Chapter 750 The only teaching method

"Hey, what are you talking about? What's all right?"

"No matter what conspiracy you guys have, I don't agree with it all."

After being dazed for a moment, Wu Liang soon came to his senses.

Then, the movie king came up.

The burly body like a little giant jumped up, and regardless of the empty leather pants, a big bird dangled, its muscles were bulging, its thick fingers tapped the five great witches without respect, and then roared impolitely.

This kind of performance, just two breaths, perfectly interpreted the posture of a "bear child".

Almost perfect!
If it is still in the original time and space, Wu Liang said that an Oscar is indispensable.

But such a perfect performance also brought a little sequelae.

That is the five great witches, and they all took it seriously.

What are they?
Nuoda is a witch clan, and there are only a few people who can stand with the five of them.

Even if it is zoomed in on the entire ancient continent, and the strong people of thousands of races gather together, the five of them are definitely at the top level.

Normally, tens of thousands of witches would respect and worship them when they saw them. At this time, a "special case" suddenly appeared, not only being disrespectful, but also daring to offend them?

If it was a film and television drama like Wu Liang's original time and space like Shaking M, maybe the five great witches would think that the bear boy Wu Liang at this time is very special and worth cultivating.

However, it is a pity.

The five of them didn't have the attribute of shaking M, so when they heard Wu Liang's words, Qiqi, including the most gentle Houtu witch, squinted their eyes, and dangerous lights began to flicker in them.

"It's really a bear!"

"Very bear!"

"How to teach?"

"There is only one way!"


Starting with the Great Witch Zhu Rong, it seemed like a tongue twister. The four great witches completed a conversation. Every word uttered made Wu Liang tremble involuntarily, and an extremely strong ominous omen suddenly occupied his mind.

Then the next moment, Wu Liang saw it.

The most icy Great Witch Xuanming, on that icy face that seemed to never melt, a beautiful and thrilling smile suddenly appeared, and then this Great Witch who was in charge of the ancient water god spoke.

There was only one word, which was extremely concise and at the same time made Wu Liang want to turn around and run away.



When Wu Liang heard the word uttered by the Great Witch Xuanming, he immediately realized it in his mind.

The task that was triggered when this ancient dungeon descended would have such a name.

Bear kid can't do anything if he doesn't fight!

Wu Liang was also surprised that his body was indeed that of a bear, but it didn't look like he was in great danger.

Unexpectedly, it was actually waiting for him here.

"Break the system, I... ah!"


Wu Lianggang wanted to lash out at his extremely unreliable system in his mind, and at the same time turn around and try to escape.

But before he could move, the next moment he felt that his extremely powerful body was being grabbed by someone. When he turned his head, he saw a white palm suddenly landed on his shoulder, and at the same time, there was a wave that seemed to be able to shake his body. The terrifying chill that froze human souls eroded over.

Needless to say, the one who caught Wu Liang at this moment was the Great Witch Xuanming who was colder than any ice and snow.

"Boom~ boom"

"not good!"

Suddenly, Wu Liang exclaimed subconsciously.

It turned out that although his body completely inherited the cultivation of Wu Liang's main body, Yuanshi Second Heaven, it was copied after all, and Wu Liang could not perfectly control the power within it in a short period of time.

Even in Wu Clan, Wu Liang's body was the best for his age. Once that huge force was attacked, he almost instinctively launched a counterattack.

Then... Wu Liang was tragic.

No matter how powerful his strength is, compared with a great witch, he is insignificant.


Almost without suspense, Wu Liang's body flew up.

If Wu Liang could see another perspective at this time, it would be very clear.

The violent force gushing out of his body could not leave even the slightest trace on that white and beautiful palm. On the contrary, his own body like a little giant was as light as a leaf in the hands of the Great Witch Xuanming.

Being thrown casually by him, Wu Liang turned into a ball and went straight to another direction.

"I'm a big deal, you don't want to...?"

"This is too much!"

He was in mid-air, but Wu Liang's eyes suddenly opened wide, because he suddenly realized that he was about to be in a very miserable situation.

He really became a "ball"!
Although Wu Liang wanted to resist, at least he stopped from the rapid lasing, but he couldn't resist the little power that came from the great witch Xuanming, and he flew towards the big witch Zhu Rong who was showing a ferocious smile.

And at this moment, the Great Witch Zhu Rong has slowly raised his huge leg that was so strong that it could kick the pillar of heaven.

Surrounded by flames, that giant leg kicked Wu Liang mercilessly.

Although it hasn't landed on him yet, Wu Liang can already predict what will happen.


Another muffled sound, no surprise.

Wu Liang took off again, but turned in a different direction. This time he was facing the ancient wood god with the body of a bird and the face of a bird, the Great Witch Jumang, who laughed "quack quack".


"Ho~ ho ho ho"

Wu Liang heard it, and amidst the laughter of the two dragons under the feet of the Great Witch Jumang, he happily went to the next direction.

The current situation is very clear.

This brat Wu Liang is about to ~ oh no, he is being beaten.

In fact, since a long time ago, as a bear child, there have been countless witches who wanted to beat him up, including the parents of Wu Liang, the old patriarch and the old patriarch who looked very kind and kind. lady.

The reason why he was not beaten was naturally because Wu Liang's body was so powerful that even if he couldn't beat him, he could still escape.

So when Wu Liang's real body came, he could still rely on it to die without stopping.

Until now, he met his nemesis.

And one time, that is five.

The five nemesis wanted to beat him, but it was not easy to line up, so the five witches discussed casually and chose "kicking the ball", a game that is good for physical and mental health.

Of course, for Wu Liang, the experience was not so good.

Especially at the next moment, when Wu Liang was severely beaten by the Dawu Rushou with a mountain-sized fist and flew away, and then he clearly saw the last position.

The earth witch who looked so gentle and beautiful, like the "mother of the earth", the real goddess—Houtu, a blush appeared on her gentle face.

At first, Wu Liang felt that he was finally saved.

The Great Witch of Houtu, as expected in the myths and legends, is a true goddess, and she couldn't bear to be rough on herself.

Unfortunately, Wu Liang soon found out that he was wrong.

In the midst of "shyness", the great witch of Houtu pinched his linen dress and slowly lifted a corner, revealing his white and warm jade feet. Yujiao's shadow suddenly magnified ten times and a hundred times.

“So beautiful~”

"Huh, that's not right."


Once again, Wu Liang flew out.

Only this time, Wu Liang paid the price in blood.

Well, it's a nosebleed.

(End of this chapter)

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