Chapter 781

Who can imagine that?

In this crimson world that can burn everything, a big cocoon is drifting with the waves as the sun burns. The power of the five elements that make up the big cocoon is consumed at a terrifying speed, and it seems that it may disappear in this world at any time.

But the two figures in the big cocoon were crazily entangled at this time, asking for each other, blending, and everything between heaven and earth was left behind.

A wonderful aura gradually diffused from the cocoon.

It is a kind of ubiquitous, mysterious and mysterious breath, the heaven and the earth have turbidity, and everything is divided into yin and yang.

Even in Ganyuan, it is still impossible to get rid of the shroud of the way of yin and yang.

In fact, this is the most vast display of the way of Yin and Yang between heaven and earth.

The original Gan Yuan is divided into clear and turbid Yin and Yang.

The true water of the sun and the true water of the yin and yang are clearly separated, and they do not invade each other. Only the most central place, under the interference of the mighty power of heaven and earth, gave birth to a meeting place.

Wu Liang and Shang Yang came from the spring of Ganyuan, and they are naturally located in the depths of the real water of the sun.

If the original trajectory of fate was followed, after ten breaths, it would be the time for the two of them to be turned into ashes.

But now, a mysterious change has taken place.



Just when Wu Liang and Shang Yang were engrossed in bliss, the aura produced by the combination of the two accidentally touched the Yin and Yang of the world, and an extremely yin aura completely condensed by the true water of Taiyin directly crossed the sky. Come from the void.

The real water of the sun, which is powerful enough to burn everything in the world, touches the real water of the sun, and it is immediately broken open gently, as if it has encountered a deadly natural enemy.

Accompanied by the Taiyin True Water, there was an incomparably mysterious force that wrapped the big cocoon that was about to be burned, and after a "buzz", it moved the big cocoon directly to a strange place.

Here, it is the most mysterious place where yin and yang meet in Gan Yuan.

The true water of the sun and the true water of the sun that cannot be mixed at all, because of the coordination of the mighty power of the heaven and the earth, this unimaginable spiritual land was born.

Gan Yuan's extreme!

The eyes of yin and yang!

In Pan Gu Continent, many powerful people know the existence here.

But few people can enter it, even the ten talented princes of the monster clan, the three-legged Golden Crow, can't enter it.

The reason is very simple!
To enter here, in addition to breaking through the blockade of Taiyang Zhenshui and Taiyin Zhenshui, you also need the recognition of the mighty power of heaven and earth, and you can successfully enter if you have the way of yin and yang, and you can get huge benefits like splashing the sky.

The three-legged Golden Crow is a creature of extreme yang.

Although it is possible to pass through the real water of the sun, once it touches the real water of the sun, there is a danger of falling.

In fact, in the entire continent, there are only two strong men who can enter.

Impressively, they are the strongest of the Yaozu, the Heavenly Emperor Dijun, and the mother of ten suns, the Queen of Heaven, Xihe.

These two are actually the incarnations of Sun Star and Lunar Star.

However, I heard that the relationship between the two had already broken down, and they also lost the qualification to enter it.

Who would have thought?

In this most mysterious place in the world, two visitors came again.

As for Wu Liang and Shang Yang, the way they entered here was simply a mess.

Two people, a great witch of the witch clan, and a great sage of the monster clan.

The body is full of the majestic luck of the two major races, and they strayed into Ganyuan at the same time. Driven by the mysterious love, the two actually got together in this Ganyuan. Such an incredible plot coincides with the yin and yang of heaven and earth. way.

So it was directly moved in by this mysterious place.

The Great Way of Yin and Yang exists in any corner between the heaven and the earth, and all living things can comprehend it.

But the heaven and the earth are ruthless, and the dust of the great way covers the souls of all things. It is impossible to obtain it unless chance and understanding go against the sky.

But here, it's different.

Here, there is no dust of the great way.

The way of yin and yang appeared in front of Wu Liang and Shang Yang without concealment.



As soon as the bodies of the two entered, they immediately felt the strangeness around them.

In this space, it seems that there is no air, nor is it liquid, but an unprecedented state of freedom, the ubiquitous yin and yang, so that the two of them did not even open their eyes, and they entered a more harmonious and mysterious space than before. in the coincidence.

The world seems to have really disappeared.

In such a state, unbelievable changes began to take place inside the two of them.




Their life forms began to sublimate.

There is no need for the guidance of the consciousness of the two of them at all. The Dao of Yin and Yang is the foundation for the reproduction of living beings. If the starting point of the two of them is not very high, I am afraid that the moment they enter it, they will be able to change from a mortal to a powerful man comparable to a god. By.

Even so, the bodies of the two are also moving towards an incomparably perfect state.

Outside of the body, the cultivation realm of the two is also changing.

Shangyang will be appointed as the "Rain God" in the future, but that requires the great sage of the demon clan to go through years of baptism and make enough contributions to this world before he can be granted the gift of heaven.

But now, this process has been shortened rapidly.Driven by the Dao of Yin and Yang, within the body of the Great Sage Shangyang, traces of god imprints related to the duties of the Rain God were born quickly. Maybe it won't be long before a brand new god will be born.

Compared with Shang Yang, the changes in Wu Liang's body were even more terrifying.

After being taught by the five cheap masters, Wu Liang's five-element witch species was completely awakened, but due to irresistible factors, Wu Liang was only at the stage of a nascent great witch, and in the foreseeable future, he would not be able to get along with Zhu Rong and other natural gods. Compare.

Because looking at the ancient times, there was no "god" who controlled the five elements.

This is because of the restriction of the Dao of Heaven. The Innate Five Elements Dao is also the foundation Dao of heaven and earth. It can be given to many great witches and even demon gods respectively.

But they can't all be mastered by the same creature, whether it's the witch clan or the monster clan.

If it comes true, then a super god will definitely be born, which will be completely beyond the control of heaven.

In this world, it is absolutely not allowed to happen.

But now, fate has changed.

In Wu Liang's body, the five-element tree that seemed to entrust heaven and earth suddenly changed.

A little chaotic color appeared on the small tree without any warning, and then began to spread rapidly. With every breath, an incomparably strange chaotic small tree was about to be born...

Five elements in one!

Chaos born!
When this scene appeared, a terrifying change immediately appeared outside the Yin-Yang space.



Above the boundless sweet abyss, a terrible change suddenly appeared.

The incomparably majestic black calamity cloud enveloped the void where the yin and yang eyes were located almost instantly. Countless purple thunderbolts were born in an instant, and then turned into a vast thunder dragon, roaring on the sky. The terrifying power seemed to destroy the entire world. Heaven and earth are ordinary.

Fate has gone awry!
God, will automatically fix this deviation.

To put it simply, Wu Liang has violated the rules of heaven and is about to be struck by lightning.

That terrifying aura enough to destroy the world completely ignored the barriers of space and time, and also broke through the barrier of Yin-Yang Dao, and directly penetrated into the minds of Wu Liang and Shang Yang.

The incomparably natural and beautiful state of union between the two was interrupted.

The moment Wu Liang woke up, the prompt reminder from the system also came.

(End of this chapter)

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