Chapter 742 The Great Secret of the Primordial Realm 
In the realm of Yuanshi, there is a big secret.

This is the information Wu Liang learned after he fought against the unlucky old man Di Shitian.

Before that, Wu Liang only knew that in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, there were nine heavens, one heaven was another heaven, and every time there was a gap between them, the combat power was very different.

But among the legendary six states, it seems that there has never been a strong person who surpassed the third heaven.

This also means that the monks in the Yuanshi Realm of the legendary six states have at most comprehended two laws. It is enough to dominate the six states, but once they fight against the monks from the "upper realm", that is, the two states of Qiankun, they will not be able to immediately up.

Everyone is not an opponent.

For example, the famous Wuji Sword Master faced Di Shitian and was beaten into a dog every minute.

Both belong to the third heaven, why is this so?
The reason is not in the Three Heavens, but in a key node in the Yuanshi Realm.

That node is called "Original Strange Object".

The Yuan of the Great Dao!

The law is amazing!

Only monks who have condensed the strange things of Yuanshi are eligible to continue down.

This truth is well known in Qiankun and Qianzhou.

But in the legendary six states, it is a big secret.

Although the six prefectures can produce monks from the Yuanshi Realm every few years, once these monks enter the third heaven, they will be blocked by the heaven and earth locks, unable to enter the wider world, and gradually become a dry well, a small pond.

If you don't know the mystery, you will spend your life in vain.

This is also why, after an old guy like Di Shitian came to the legendary six states, he had such a great sense of superiority. Presumably, that old guy was watching the Wuji sword in the six states as a person outside the well. Holy these frogs in the well.

Of course, Di Shitian himself did not fully condense the strange things of Yuanshi.

He is just at the beginning. The real strange things in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty need at least five laws. , is also an absolute powerhouse.

Maybe he still can't enter the heaven list, but in the ground list, he can be considered as the number one person.

In fact, before the consummation of the Nine Heavens, all the monks in the two states of the universe, their combat power is determined by the power of strange objects.

The distinction between realms is suddenly blurred.

Perhaps there are monks who are in the sixth level of heaven, but they can defeat monks in the seventh or even eighth level of heaven by relying on powerful and strange things.

The word "odd thing" deserves its name.

But now, Wu Liang is facing exactly such an opportunity, an opportunity.

Right in the palm of his hand, within the Five Elements Divine Cauldron, there are the patterns of the Five Great Dao. Although the pattern of the Great Dao is the origin of the Divine Cauldron, once the Divine Cauldron is drawn out, it will fall into an empty state. Naturally, Wu Liang would not make such a move. It's a stupid thing to do.

What's more, even with his cultivation level, he couldn't refine the pattern of Dao at all.

But if he sinks himself into the divine cauldron and uses the pattern of the avenue to comprehend the "law of the five elements", it is an opportunity that no one can ignore. This is Wu Liang's biggest gain in this plane war.If Wu Liang can succeed, he may be able to gather the laws of the five elements in one day, and directly condense his own original strange things. This is the real step to heaven.

"The so-called strange things from the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty are thousands of thousands of different things. They can be dead things or living things. All living things... can be turned into strange things."

"That old man Di Shitian is so arrogant with a demon pupil that has the prototype of a strange object. If the master directly condenses the strange object, his combat power will definitely soar."

"What's more, within three years, the Holy Heaven Sect will send some kind of envoy from the sixth heaven of Yuanshi to trouble the head of the sect. Since it is the sixth heaven, of course it is a strong man who has condensed strange things, maybe As soon as it comes, it can smash Shangzhou with a single punch."

"In this case, the head of the sect has no other choice. Not only must this level be closed, but it must also be completed within three years. If you don't condense the primordial wonders, you may be beaten to death as soon as you leave the level. "


Wu Liang, who was thinking about it, immediately thought of the key point.

Although the old man Di Shitian was very happy and benefited greatly from beating Di Shitian to death, but if he provoked an old one, he would definitely provoke an even older one.

A monk from the sixth heaven of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty must be an old monster who has lived for thousands of years.

To fight such an old monster is naturally much more difficult than having anal intercourse with Di Shitian.

If it's a normal one~ no, even if it's a Tianjiao cultivator.

Knowing that I have to directly upgrade from Yuanshi Second Heaven to Yuanshi Sixth Heaven within three years, I am afraid that I will collapse directly.

"Within three years, condense the primordial wonders!"

If such a mission is introduced to the two states of Qiankun, I am afraid that hundreds of millions of monks will complain that Wu Liang is a fool.

mission Impossible!

That's what I said!

However, attacking a low-level plane with an eighth-rank force with a shallow background is also an impossible task, but Wu Liang and Jiudingzong still completed it.

After 99 days of plundering, the will of the Scorpio plane fell directly to the point of being ineffective, and it is still regressing. Almost all the resources of the entire plane have been emptied. If there are no other accidents, this plane may be abolished .

As for Wu Liang and Jiudingzong, they were exhausted.

The entire Nine Cauldron Sect, including the Great Qin Empire, was mobilized from top to bottom, like an incomparably huge machine started to digest the resources that continuously came from the Scorpio plane without stopping.

If it is said that after obtaining the Ice and Fire Trial Cave Heaven, the Nine Cauldron Sect has completed its foundation, then starting from the plundering plane, the Nine Cauldron Sect has completely inflated, chasing after those real super eighth-rank forces at a terrifying speed .

Presumably, the many forces in the two states of Qiankun can't imagine that in the legendary six states that they regard as the "bottom of the well" and "little pond", a hidden dragon is growing rapidly.

And its leader also made a crazy decision.


"Break the system, I want to retreat, help me choose the best place to retreat."

Make a decision, Wu Liang thought immediately.

If it was an ordinary retreat, Wu Liang would naturally not say so, as long as he could find a place to retreat in the Nine Cauldron Sect.

But this time, it was different.

Primordial Strange Object, these four characters not only represent terror combat power.

It also represents an opportunity that no one can refuse. As the overlord of the five states who dominates the "bottom of the well", Wu Liang is not worried about other foreign enemies except for the envoy who will come three years later.

It's just that apart from external enemies, what Yuanshi strange things will really attract are those strange and infinitely dangerous... inner demons.

To be precise, it is the billions of extraterritorial demons.

These monsters are invisible and qualityless, once they are attracted by strange things and come through the void, the scene must be extremely terrifying.

Because of these, Wu Liang's retreat place must be chosen carefully.

Although the system is flawed, it is trustworthy in this respect.

Of course, it was also because Wu Liang silently added the sentence "required points are automatically deducted", and Wu Liang didn't dare to go to places that the system would find out without spending money.

"Ding, according to the host's request, the system is starting to select targets... Please wait patiently!"

(End of this chapter)

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