Chapter 748 Five Super Witches
"In ancient times, there was a clan of witches who could capture the sun and the moon and move mountains to fill the sea."

The moment Wu Liang raised his head, an ancient myth and legend flashed inexplicably in his mind.

In all the planes of the heavens, as long as it is an oriental world, there used to be such a legend that in the primitive and barbaric era, there existed a race that was so tyrannical that even the heavens were jealous, and they were born with power comparable to gods.

Wu Liang once thought that it was just a legend.

But now, the legend has become a reality.

Just under his gaze, visions appeared in five directions above the sky.



There was a loud noise, but I saw that in the vast south, the sky was filled with flames out of thin air, and a world of flames was created in an instant. A huge figure stepped into the air inside, surrounded by countless fire dragons and snakes, and the strands seemed to be burnt. All the terrifying flames are incomparably cute in the hands of this figure.

Anyone who sees that figure will automatically have a mysterious texture flash in their eyes, randomly understanding his identity.


Wu Liang opened his mouth slowly, uttering these two words with great difficulty.

There is no need to describe it at all, these two words are the name of flame in this world.

Wu Liang also has a law of fire in his body, which comes from his perfect Balrog avatar. As the strongest form of the Balrog clan in the abyss, the Balrog is also a powerful overlord in the abyss, but at this moment, Wu Liang is very clear.

Even if he showed the body of Barlow's flame demon, he couldn't send out even a small fireball in front of that giant figure.

It is also fire, one side uses it, while the other side is the real master.


The shock in Wu Liang's mind has not yet passed, and changes have also occurred in the other four directions.

This time, it's the East.


The originally clear sky was suddenly filled with infinite blue, and a horrifying and inexplicable breath of life spread in it. It was a breath that could break through with infinite flexibility no matter what obstacles it encountered. The giant tree sprouted out of thin air, and the origin of that strange and terrifying figure was also ready to be revealed.

"The body of the bird, the face of the man, and the mount are two ancient green dragons. This is..."

"Ju Mang!"

Similarly, Wu Liang struggled to spit out the name of another super great witch.

Before Wu Liang woke up from the shock of seeing the god of wood, another change occurred in the north.


Amidst the strange movements, endless waves emerged, an extremely charming but icy figure, dressed in aqua blue witch clothes, wearing a water god crown, ancient water dragons capable of calling wind and rain to destroy the world, but they were willing to serve as mounts at their feet , carrying her to the sky.

For Wu Liang, his eyes immediately turned into a heart shape, no matter how difficult it was, he did not hesitate to spit out the name of the goddess.

"Xuan Ming!"

As soon as the word fell, there was sudden movement in the west.

"Boom~ chi chi chi chi chi"

The originally quiet and peaceful western world was completely filled with all kinds of golden and iron auras at this moment, filled with murderous and sharp terrifying auras, cutting a piece of Nuo Da's sky into pieces. In such a fierce environment, A giant that seemed to be capable of destroying the world came through the air with two big axes in hand.

Wu Liang focused his eyes, and murmured: "Human face, white hair, tiger claws, holding ax..."


When Wu Liang exhausted all the energy in his body and spit out these two words.

The last gaze also went to the center. Eastern wood, southern fire, western gold, northern water... The only thing left is naturally the central soil.


But at this moment, when Wu Liang looked away.

It landed in the center, but didn't see any frightening scene, but at this moment, Wu Liang's eyes stopped moving, as if he was obsessed and dull, and was attracted by an extremely holy and gentle figure.

That figure is a goddess.

Even though she is only wearing linen clothes, without any accessories, and without the company of divine beasts, the aura on her body that seems to contain everything is enough to make any creature in the world feel infinitely fond of it, and it is enough to understand it at a glance.

She is the mother of the earth, the great witch who represents the central land.


For the last two words, Wu Liang didn't expend any energy at all. On the contrary, after uttering these two words, all the energy consumed before was fully replenished. The urge to immerse yourself in it.

Until the next moment, this impulse was broken by four cold snorts.


Needless to say, the four cold snorts came from the other four great witches.

Without their interruption, Wu Liang must have completely converted to the great witch of Houtu at this moment.

It has to be said that the role of the Mother of the Earth is indeed an inherent advantage, unless it is some special creatures, otherwise it is impossible to resist.Even when Houtu, the great witch, appeared, he didn't follow any visions, just a look, which almost made Wu Liang intoxicated.

Of course, it will be interrupted in the end, because these five great witches, no matter who they are, are still just great witches at this time.

"Myths and legends say that the witch clan in ancient times experienced its heyday after several epochs, and twelve super ancestor witches were born, almost each of whom occupied a powerful priesthood and was a true super ancient god. "

"Looking at it now, the five future ancestral witches in front of me are still in the growth stage. They have the strength of great witches, and they also have a little power of gods, but they are still far away from myths and legends. This is reasonable. Let me just say, how could the broken system be so kind, and manifest five gods to teach the head, this does not meet the broken system's stingy and tricky setting."

"But even a great witch is completely developed."

Wu Liang, who had just hacked his own system, seemed to think of the huge opportunity in the future, and an extremely flat smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, the five great witches shook their heads in unison.


"Sure enough, it's a bear boy!"

"It's too bearish, it doesn't look like a member of our Wu clan."

"It really doesn't look like it, no wonder the Wuxiong Clan can't handle him."


Under the solitary peak, the witches of the Wuxiong clan listened to the complaints of the five high-ranking great witches, all of them had black lines all over their heads, and they broke into a cold sweat for the old patriarch by the way.

Is it overdone?
If he can't sell it, this brat will fall into his hands.

Thinking of this tragic consequence, all the Wuxiong clan were in mourning, and even Wu Liang's mother, who had a body like this, had an uneasy expression on her face.

After finally waking up, Wu Liang, who had become normal, couldn't help complaining fiercely in his heart: "Hey, hey, how bad is the original owner of my body? Looking at it like this, it's just that God hates ghosts and hates nothing. Break the system, are you deliberately changing the angle to hack me?"

Hearing Wu Liang's call, the system finally couldn't help but respond: "Please rest assured, the host, the original owner of this body is an intelligent program set by the system according to the host's behavior pattern, and the similarity with the host can reach 90.00%[-] Point nine. In other words, the bear's... is the host himself."

(End of this chapter)

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