Chapter 747


"Xiong Dabao, you are doomed. If I can't control you, let me manage you."

Hearing this roar, Wu Liang looked subconsciously, and he saw the label of "father" on the head of the roaring giant. For some reason, when Wu Liang heard that sentence, his heart as a "bear child" jumped The ground is stagnant.

An extremely bad omen surged out for no reason, and then occupied Wu Liang's mind.

If it's on the "rooftop" at this time, it's still the original brat.

Seeing the anger of the giant below, I'm afraid that he will obediently beg for mercy immediately.

As a bear child, if you want to continue to bear forever, of course you need some special survival skills.

However, it is a pity that the bear child has been replaced.

Wu Liang's mind was a little confused at this time, which is also very understandable. After all, he has changed from a master to a brat, and he is also a brat from the ancient Wu tribe. time to digest.

So at this moment, Wu Liang took a few slow breaths.

This time, the old giant wearing all kinds of animal skins finally made up his mind.

The old giant roared in his heart: Great Patriarch God Pangu, it’s not that I’m not dedicated, it’s just that this brat is too worrying, I don’t care, anyway, the teachers of several tribes around have taken a fancy to this brat, hand it over Well, whoever wants to go will go.

In a moment of thought, the old giant, who had been tortured by bear children at first glance, suddenly took off a white bone conch hanging from his waist.

Without giving Wu Liang any chance to stop, the old giant blew the conch.


Like the roar of an ancient giant beast, it suddenly resounded for thousands of miles around at this moment.

A thought was transmitted along with the sound of the conch.

After the shocking sound resounded, Wu Liang, who was still digesting the information, naturally had no special reaction.

On the other hand, a group of giants, after being stunned for a moment, persuaded the old giant one after another.

"Old patriarch, you have to think twice, baby bear is the most talented little guy in our witch bear tribe, if it is given to other tribes, when will we have a great witch guardian."

"Yes, old patriarch, although the baby bear is hateful, it cannot be given away."

"That's right, Baby Bear's future is bright, we need him."

"God damn old man, who told you to brag about that, and want to give away the child, are you crazy?"


Faced with the advice of a group of giants, the old giant suddenly showed his majesty as the patriarch, glared at the giants around him with domineering eyes, and then said cunningly: "What do you know? Give it away, although he is a bear, he is also the cub of Xiong Ri Yao, no one can take him away from me."

When everyone heard the words, they were puzzled again: "In this case, why did you blow the bone magic conch, summon the big witches from several big tribes around, and say that you are willing to let the baby bear worship them as teachers. Looking at the baby bear, it was really taken away, can it be possible to snatch it back?"

"Why can't I? What I said was to allow the baby bear to be a teacher. I didn't say that the baby bear was allowed to go to other tribes. As long as the baby bear learned the skills of those great witches and came back to me, the matter would be perfectly resolved, I don't know. What was given up was only the right to teach, but nothing else was given up.”

"Is this possible? Will those great witches agree?"

After hearing the old giant's plan, everyone expressed doubts.

No wonder, this plan sounds really unreliable.

Although everyone is a witch clan, every witch is loyal to their own tribe. Unless it is a time of race war, they usually live independently. How can there be a big witch who will help you teach a big witch without getting paid.

Hearing everyone's doubts, he saw that the old giant suddenly laughed even more treacherously.

I saw him suddenly glanced in the five directions, and then he said with a smile: "If we just invite a great witch, this plan will certainly not work, but now, it is not necessarily the case. Although I am not capable, I can't teach the baby bear." This super brat, but the real big witch will definitely not be able to bear it when he sees it, especially in the presence of other big witches, a talented apprentice, no big witch can hold back."

"Maybe this time, the sons of our Wuxiong tribe can harvest five super great witches as masters at once."


When everyone listened to the old giant's words, they were all surprised at how their patriarch became so shameless and treacherous. Suddenly, they saw a look of hesitation on the old giant's face, as if he was worried about something.

Everyone has been attracted by this plan for a long time, and when they heard about the change, they immediately asked: "But what?"

The old patriarch did not hide his doubts. In front of everyone, his vicissitudes of life fell on the top of the lonely peak like a pillar of heaven. On the cliff, he looked very bearish.


When this scene appeared, everyone understood in seconds.

It's clear!

There will be no one else who can destroy this simple and perfect plan except the brat.

For that brat above, no one could do anything about it.

If so, they wouldn't have been tortured for so many years.

"Well, let nature take its course and resign to fate."

As soon as the old patriarch sighed, everyone nodded in response.


Just as the bitter masters of the Wuxiong Tribe sighed, Wu Liang, the "bear child", finally completely digested the background knowledge in his mind, and sobered up in an instant.

Silently feeling the changes in my body now, the cultivation realm of Yuanshi Second Heaven has all been transformed into a kind of power called "Witch Power", and those few magical powers have also become the innate magical powers of the Wu Clan.Seriously speaking, the current Wu Liang has not changed except for a different body.

Even, his body seems to be stronger than the original one.

After realizing this, Wu Liang was not in a good mood.

In my mind, I raised a middle finger at the system silently, then hesitated and then sighed: "So to break the system, you think that the head of this sect is enough to dominate the legendary six states. Is it similar to a bear kid?"

Although Wu Liang asked this question, he actually didn't expect the system to respond.

However, as an existence that can compare with the host, the system indicated that this question must be answered.

"Ding, no, no, no, the poor host has misunderstood. Comparing all aspects, the main body of the host is not as good as this bear boy. After all, this body can attract five super witches to compete for apprentices. Absolute witch Genius."

"And the host, even in the human race, is not considered a top genius."

"That may be too general, come on, host, please take a look at the detailed comparison..."


"Shut up, shameless system!"

Wu Liang, who was getting more and more uncomfortable, stopped the critical attack from the system very decisively.

In order to change the subject, he casually said: "What are the five super great witches, the kind of existence that only exists in myths and legends? Could it be possible that your broken system can be traced back to the long river of time and space to show it? The head doesn't believe it..."



As if to confirm Wu Liang's words, at this moment, unexpected events suddenly appeared in five completely different directions.

(End of this chapter)

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