Chapter 744 The Journey of Space-Time Bubbles and Breakdown


At this moment, an image appeared in Wu Liang's mind.

It is a strange and silent space, like a bubble, embedded in the vast and infinite void, connected to the planes of the heavens, but it does not involve any planes at all, and exists in the dark and silent.

The point is, there seems to be more than one such space.Rather, they exist sparsely and irregularly, and are incomparably strange.

Although each one is small, it looks very incredible.

Wu Liang was also inexplicably surprised at first, until he saw the system introduction.

[Time-space bubble: a special plane, although the bubble the host sees is only as big as a quiet room, it is indeed a plane, not a secret realm, nor a cave, but an independent plane, with no life inside, There is nothing else, only the two most basic rules of time and space. They are extremely stable and secret. Without special opportunities or time-space anchors, no one can enter, even a powerful god. In the infinite time and space, find a bubble space. 】

[Remark [-]: There is no place more suitable for retreat than this in the planes of the heavens. 】

[Remark [-]: The host's luck is so good that the system happened to detect that there is a hidden bubble space above the time and space of the boundary of Shangzhou. 】

[Remark [-]: So the question is coming?How to get into such a good place?Please... pay for the strategy pack. 】

"Break the system, you trick me."

When he got here, Wu Liang saw the tricks of the system at a glance.

After defrauding two selection fees, he actually wanted to defraud Wu Liang for a krypton fee.

Accidentally, Wu Liang discovered that he had fallen into a systematic series of tricks, and judging from the current situation, Wu Liang had no way out of the trick at all.

From the description of the system, those space-time bubbles are indeed very suitable places for him to retreat.

"A bubble space, only the rules of time and space exist, no creatures exist, and there is no other interference, quiet and dark, plus super secret, it is simply a plane born for retreat."

"However, it is indeed difficult to enter it."

A few thoughts flickered in Wu Liang's mind, and he realized the key point.

A place like the Bubble Space is suitable for retreat. You don't have to worry about being disturbed, and you don't have to worry about being approached by your enemies. Of course, it is extremely difficult to enter by yourself.

In this way, it is almost impossible for Wu Liang to enter, unless you buy a strategy package.

"Fuck, you've really learned how to break the system. Such a long routine has been used by the master."

"Okay, it's really good, I will remember it."

"I'll buy!"

After a few harsh words, Wu Liang bought it decisively.

Compared with safe retreat and smooth breakthrough, everything else can be let go.

Come to Japan for a long time!
The system, that is a long-term plan, you have to take your time.

Wu Liang believed in himself, and sooner or later, the system he was capable of would not be able to take care of himself.

In this regard, the system said: The spirit of the host is commendable, but the IQ needs to be recharged.


"Damn, this is the so-called strategy package!"

"Breaking the system, my expectations for you are really too high."

While complaining, Wu Liang looked at the two things in his hand in a speechless manner.

Same, it's a map.

To be correct, it should be called a star map.

A starry sky map that looked extremely rough just lay in Wu Liang's palm.

If you look carefully, you can barely see that the star map is drawn from the perspective of Shangzhou, where the Great Qin Empire is located. On the small and blurry land, there is an incomparably vast starry sky, in which the stars are twinkling.

One by one, dotted with stars, like the number of sands in the Ganges River, plus floating nebulae, flowing galaxy... In such a complicated and beautiful scene, Wu Liang saw his goal.

It was a red dot, and the system specially marked the word "bubble" with an arrow.

Then, there is no more.

The real detailed orientation does not exist.

Wu Liang needs to open a pair of golden eyes to find out that bubble space from the vast starry sky.

At this moment, Wu Liang held the star map tremblingly, and suddenly had the urge to sneak out the broken system and spit it out, but thinking that it might be the routine of the broken system again, Wu Liang put this thought out temporarily.

Turning to look down, there was a strange ancient bronze vessel emitting a faint white light.


Wu Liang glanced over, and the extremely simple and rude remarks appeared automatically.

"Space-time anchor!"

[Space-time anchor: As the name suggests, this object can help the host return to Shangzhou after leaving customs. 】

"Broken system, do you dare to be more simple?"

Dare to love a strategy package, just a map and an anchor.

Other than that, there is nothing left.


Wu Liang suddenly let out a long breath, and just a little bit, Wu Liang couldn't suppress the desire to complain from the bottom of his heart.

Too pit!
This series of routines has cheated Wu Liang of hundreds of millions of points, and he got such a little thing in exchange.

It's also fortunate that the system does not have an entity, otherwise Wu Liang would definitely be pulling the system for a real-life PK at this time.

"Phew~ Forget it, the time is running out, the head of the sect will admit defeat for the time being."

"Record an account first, don't let the head find an opportunity to break the system."

While Wu Liang was muttering in his mind, he took the star map and time-space anchor and started to do it.

Whether it is a star map or a space-time anchor, the methods of use are very simple and rude.

One is to see!

The second is to throw!
In other words, throw it away when you see it.

Wu Liang needs to find the position of the bubble space from the vast starry sky according to the star map, and then perform the separation of two worlds, and cooperate with other magical powers to throw the time-space anchor and hit the bubble space accurately, and Wu Liang can follow the time-space anchor. Entered it and closed it.

Speaking of it, it doesn't seem to be difficult.

But after it really started, Wu Liang realized that he was wrong, and it was very wrong.



Several hours later, when Wu Liang's golden eyes were about to go blind, he finally found the location of the bubble space in the nothingness above Shangzhou, and then he threw out the space-time anchor, and without any surprise... up.

The first time, fail!

"Drink~throw it again!"

Another new attempt, under the condition of excessive force, the space-time anchor and the bubble passed by.

After all, compared with the entire starry sky, the bubble space is really too small, and it is not easy to hit it.

The second time, fail again!

"Fuck, it's just a little bit close."

In the sky, Wu Liang shouted angrily.

This third time, of course, was a failure.

The so-called failure is the mother of success, Wu Liang was not too discouraged after three failures, nor did he curse at him until the next moment, he suddenly found out.

"I am a big grass, I forgot the position."

"Broken system, what kind of broken star chart did you give, the head wants to complain to you."


Listening to Wu Liang's roar, the system broke into a cold sweat silently,
Although it is a cold and powerful system, with such a host, it also feels like Alexander.Obviously compared with other monks, this guy has no taboos for cheating and cheating, but he still despises the system's bad cheating, it's shameless.

In order to show its aloofness, although the system heard Wu Liang's slander and scolding, it rarely responded. Instead, it watched the guy coldly and continued the arduous "broken down journey".

(End of this chapter)

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