomparably mysterious, hanging in the palm of Wu Liang.

As if it wasn't the first time he had done this, when the pointer reached [-]%, Wu Liang immediately shouted in a low voice.

"The nine cauldrons have the same origin, and the void guides the way!"


As soon as Wu Liang's words fell, the pointer moved immediately, hanging in Wu Liang's palm, and the fingertips trembled slightly, as if pulled by some mysterious and incomparable force, it began to turn faintly.

And every time the pointer turns in a direction, there are some specious hazy scenes.

It's just that those scenes are too hazy, and even Wu Liang's mental strength is strong, and he can't fully understand them.Until the next moment, the pointer "buzzed" and turned to another direction, and an incomparably clear scene "boomed" into Wu Liang's mind.

It was an extremely strange plane, and in the depths of the plane, a dilapidated and ancient small bronze cauldron suddenly came into Wu Liang's eyes.

"found it!"

Almost immediately, Wu Liang said excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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