Chapter 779

Obviously, Shangyang Dasheng did not expect such a development.

If she was in a sane state, if she saw that Wu Liang was about to crawl out, she would definitely solve it with a black spell.

It's a pity that Shang Yang was in a state of rage at that time, he didn't have time to think, and subconsciously stepped forward and kicked him, probably thinking that even if Wu Liang wasn't trampled to death, he would inevitably fall back into the fate of Quan's eyes.

However, who would have thought that Wu Liang is still a foot controler.

Perverts are invincible!
So, after a "plop", Wu Liang and the Great Sage Shangyang almost rolled into a ball and fell into the spring.

"let me go!"


As soon as he entered the water, the first thing Shangyang Great Sage felt was not the sense of crisis brought about by the coming sun water, but that he couldn't bear to be held in the arms of a disciple, almost without hesitation, his backhand was one cubit.


Wu Liang was already suffering because he forcibly digested the foot of the mad woman in his arms, but with this forceful elbow, Wu Liang vomited blood in response.


As soon as the fishy and sweet blood entered the spring, it was directly evaporated into a thick blood mist by the scorching heat.


"bang bang"

However, the Great Sage Shangyang didn't stop, and even became angrier after smelling the smell of blood. He went straight to a combo and almost knocked out Wu Liang's internal organs.

This completely angered Wu Liang!
Although because of the previous "deception" behavior, Wu Liang, a scumbag, still feels a little guilty towards Miss Shangyang.

But now, this trace of guilt has directly turned into anger.

Seeing Wu Liang's complexion turned cold, the violent power belonging to the Great Witch gushed out of his body immediately, and immediately hugged the "thin" Shangyang Great Sage tightly, making him unable to move at all.

Although the two are in the same realm, the Great Sage Shangyang is a demon race after all. If she is confronted with magical powers, she may not be at a disadvantage, but in terms of physical strength, she is really at a disadvantage.

Even if Wu Liang was injured, it was not something she could resist.

So the next moment, the Great Sage Shangyang felt his body suddenly fall into a broad, strong and extremely hot chest, and his two arms seemed to have infinite power, completely restraining her, and unless she died, she would be unable to break free at all.

But now, she has no time to think about whether to die or not.

Because at the moment when Wu Liang moved, Shangyang Dasheng, a banshee with a bit of Wenqing breath, was completely dizzy by Wu Liang's majestic masculine breath, which was wrapped in a warm and domineering breath. The feeling of living is unprecedented, and it is normal for her to get lost for a while.

Just when she fainted for a breath and was about to wake up, and was really desperate, Wu Liang's revenge also came.

Seeing that Wu Liang's complexion is very ugly, and his mouth is not forgiving, he shouted angrily: "Little mother, you asked for this, I still don't believe that I can't cure you."

As soon as the words fell, the Great Sage Shangyang immediately heard a crisp "pop" sound from her buttocks.

Then, there is the rhythmic percussion.

"clap clap"


After being dazed for a moment, the Great Sage Shangyang immediately felt the blows again and again, and the buttocks soon felt numbness and pain, like a tide, coming continuously.

Shang Yang, who was already weaker than Wu Liang in strength, was even weaker at this time, unable to resist Wu Liang's counterattack.

But this made Wu Liang panic, because he soon discovered that the real crisis was coming.



The bottom of the spring eye was already red.

It was like a big mouth full of blood, and it swallowed up madly. It only took a moment to swallow Wu Liang and the Great Sage Shangyang in his arms.

At that time, the two of them might be more or less fortunate.

"Nimma, is it going to be cooked this time?"


"Little girl, wake up quickly, we are going to die."

Under the crisis, Wu Liang didn't care about other things, and patted the buttocks of the Great Sage Shangyang one after another, trying to wake up the banshee.

After all, the "True Sun Water" that is about to fill the spring is attracted by this woman.

To survive, another Taiyin True Water is needed for neutralization.

It's a pity that Wu Liang's shot not only failed to make Shangyang Dasheng fully awake, it even made it worse.

This scorching hot and domineering environment is simply the most powerful aphrodisiac for a banshee with a strong literary and youthful atmosphere and who will have the role of "Rain God" in the future. This monster female great sage has long been immersed.

After being slapped a few times, he just lifted his head and glanced, and then a strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Those lotus root and white jade-like hands stretched out, hugged Wu Liang's body tightly, and whispered: "It's too late, let's die together!" Bar."

"Damn it, she is indeed a crazy woman, and even if she disagrees with her, she will drag the young master to die in love together."

Being hugged tightly by a big beauty, what Wu Liang felt was not comfort, but fright.

"Hey, hey, wake me up."

"Master, I don't want to die for love. I still have a great youth, and there are many beautiful girls waiting for me outside."

"I'm the man who wants to open the Crystal Palace of the Heavens. I can't die here."


No matter how Wu Liang yelled and struggled, the Great Sage Shangyang seemed to have really made up his mind to die with Wu Liang. His whole body was like an octopus, completely entangled in Wu Liang's body, and Wu Liang really fell into a double fire. In the feeling of the sky.

"Damn, I still have to rely on myself in the end, I don't believe it anymore, how can a mere crazy woman get me?"

"Isn't it the real water of the sun? Isn't it the bath water of the sun?"

"What's the big deal, those ten big birds can be washed, but I can't?"


After uttering a very shocking and awesome declaration, Wu Liang moved.

However, he straightened his body, took the Great Sage Shangyang who had been entangled with him into his arms, stretched out his strong ape arms, and completely locked the body in his arms. From the outside, this is simply an incomparable It's a classic posture, it's worth learning.

At the same time, Wu Liang's mind sank into his body completely, completely awakening the growing Five Elements Witch Seed.

"Boom ~ Kaka"

An extremely strange movement suddenly appeared on Wu Liang's body at this moment.

Strands of innate five-element witch power gushed out from all parts of Wu Liang's body like silk threads, and then quickly entangled together. Huge cocoons.

The innate five elements are integrated into one body and are endless.

"Boom~ chi chi chi chi"


It started, and the terrifying Sun True Water collided with the witch cocoon the moment it took shape.

The real water that is enough to burn almost everything in this world, as soon as it touches the witch cocoon, bursts of crimson flames, which is the legendary real fire of the sun.

Even if it's a ball, if it falls, it can burn all living beings within ten thousand miles.

But at this time, the seemingly endless sun's true fire turned out to be a big cocoon shining with the brilliance of the five elements.

This scene seemed to anger the real water of the sun. There was a loud "boom" from the depths of the spring, and a majestic suction force surged out, wrapping the witch cocoon directly, and then went deep into the spring, as if Another space was pulled.

(End of this chapter)

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