Chapter 733 The Girl Opens the Door to a New World

The tens of thousands of troops of the Qiyan tribe, plus the hundreds of thousands of defeated troops of the Tatar tribe, were seriously admiring the battle between the two "gods" before they breathed a sigh of relief.

At first, the goddess of the Qiyan tribe had the upper hand, and then the five-faced demon god of the Tatar tribe.

Although strictly speaking, these two gods are actually false gods, the destructive power still made these primitive warriors who had never seen the world very excited, and they turned into cheerleaders one after another, striving to defend the gods they believed in. come on.

Seeing that Kong Konger was about to be beheaded by the five-faced demon god, the 10 people in the Tatar tribe were almost about to climax.

Until the next moment, everyone suddenly discovered that time and space seemed to stand still for a second.

Then, the extremely passionate, passionate and playful fairy voice suddenly sounded, and a song "God's BGM" appeared in this primitive tribe without any warning.

In this kind of fairy sound, a group of brilliance that people can't look at directly, which is more dazzling than the sun, shone out.

In the brilliance, the girl... transformed.

In the brilliance that people couldn't see through, the girl's clothes faded away, and replaced by a set of clothes that looked very weird but were extremely playful and cute, covering the girl's delicate body bit by bit.

Of course, even though the clothes are very beautiful in the eyes of others.

But the girl still tightly closed her eyes at this moment, as if she would not open them even if she was killed, let alone open them if she was not killed.


The moment the girl transformed, a majestic force that seemed to ignore the rules suddenly burst out of the girl's body.


The five-faced demon god's head, the old priest whose lower body was still fused into the demon god's head, looked at the freshly baked beautiful girl Kong Kong'er in horror.

"It's impossible to become stronger. This is just a false god that only tens of thousands of people believe in. How could it suddenly become so powerful?"

"And the appearance is so beautiful, it's unscientific, and the style of painting is wrong. Aren't we here a primitive tribe? The gods should be ugly and violent. What's the point of a cute girl and goddess suddenly appearing?"

No one paid any attention to the muttering of the old priest, especially Wu Liang. At this time, this guy was excitedly in the girl's mind, holding up the photo stone and desperately photographing it, while not forgetting to remind the girl of something she deliberately forgot. thing.

"Slogan, catchphrase, Xiao Kong Kong'er, he's transformed anyway, so why not just be ashamed to the end and kill that ugly and old guy."

"Girl, don't blame me for not reminding you, only by shouting slogans can you fully exert the power of transformation!"

As soon as Wu Liang's words fell, the girl immediately understood that it would be impossible for her not to surrender this time.

Fortunately, she has already transformed, and the most shameful scene is over. What's a mere slogan? Don't you just grit your teeth and it's over?

Although she muttered like this in her mouth, the girl thought in her heart: I can't make it through, this will definitely become my dark history, and the pain in my heart can no longer be healed.

"Master, I hate you!"

In her mind, the girl almost yelled out this sentence.

Afterwards, the girl immediately turned her anger into strength and vented it on a target, and immediately roared out that extremely shameful slogan from her mouth.


But seeing that in the sky, the girl suddenly poked the cute staff in her hand, pointing at the ugly five-faced demon god from a distance, the dazzling brilliance suddenly soared, completely surpassing the sun, covering everyone in it, right here In a bloody and blind atmosphere.

A clear and playful voice resounded through the sky.

"Evil and ugly demon god, I, the Sailor Moon who represents love and justice, will represent the moon destroy you!"


"not good!"

Almost at the moment when the girl opened her mouth, the old priest, who was still sure of winning, suddenly felt a piercing chill. The crisis of life and death, which he had not experienced for hundreds of years, fell upon his mind again without warning. Inside.

He suddenly exclaimed, because he found out.

Although the transformed girl is powerful, she can at most protect herself from the attack of the five-faced demon god he controls, and cannot really threaten him at all.

But as the girl yelled out the slogan, the moment those extremely shameful words were spit out from the girl's mouth, the already majestic power in the girl's body surged again, surpassing him almost instantly, and the group was in the girl's way. The brilliance brewing at the top of the stick made him feel the taste of death even more.

What made him panic and fear the most was that he couldn't move.

Nuo Da, a demon god, stood upright, and seemed to be under some spell, standing irrationally on the ground without making a sound, unable to move.

If you can't move, you won't be able to escape.

So I could only watch helplessly at the top of the girl's staff, the brilliance brewing to the end.

As the girl spat out the words "destroy you", it exploded.

A beam of light shot out across the sky and landed directly on the head of the five-faced demon god. It was full of warm light of love and justice, but to a demon god, it was a fatal existence.



Demon God, began to howl.

The huge body started to melt away from this ugly head.

Even though there were tens of thousands of people's beliefs in his body, under the brilliance of the explosion, it was useless.

He can only wait to die.

And all the old priest could do was to make a complaint full of anger and unwillingness before he fell.

"This is not fair!"

After uttering these words word by word, the old priest, together with the ugly five-faced demon god, suddenly collapsed in the brilliance, turning into spots of light, and quickly dissipated into the void.

it's over!
This is the end of a battle between the gods.

The clear sky and the devastated land were left behind, as well as the hundreds of thousands of primitive people who were stunned, as if in a dream. Whether it was the Qiyan tribe or the Tatar tribe, they all fell into a sluggish state.

Of course, the reasons for the sluggishness of the two are not the same.

Warrior of Qiyan Tribe: The goddess of our tribe is really powerful and cute.

Tatar tribe warrior: Although I don’t know what went wrong, but it’s really not right, but the goddess of the Qiyan tribe is really cute.

When the audience was stunned, the goddess who was praised as "cute" by everyone was also a little dazed at this time.

At some point, the eyes she swore not to open suddenly opened.

The girl looked at her hands in surprise, curiosity, excitement, and shyness all emerged, and she said in disbelief: "It turns out that the shameful transformation is completed, and the shameful slogan is shouted out. It really can be so powerful, although it is a bit awkward. Sorry, but it feels really good."

"It's really like what Master said, my empty space seems to have opened the door to a new world."


In the girl's mind, Wu Liang took a close-up shot of the excitement on Kong Kong'er's face with a photo stone, and at the same time responded angrily to the roar of the old priest before he died: "It's not fair, this broken transformation, use it once It will cost me [-] million points, if this doesn't kill you, a paralyzed old thing, then I'm still an ass."

(End of this chapter)

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