Chapter 780



Wu Liang's ears were filled with such voices.

Needless to say, he knew that this was the movement after the Taiyang Zhenshui and the Five Elements Witch Cocoon collided with each other.

The real water of the sun is the congenital real water that allows the sun to bathe. It is a very yang thing in the sky and the earth. It is very mysterious and terrifying.

Although Wu Liang was blessed to the soul, he formed a cocoon with the innate power of the five elements, barely resisting the burning of the real water.

But it's a pity, after all, the realm of cultivation has not yet reached.

At first, the cocoon withstood it.

But as the suction force of the real water of the sun became more and more terrifying, the big cocoon where the two were located was also wrapped and pulled into another space, completely separated from the deep sweet spring in the depths of the Shangyang tribe.

The space that he turned to enter was completely composed of the real water of the sun.

A red world!

Here, it's all water.

But every drop of water is enough to burn thousands of miles away. Once the vent is announced, perhaps the whole world will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

That's right, this is... Gan Yuan.



Wu Liang felt it. As soon as the Five Elements Witch Cocoon entered Ganyuan, the speed of erosion immediately accelerated.

With his mind, he could even "see" that the five-element shamanic power that was originally consumed at a slow rate was disappearing at a rate of ten or a hundred times.

If it is outside, Wu Liang can also use his innate supernatural powers to absorb the innate power of the five elements to supplement.

But here, not to mention the power of the five elements, there is no primordial spirit energy with a blank attribute.

Here, there is only one thing.

That is the extremely terrifying Taiyang True Water, even if the two qi are clear and turbid, they cannot be pure here, and will be burned by the Taiyang True Water.

As long as Wu Liang's five-element witch power is in his body, the time for the two of them to die will arrive.

That's right, not only Wu Liang, but also the Great Sage Shangyang in Wu Liang's arms couldn't survive.

Nuo Da is a demon clan who can survive in Gan Yuan.

Apart from the ten exceptionally talented three-legged Golden Crows, there are only a handful of superpowers.

Shang Yang, although he is the great sage of the monster clan, is not among them.

Thinking of this, Wu Liang is no longer polite.

With a sound of "pa", Wu Liang slapped hard on the indescribable part of Shangyang Great Sage.

"Crazy girl, wake up, we are going to die if we don't do anything."

"You caused this trouble. I just accidentally saw you taking a bath, my lord. As for such a heavy hand?"

"Aren't you stupid to get yourself involved too?"

Shang Yang naturally heard Wu Liang's complaints.

At the same time, Shang Yang also knew Wu Liang's true identity at this time.

To condense this witch cocoon, Wu Liang, of course, could not continue to maintain his vest status as a little boy from the monster clan, and instead showed his face as a bear child of the witch clan.

If it was in the outside world, or at other times, Shangyang would have gone berserk at this time.

After all, liches are not at odds with each other!
What's more, he is such a shameless Wu Clan, it is not an exaggeration to kill him hundreds of times.

But now, Shangyang Great Sage doesn't have these ideas anymore.

Even, she still lay in Wu Liang's arms, blushing with shame, showing no sign of relaxing.

Even though his buttocks were dangling, Shang Yang didn't let go, but put his head close to Wu Liang's ear, exhaled like blue, and whispered: "Silly boy, it's too late, Gan Yuan once Divided into two, half of the real water of the sun, half of the real water of the sun, now we are in the extreme sun zone, within ten breaths, we will be turned into flying ash."

"Although you are a barbarian, it is not bad to die with you. At least I have made a small contribution to the demon clan."


"You crazy woman, who wants to die with you, the young master is the man who wants to open the Crystal Palace, and died here with you, won't the style of painting become an infatuated single heroine?"

As soon as Shang Yang finished speaking, he was hit again on the buttock.

At the same time, Wu Liang's eyes were wrinkled by Wu Liang's incomprehensible amorous feelings, and he couldn't help but bite this fellow's shoulder hard.

Of course, Wu Liang was not a fool, and he could clearly feel the affection in the heart of the Great Sage Shangyang.

At this moment, the effectiveness of the Supreme Treasure Heart has long since disappeared, but the word love is unpredictable.

Wu Liang is such a wonderful young man of the witch tribe, barbaric, domineering, plus pitfalls, his style of painting is very different from those of the geniuses of the monster tribe. Under the wonderful fate, the two had this ironic experience, It really made this naturally sentimental monster sage fall in love with him.

In Shang Yang's words, he was saying that he had eliminated a genius of the Wu clan for the Yao clan, but every word in that word was full of deep affection.

Even if Wu Liang had escaped his temper, he wouldn't be able to trick him at this time.

Tucao return to Tucao, although the sound was loud, but when the palm of the hand fell on the ground, it had already lost its strength, and instead gently caressed it.


This fellow Wu Liang's blood is terrifying, and naturally the temperature in his palm is also terrifying. The scorching heat passed through the indescribable parts, as if a scalding heat stream poured into Shang Yang's body, The beautiful banshee couldn't help but let out a wonderful sound.

This sound caused a big deal.

Shang Yang said that this place is special, within ten breaths, the two of them will be turned into fly ashes.

Before that, it is natural to experience the burning of the sun's real water.

Although the five-element witch cocoon is tough, it can't resist the almost endless and terrifying heat gradually. When Shang Yang spoke, the inside of the witch cocoon has become extremely hot, like a steamer placed in a furnace, and the sweat has never appeared. evaporated.

A whole body of clothes was incinerated without a sound.

Just at this time, Shang Yang's fatal moan came, and that bite that added fuel to the fire.


Ignite, all the blood in Wu Liang's body was completely ignited at this moment.

At this moment when the two meet each other naked, coupled with the affectionate confession of the great sage Shangyang, no matter how powerful the aphrodisiac in the world is, it is not as good as the charming atmosphere at this moment.




The two first glanced at each other, and then they couldn't look away anymore.

No need for any words, and at the same time understand the other party's mind.

Here, in this moment.

Everything else became unimportant, the hatred between the two lich clans, and the entanglement between the two before.

Whether it is life or death.

Both have become insignificant, and in the eyes of the two, apart from each other, they can no longer see anything else.

Love to the deepest place, desire to live by itself.

What's more, at the last moment of life, the two of them don't need any words or actions at all. After they understand each other's intentions, everything will come to fruition.


Moved, two figures.

One is extremely strong, like a natural god, with majestic energy and blood, and unparalleled domineering.

A graceful and cold, like a continuous spring rain, all kinds of tenderness, only for one person.


(End of this chapter)

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