Chapter 745
Although the rough star map and simple space-time anchor did give Wu Liang a lot of trouble.

But after all, it is also a reliable treasure. If it is like this, Wu Liang will not be able to use it to enter the bubble space, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a waste.

Fortunately, just one day later, Wu Liang's cheers resounded in the sky above the Jiuding Peak.


"Hahaha... hit!"

On the sea of ​​clouds, Wu Liang excitedly squeezed the bronze space-time anchor in his hand and cheered.

At this time, the time-space anchor in his hand actually extended a white brilliance, which directly penetrated the void barrier in the dark, and connected with another space.

Wu Liang's mind also immediately gave birth to a premonition.

As long as he thinks at this moment, he can immediately leave this world and enter a special space along the anchor of time and space.

Now the entire Jiudingzong is absolutely busy, and this guy is alone, so even if he wants to say goodbye at this time, there is no atmosphere.

Wu Liang didn't hesitate, and directly conveyed a few thoughts in his heart.

Talking about the matter of retreat, I talked to Sister Lu and other women, and then gave instructions to a few precious disciples, and then I immediately thought about it. With a flash of brilliance, Wu Liang's figure immediately disappeared in place.




The familiar feeling of moving in the void came, and Wu Liang felt all kinds of bizarre scenes appear in front of him, but before he could see clearly, the whole person appeared in a strange space.A completely different feeling from when he was in Shangzhou filled Wu Liang's body instantly.


A variety of tastes and feelings emerge.

Here, there is no life, no sound, and no magnificent scenery. It seems like a small black room, which has achieved a certain degree of absolute silence.


Rao Wu Liang's knowledge is very extensive, and he is still shocked at this time.

A quiet place is actually easy to find.

But at this moment, the space he is in.

There is something more mysterious than absolute silence.

This bubble-like space is like a quiet room independent of the world, where there are no other laws except the concepts of time and space.

If an ordinary person came in, or a monk with a slightly more impetuous mind came in, not to mention staying in retreat for several years, it only took a few days, and the person would completely go crazy.

As for Wu Liang, as soon as he entered, there was an air bubble.

His eyes lit up immediately, and a look of satisfaction immediately appeared on his face.

He can be sure that this is the retreat place he wants.

Although in the eyes of others and the "Victims Alliance", Wu Liang is definitely an impetuous and shameless person, it is logically impossible to stay in such a place for several years.

The final fate must be tortured madness.

However, they were all wrong, Wu Liang was indeed impetuous and shameless, to be precise, he was very shameless.

But on the other hand, Wu Liang's other qualities are enough to suppress these.

Like... Perseverance!
Another example... the pursuit of power!
If it weren't for these things, it would be impossible for Wu Liang to counterattack all the way up. After all, the head system is not free to open, not to mention that breaking the system will obliterate the host at every turn.

It is precisely because of these qualities that Wu Liang can awaken the heart of the strong.

In fact, from the first moment he entered this space-time bubble, Wu Liang had already triggered the heart of the strong.

Time and space bubbles!

For the monks of the heavens, it is actually a dangerous and boring chicken rib.

Except for some monks who need to retreat to death, most monks, even the strong in the two states of Qiankun and Kun, will not choose to enter it.

But Wu Liang didn't think so, for him, this was an excellent place.

It can also be regarded as a chance, after all, although there are many space-time bubbles, after being allocated to the planes of the heavens, the number of bubbles that can be encountered in each plane is pitifully small.

As luck would have it, there was one in the void above Shangzhou.

Now that Wu Liang came in with the help of the "space-time anchor", of course he would not waste time.


"let's start!"

Wu Liang let out a long breath suddenly, and then straightly relaxed his body.Let the body float around like a light feather in this bubble space, open the palm suddenly, and in the flickering light, a simple and unsophisticated divine cauldron immediately appeared in this bubble space.

In the cauldron, the pattern of the five great avenues emerged impressively.

Needless to say, apart from the Five Elements Divine Cauldron, there is no other possibility.


As soon as the divine cauldron came out, Wu Liang's eyes closed immediately.

However, the Niwan Palace opened suddenly, and a little light man who looked exactly like Wu Liang escaped. After a faint smile, he jumped into the Five Elements Divine Cauldron emitting mysterious divine light without hesitation.

If it is another primordial spirit, he will rashly break into the space of Shending.

I'm afraid that he will be killed by the ancient forbidden law in an instant, and the five avenues will be strangled together. Even if the primordial spirit of the gods comes, they will not be able to escape the fate of being killed.

However, Wu Liang, as the master, is different.


As soon as the primordial spirit entered, the lines of the five great ways turned into five dazzling rays of light and rushed over, enveloping the little light man, one flickering, and then completely entered the unknown space of the divine cauldron.

Before the Five Elements Divine Cauldron, Wu Liang unsealed the Shanhe and Sheji Divine Cauldrons successively.

The unsealed places are all in the space of Shending.

No matter which time it was, it was actually very difficult.

The process of Wu Liang obtaining the Five Elements Divine Cauldron was actually considered lucky. He directly removed the Dao pattern from the Scorpio Will to complete the Divine Cauldron, and naturally avoided the process of unsealing it.

It's a pity that good fortune tricks people!

Wu Liang tried to comprehend the "Way of the Five Elements" with the help of the Dao pattern of the Divine Cauldron, and condensed his own original strange things, but he had to go to the inner space of the Five Elements Divine Cauldron again.

What Wu Liang didn't expect was that as soon as his Priest Yuan entered the cauldron, an accident happened immediately.


"Ding, congratulations to the host, the primordial spirit has entered the Five Elements Divine Cauldron. In view of the purpose of the host's trip, in order to help the host become stronger quickly, a special side plot task is officially triggered-[The bear child cannot be a weapon]."


At this sudden moment, when Wu Liang heard this prompt from the system.

He was stunned immediately, especially when he saw the name of the so-called special side plot mission this time, an extremely ominous omen suddenly appeared, and then completely filled Wu Liang's heart.

"not good!"

"I fell into the system's routine again!"


All kinds of early warning thoughts came up from the bottom of Wu Liang's heart.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

As soon as the task prompt sounded, the specific content was not delayed at all, and all of them came to Wu Liang's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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