Chapter 751 This little girl just wants to hit me

"You stop me, this is not the treatment I should enjoy."

People in mid-air, Wu Liang uttered this roar.

At this time, Wu Liang's face was full of grief and indignation.

Can't believe it!
One day, he will have such an encounter.

In fact, it's not just Wu Liang himself who doesn't want to believe it. If the crazy and skyrocketing "victim alliance" sees this scene, it will also be unbelievable.

It's crazy, Wu Liang, who has always been good at deceiving people, will be beaten violently.

Moreover, there were five people who beat him violently.

The five great witches each occupied a position, and then kicked Wu Liang's body like a ball, and from the continuous sound of empty explosions, it seemed that the five great witches didn't use cleverness, but really Fist to flesh.

This proved from the side, just how perverted Wu Liang's current body is.

Treated like a ball, after drawing a complete "pentagram" on the sky, Wu Liang didn't feel any serious injuries in his body, but he felt bulging sensations for some reason, as if he was just swollen Just a little.

But this can't bring even the slightest comfort to Wu Liang, physical well-being can't heal the wound in his heart at all.

"Break the system, get out of here."

"Why are you hacking me?"

"What kind of mission is this? Isn't the head of the sect an idiot? You can take this opportunity to take revenge on the head of the sect."

"Besides, this task is completely illogical. If you get beaten up, can this sect master understand the five elements of the Dao? Isn't this unscientific?"

Unable to resist the invisible power of the five great witches, Wu Liang had no choice but to vent his anger on the system.

In his mind, Wu Liang's crazy roar sounded.

Judging from the current scene, the task this time is indeed a bit weird.

Wu Liang's goal is to comprehend the "law of the five elements" in the inner world of the five-element cauldron, and with the help of the power of the five-way law, after fusion, he will condense his own strange things from the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, so as to reach the sky in one step, directly from the second heaven of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. The realm jumped to the sixth heaven.

The plan is very satisfactory.

Coupled with his status as the master of the Five Elements Divine Cauldron, Wu Liang has reason to think that this time should be relatively smooth.

He never thought that he would be beaten violently by five great witches from ancient times as soon as he entered.

Even if Wu Liang's strength has not diminished at all, it is impossible for him to be the opponent of the strong in ancient times.

What's more, he is still a strong man in the Wu clan.

It should be known that in that barbaric era, the two most powerful groups on the primitive continent were the Liches and Demons.

Almost every Wu clan has the power to move mountains and fill seas after they reach adulthood.

What's more, they are still the five most powerful among the tens of millions of witches. Even though the five great witches manifested by the system are far from their peak period, they are still enough for Wu Liang to bear.

"Can't beat, can't beat."

"Can't be offended, can't be offended."

Apart from muttering these words, Wu Liang seemed to have no other choice.

In his mind, the system that seldom showed up in the past, but this time it appeared incomparably quickly, as if it had been there from the very beginning, watching the scene of Wu Liang being violently beaten, if the system could be anthropomorphic .

Presumably the scene that will appear at this time is a little man holding a photo stone, constantly facing the scene of Wu Liang being violently beaten, with a mean smile on his face, very happy.

Although not, but a happy mood is certain, so the system gave a perfect answer.

"Ding, please be careful with your words and deeds, the host. This system is the most fair system certified by the heavens, and it will never hack your own host."

"As for whether being beaten up can help the host realize his epiphany, the host is asked to find out by himself."

"This system can only guarantee that all tasks are strictly set and are absolutely fair and open. If the host cannot benefit from it, then ask the host to find out the problem from himself."

"A friendly reminder: There is no brat in this world that can't be solved by a spanking. If there is, then spanking again."



Just as Wu Liang was about to roar, he was suddenly kicked away by a thick thigh.

Start again!

With a fearless spirit, Wu Liang used his own body to continuously outline five-pointed stars on the sky.

It seemed that it really coincided with the system's reminder, and the five great witches made up their minds to teach this "bear child" Wu Liang well.

Since one beating doesn't work, then continue beating.

In this regard, Wu Liang said that he had a feeling of being overwhelmed.

But just when Wu Liang was brewing for a while, ready to use his life's skills to end this "tragic" fate.

Suddenly, Wu Liang, who just flew into the air, seemed to realize something, raised his eyebrows, and his expression immediately moved slightly.

A fact that has always existed but was subconsciously ignored by Wu Liang is now known to him again.

As he was beaten again and again, his body seemed to undergo some "changes".



"I know……"

Wu Liang, who had just realized something, raised his head and saw the cold and unparalleled Great Witch Xuanming raised his white palm again, and hurriedly called out, and tried to explain his discovery, and by the way stop this new round of Wumang star tour.

According to Wu Liang's understanding, the five great witches beat him up so violently with good intentions. The purpose was to make him realize something and complete the transformation from a brat to a genius.

So at this moment, Wu Liang uttered the latter sentence, which should be able to stop Great Witch Xuanming from following up.

But soon, Wu Liang realized that he was wrong.

Or, half right.


Wu Liang could clearly see that after he uttered that sentence, a smile flashed in the cold eyes of Great Witch Xuan Ming, obviously he understood Wu Liang's follow-up words.

But unfortunately, her fist didn't stop.

So Wu Liang also understood.

"Fuck, this little girl just wants to hit me, it's too much."

Surprised and angry, Wu Liang also lost his composure.

It never occurred to him that he really said these words, especially the three words "little mother skin", which couldn't be more clear, and completely penetrated into the ears of the great witch Xuanming who just raised his small fist.


Suddenly, Wu Liang felt that the whole world seemed to be quiet.

He didn't need to turn his head to know that under the lonely peak, all the members of the Wuxiong tribe were dumbfounded, even his cheap father and mother should have the expression of "I didn't smash this by my son" at this time.The other four great witches were also startled, and then looked like "this kid is beyond hope".

As for Wu Liang himself, after uttering that sentence, his heart suddenly "thumped", and then his whole body fell into an ice cave, his complexion instantly changed from red to black, black to gray, gray to white, and white to pale.

At this moment, Wu Liang realized it.

"So... I'm really a brat!"


After Wu Liang murmured that exclamation, his eyes were completely filled with a white and beautiful fist.

(End of this chapter)

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