Chapter 734 The Goddess' Tears of Regret

Unexpectedly, the girl finally defeated the demon.

When the five-faced demon god died together with the old priest, it also meant that Kong Konger conquered the entire tribe of primitive people and became the only goddess among the [-] mountains. In just a few days, hundreds of thousands of believers took their place, and They are all quite religious.

And some people who have witnessed the process of "War of Gods" worship girls, especially girls after transformation, so fanatical that it is beyond imagination. At least tens of thousands of perverts are willing to die for Kong Konger's fluffy words.

This is the sailor suit~ Bah, it's the power of a goddess.

Originally, in order to do this, in the previous plan, it would take at least several months of farming time in vain.

However, there is no problem, which cannot be solved by opening and closing. If there is, then continue to open.

For example, at this time, the girl who conquered the [-] mountains, the freshly baked goddess, suddenly thought of a way to get rid of the cheating method of shame and transformation, while continuing to gather the army, preparing to leave the mountains and officially start attacking the entire continent.

On the one hand, he made a very legitimate and reasonable request to the master in his mind, that is, Wu Liang, a scumbag.

"Master~respect~ ah!"

"Stop, don't be disgusted as a teacher, just speak up if you have something to say."

The girl's acting like a baby had just started, but was brutally suppressed by Wu Liang.

Kong Kong'er, who had expected it for a long time, rolled his eyes, and took advantage of the opportunity to spit out the words brewed in his heart.

"Master, look, in order to fulfill your request of completely destroying this plane, your beautiful, kind and lovely disciple, that is, me, Kong Konger, after a hard and tough battle just now, immediately returned It’s time to embark on a new journey.”

"However, I just sensed that there are at least three major forces just outside the Hundred Thousand Mountains. It seems to be an empire, a fairy mountain, and a demon sect. Every major force seems to exist. A Five Elements Immortal."

"If it's one-on-one, don't say that I'm just bragging, and I'm not afraid of anyone coming. How can I say that this fairy was also taught by you, Master."

"Unfortunately, there are three big forces outside. If they join forces, I'm afraid I will...!"

Having said that, the girl paused for a moment, seeing that Wu Liang didn't refuse immediately, her eyes lit up, she secretly said "Yes", and immediately spoke up.

"So, Master, you definitely don't want to see the beautiful and lovely Kong Kong'er being beaten by others, right? One hanging is definitely not enough now, why don't you have a few more, preferably the kind of mighty, domineering and connotative, suitable for pretending to be aggressive?" The kind, it’s fine to transform into something.”

"Master, do you want to shout or not?"

As soon as the voice fell, the girl immediately switched to a cute state.

I have to say that this girl who is a bad girl is really good looking, beautiful, cute, and flawless. If you only look at this moment, no one can imagine the image of this girl with big eyes flickering and showing off her cuteness. No, this guy is actually as bad as her master.

If it was someone else, it would be easy for this girl to trick her.

Unfortunately, her opponent is Wu Liang.

From the day Wu Liang accepted his apprentice, the girl has never taken advantage of this fellow.

But seeing this guy, while admiring the appearance of his female apprentice trying to be cute, at the same time, he put his hands into his arms pretendingly, and began to pick and feel, as if he could really come up with something in the next moment.

Seeing Wu Liang's movements, the girl was so excited that she couldn't help but wonder inwardly: "Could it be true, Master took the wrong medicine today?"

It's also thanks to the fact that Wu Liang was so focused on how to cheat his apprentice that he didn't notice the girl's thoughts, otherwise this guy... can't do anything. Even more.

One second!
Two seconds!

Three seconds!

Yes, this guy groped in her arms for three full seconds, which made the girl look forward to it, and she believed even more that her master would continue to cheat on her.

The girl seemed to see a happy life and was waving to her.

Then the next moment, she saw that the mysterious smile that she couldn't hold back after holding back for a long time suddenly emerged from the corner of her master's mouth.

Before the girl said badly, Wu Liang took out a bunch of things from his bosom, and stuffed them all into the girl's hands.

At the same time, what this guy had been holding back for a long time also spoke out at this time.

"Girl, my teacher thinks what you said is very reasonable, and you are the loudest. I must give you a few more tricks, this is a dangerous plane after all, and I can't let you, a delicate little fairy, get hurt gone."

"Here, these are all for you, enough for you to blow up your opponent again and again, as a teacher, just sit and wait for this broken plane to be destroyed by you."

"Wow, Kaka, I'm really looking forward to it."



The girl directly ignored Wu Liang's nonsense, and finally noticed that she was not good. She moved her eyes to her palm with some difficulty, and then looked at the freshly baked "big hooks".

Sure enough, the next moment, the corners of the girl's mouth, eyebrows, and forehead... all twitched, a violent idea of ​​wanting to hit someone was brewing in her mind, and the entire Shiwan Dashan was transformed because of the girl's gaffe at this moment. Get scared.

The storm shook the earth and the mountains shook.

Hundreds of thousands of believers were so frightened that they knelt down one after another, praying for the goddess to appease her anger.

Unfortunately, it didn't work, because their goddess was about to cry at this moment.

But in the hands of the girl, those so-called big hangs appeared.

That's right, it's still a card!

To be precise, it is a transformation card, and it is almost exactly the same card as the [beautiful girl transformation card] that brought Kong Konger endless shame before. The only difference is probably the shape on the card.

The full name of the card that the girl got before was actually [Pretty Moon Girl Transformation Card], and this was the reason why Kong Kong'er almost committed suicide in shame.

But this time, Kong Konger had four more similar cards in his hand, namely [Pretty Girl of Mars], [Pretty Girl of Jupiter], [Pretty Girl of Mercury], [Pretty Girl of Venus].

Except for the different names, everything else is almost exactly the same.

Oh, that's not right, and the slogans for cooperation are also different.

Other than that, the five transformation cards are almost identical, which is such a shame.

Anyone who is not stupid should know at this time that these five cards are basically a set.

The reason why the girl only got one at the beginning was because of Wu Liang's plan.

Including this time, the request that the girl will make is also calculated in advance by this guy, so this guy will be extremely happy. He will respond to the girl as soon as he hears the request, and transform into a set with lightning speed. Cassie gave it to the girl.

Wu Liang's declaration has been perfectly realized. When it comes to pits, he is unmatched.

When Kong Konger realized all this, she pinched the four cards in her hand, but she missed Jiudingzong very much in her heart, and lamented: "I was wrong, I really shouldn't tease my master, if I don't want to die, I won't do it." The reason why I will die, why do I only understand now."

Under the watchful eyes of hundreds of thousands of devout believers, their incomparably beautiful goddess shed tears of regret.

(End of this chapter)

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