Chapter 782 The variable that must be wiped out

Thanks to Wu Liang and Shang Yang, they have already entered a state of great harmony in their lives, and there are no sequelae if they are interrupted.

Otherwise, Wu Liang would have to leave a shadow in his heart when this burst of terrifying thunder came down.

Even so, Wu Liang was extremely furious.

What is the worst thing in the world?
Needless to say, that's how it is now.

But before Wu Liang vented his anger, the great terror had already arrived.

"Deviation of fate, redundant variables, I will kill you."

Such a concise and terrifying message entered Wu Liang's mind and even the depths of his soul through a mysterious and mysterious channel that could not be resisted or rejected at all.

The source of information is the ruthless way of heaven in this world.

The system's prompt directly exposed Wu Liang's situation at this time.

"Ding, warning warning, because of the host's deadly behavior, the reaction of the heavens in this world is triggered, and the host is regarded as a variable that must be obliterated. Please make a choice within three breaths, whether to continue the mission, or leave this world immediately."

"If the mission continues, the host must interrupt the epiphany process, leave the Yin Yang Eye, and pay one billion points as a reward for the system to eliminate the hostility of Heaven."

"If you leave this world immediately, the host can obtain the full epiphany, but the side task [bear child can't be a weapon] will fail."





The system happily told Wu Liang's situation directly.

And gave Wu Liang two choices, and kindly told the different consequences and the price to be paid, and then began to count down.


"bang bang bang"

Wu Liang's breathing became disordered immediately, and his heart beat violently.

Difficult, of course, with his insight, he immediately saw the great changes taking place in his body.

This is an incomparably huge opportunity. If he can take away all the gains from his epiphany, once he leaves the customs, Wu Liang will immediately become a master of the perfect realm of the sixth heaven of Yuanshi. It is a strong man who dominates one side.

Even, it is not impossible for some seventh-layer powerhouses to anal, after all, the power of the unity of the five elements is simply unpredictable.

But leaving at this time is not in line with Wu Liang's temperament.

Not to mention the five cheap masters, even Shang Yang who was in his arms at this time, Wu Liang couldn't let go of him in an instant.

But for the first choice, Wu Liang has to pay a lot.

Interrupted Epiphany!

Pay a billion points!

Either way, it made Wu Liang extremely painful.

If it were a normal person, or someone who was decisive in killing, he might choose the latter if he didn’t need the system to count down at all, and he could run away after taking the benefits, as long as he regarded this world as a dungeon world. .

The creatures here are just NPCs, it doesn't matter.

Unfortunately, Wu Liang is not a normal person, he is a scumbag, and he is a scumbag who completely follows his own heart.

Before the system's countdown ended, Wu Liang's answer also came.

"I choose the first one!"

Wu Liang's face was calm, and his tone was extremely indifferent.

And the system seemed to have already known Wu Liang's choice, and the moment Wu Liang's voice fell, the follow-up prompt also came.

"Ding, points have been deducted!"

"Start to eliminate the hostility of Heaven!"

"The host is requested to cooperate with this system and leave the yin and yang eyes within three breaths."


The system at this time seems to be different.

Although it was still that mechanical and cold voice, there was a trace of unimaginable power in every voice.


Wu Liang followed the prompts of the system, hugged Shang Yang, and left the strange space filled with yin and yang. The moment he came out, he saw a gray and inconspicuous brilliance, which suddenly shot up into the sky and shot directly. Into the terrible cloud of robbery.

I don't know why that brilliance?

Almost at the moment they touched each other, Jieyun dispersed.

The aura that Wu Liang and Shang Yang felt before, which wanted to destroy everything, disappeared without a sound.

Horror and big change, come fast.

Disappeared, but faster.

In a blink of an eye, there were only two solitary figures left on this Nuoda Ganyuan, except for the sun and the real water of Taiyin, which seemed to exist forever.

Of course, I'm not alone at all.

These two guys were shamelessly naked, embracing each other in an extremely indecent and harmonious posture.

The chance of epiphany in the eyes of Yin and Yang seemed to have given the two of them some special auras, which allowed them to maintain a vacant posture on Ganyuan, unlike other creatures, once they entered Ganyuan, they would be killed by the sun. Or the Taiyin True Water is sucked into it.

Either burn it directly, or freeze it into eternity.

However, the attitude of the two of them as a fairy couple did not last for too long.

Great Sage Shangyang finally returned to his soul at this time.

The reason why Shang Yang was so crazy before, and being with Wu Liang, the "little boy of the Wu clan", was purely caused by a series of coincidences and ridiculous changes, especially the crazy scene at the end was also caused by death. oppression.

Now that death is gone, the situation changes suddenly.

Although her heart was still full of strong affection for Wu Liang, other thoughts also came up along with her.

She is the great sage of the demon clan, but Wu Liang is the great witch of the witch clan.

At this juncture of the Lich War, the combination of the two is simply an unimaginable disaster.

As soon as he thought of this, Shang Yang's heart immediately became confused.

Seeing that he was lying in Wu Liang's arms in a shameful posture, two blushes immediately flew to his cheeks. This man was full of Wen Qing, and had obtained the "Rain God" thousands of years in advance in the previous epiphany. The beautiful banshee in charge finally couldn't take it anymore.


But seeing the great sage Shangyang, blushing with embarrassment, hesitating to speak, even the fool can see that she is in a state of confusion at this moment.

Gritting his silver teeth, he finally made up his mind to give Wu Liang an affectionate kiss, then hastily opened a void portal, pushed Wu Liang away cruelly, stepped into it, and then walked embarrassingly and shyly into the depths of his tribe. The palace fled.

"This little brat..."

Wu Liang touched the hickey on his face and murmured with complicated emotions.

He didn't go after it, and he couldn't go after it at this time.

Because Wu Liang knew very well that the combination of the two was a beautiful and refreshing thing for Wu Liang, a shameless guy.

But for Shang Yang, it was a major event that could be described as suffering.

Wu Liang is a witch, but Shang Yang is a monster.

The war between the two clans of liches has lasted for thousands of years since the end of ancient times, and the hatred between the two clans has also accumulated to an unimaginable level. Can't wash it off.

Wu Liang is a stranger born from outside the sky, so of course he can ignore this hatred.

But Shangyang can't do it.

So this beautiful banshee needs a little time to calm down.

But Wu Liang understood, but he was still very annoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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