Chapter 741 Please Be Gentle

In the sky, the giant transformed by Wu Liang stepped on the dying scorpion, holding a simple bronze tripod in his hand.

After glancing at the battlefield below, Wu Liang said coldly: "To make a war puppet, the price is not low. We can't let these brainwashed guys consume the precious puppet of our master."

In a word, the meaning is simple and clear.


The true color of this product!
But it is true, the hundreds of millions of troops below are controlled by the will of the Scorpio, they can be endless, and they are purely consumables, worth less than puppets. With Wu Liang's temperament, how could he let these things continue Consume your own puppets.

After the words fell, Wu Liang started.

The big golden hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed the ground below. It was obviously nothing, but at this moment, it seemed that Wu Liang was holding countless silk threads in his hand. All the troops in the Wan army were shocked.


Drops of colorful "raindrops" appeared in their bodies again, but this time they fell backwards, leaving their bodies, and all flew up to the sky, and then all the drops poured into Wu Liang's hands Within the divine cauldron.

Rainbow Rain, originally the Qi of the Five Elements, was borrowed by Scorpio's will, and now it has returned to its original owner.

Lost these powers, hundreds of millions of souls returned to normal, and then... Faith collapsed.

After a daze, I suddenly found that the plane I was in had become a prisoner of others. Naturally, this feeling was not good.

Especially in the sky, the Scorpio, who is the incarnation of the will of the plane, is trampled by Wu Liang like a dead pig at this moment. It is no wonder that the common people will lose their souls.

Fortunately, at this time, they still have alternative beliefs.

The girl's "goddess image" is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people at this moment, and hundreds of millions of souls have become the girl's devout followers.

This is simply in the legend, the leading party has become the king, it's awesome.

If Kong Konger really takes the path of "shinto practice", I am afraid that by taking advantage of this opportunity, he will be able to gather the power of faith directly and get at least one priesthood. not drop.

However, as the second disciple of Master Jiudingzong, Kong Kong'er said that she doesn't like this way.

Most of Wu Liang's four disciples are in the second stage of middle school. After seeing too many scenes of his master's usual pretentiousness and prestige, they naturally want to follow suit, and they have to walk the most difficult path no matter what.

For example... to prove the truth with strength.

Poor God!

Wu Liang, this guy, didn't even try to prove the truth by himself.

If you want to use a more accurate word to describe it, Wu Liang's walk should be called "Proving the Way by Hanging".

This guy has been cheating and counterattacking all the way. If he is chosen as his opponent, it will be a bloody bad luck for eight lifetimes.

Scorpio Will, feels the same way.

Because at this moment, after suffering the pain of "skin peeling cramps", it lost the pattern of the avenue, and its level fell directly to the top, and then it would suffer an even more pitiful fate.

A war that was supposed to be fierce and stalemate ended prematurely because of the opponent's shameless cheating.

Although it seems that the will of Scorpio is really pitiful, the "brick" above its head is a ruthless dead thing, and it doesn't care whether you are pitiful or not.

The war is lost!

You will be punished!

So the next moment, Scorpio will feel it.


With a shocking roar, the entire five-pole plane was enveloped by a mysterious force in the dark at this moment.

Such power, not to mention the will of Scorpio who is not popular now.

Even the will of the middle-level plane and the high-level plane cannot be resisted.

The ruthless sound of chaos resounded through the depths of Scorpio's will and Wu Liang's mind.

"The plane war is over!"

"The battle monument is starting to judge..."

"The judgment is over, the will of the Scorpio plane is defeated!"

"As punishment, the will of the Scorpio plane will accept the plunder of the winner, the Nine Cauldron Sect of Shenyuan Continent."

"The plunder will last for 99 days!"

"From today!"

"Ah~ no!"

When these ruthless and cruel voices came out from the plane war monument, the Scorpio will immediately uttered an extremely miserable cry.

What it feels at this moment is simply too painful.

Every word of the Plane Battle Monument is like an iron rod, stabbing into its body suddenly, completely opening its closed inner world. After that, its world has been completely opened up.

A huge, defenseless world opens to a group of "robbers".

That scene can be imagined.

The originally ferocious and ferocious eyes of Scorpio Will are now completely filled with humiliation, anger and sadness. It lowered its head and saw the army attacking from another plane on the ground below. scary figure.

Although there are many beautiful figures among them, the bright smiles on their faces are like a nightmare to the will of Scorpio.

Not to mention, the ruthless movements of those puppets.

It was about to be plundered, for 99 days, to be ravaged inhumanely by a gang of shameless bandits.

Nuo Da a plane, will have no defense against Jiudingzong.

In the next 90 days, the Nine Cauldrons can remove anything in this plane, but the Scorpio will can't resist it.

First, someone ruined the big plan, then got the big treasure, and then was stripped naked, and allowed to be insulted by the other party. Is there a more miserable end than this?
The answer is of course no.

It's a pity that Scorpio has no power to resist, so he can only roar helplessly: "Please...please be gentle!"

If there is a chance to plunder other planes, it is impossible for any sect to maintain a gentle posture, of course it is how rough it is.

99 days, it is not enough to have a child, how can it be possible to completely plunder a plane?

Nine Cauldron Sect, almost the whole sect went to battle, everyone entered the Scorpio plane, and mercilessly moved all the treasures in that plane to the sect's treasury, not only the disciple Ke Qing but also the elders, Even the old gluttonous iron beast joined in.

Only one person is an exception.

Needless to say, at such a time, there would be no one else who dared to be "lazy" except Wu Liang.

Of course, he is not idle.

Like Jiudingzong, he was exhausted to some extent.

Nine Cauldrons can plunder planes!

Wu Liang, on the other hand, is in the distress of happiness.

A huge opportunity was right in front of him at this moment.


"Retreat or not?"

On the top of the Jiuding Peak, Wu Liang sat cross-legged on the big bluestone, looking hesitantly at the Five Elements Divine Cauldron in his palm.

In other words, it was looking at the five "patterns of the great way" in the cauldron.

(End of this chapter)

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