Chapter 795

"Alas, sin."

In the bubble space, Wu Liang couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Looking at the "Second Soul" in front of him, his eyes were extremely sad.

If you ignore that mean smile, little Wu Liang is still very mighty and domineering, not to mention the special effects of angels, two halos, and a perfect body. A singular texture of incomparable harmony.

These textures, like the witch pattern, also resemble the legendary avenue pattern, intertwined perfectly and harmoniously.

After taking a look at it for a while, I couldn't help but immerse myself in it.

It can be said that the force of Wu Liang's "Original Rare Object" is far superior to those gems, weapons or other types of strange objects in Shenyuan Continent.

Until that smile appeared.

A pot of mouse feces spoils a pot of porridge.

That's horrible!
Wu Liang negotiated with the system for a long time, but was told that it could not be changed for the time being.

He had no choice but to accept the fact that he had become a teaser, and with a single thought, he took little Wu Liang back into his Niwan Palace spirit aperture, and together with the spirit mist, he covered that little figure.


In order to divert his grief, Wu Liang had no choice but to turn his attention to his current changes.

I haven't watched it for a long time, but his personal attributes have changed drastically again.

Host: Wu Liang

Level: Monk [Yuanshi Sixth Heaven]

Identity: Sovereign of the Nine Tripods Sect (the only master of the five ancient states of Shang, Qing, Chi, Kun, and Peng, a powerful fairy king.)
Spiritual power: as deep as the sea

Cultivation method: [Jiuding formula, three tripods complete. 】

Skills: [Emperor's Watching Qi Technique], [Super Round Light Technique], [Hand of Mountains and Rivers], [Void Teleportation], [God Race Sword Art (Shocking World)], [Separation of Two Worlds], [The Body of the Son of Heaven] , 【Five-Color Light】, 【Wuzhi Mountain】

Attack: Shattering

Defense: A world of its own

Dodge: without a trace

Physique: Immortal muscle and jade bone

Immortal Domain: Map of Mountains and Rivers, Five Elements Immortal Domain

Talent: unknown

lucky: unknown

Charm: Unknown

Pets: None
Achievements: [Virgin Killing], [Genius Virgin Killing], [Heart of the Strong], [Lord of the Five States], [Newborn Immortal King], [Killing a Sister and Proving the Way].

Weapon: Black Snitch

Skill Points: 0
Clone: ​​Barlow Balrog [Blood Moon · Slaughter · Devourer]

Headmaster points: 0 [How does the host feel when he returns to the pre-liberation period? 】

Prestige: Legendary [Remarks: The reputation of the host has begun to spread in the heavens and worlds, and countless powerful beings will hear your name, but in view of the actions of the host, the chances of you triggering various opportunities and dangers will be higher. Flat, all unusually high. 】


[Sun Shooter: The only epic title, as the name suggests, can only be obtained by a strong man who has shot the sun to death. Although it will belong to a strong man named Hou Yi in the future, due to special reasons, this title is taken by the host. snatch away.Wearing this title automatically will make the host's reputation automatically reach the legendary level, and the world of heavens will start to spread the reputation of the host.And the host will be immune to the deterrence of almost all strong men and gods, and has a fatal deterrent effect on the light camp. 】

[The No. [-] Bear in History: The only epic title, this title is recognized by countless bears in the heavens and myriad worlds. They voluntarily regard the host as the first. After all, they think that no matter how bearish they are, they dare not shoot the sun. Wu Ritian is not enough To describe the toughness of the host, it must be the number one bear in history to be barely worthy of the host.And as the most bearish existence in history, the host is automatically immune to the divine power of all gods, and has a fatal deterrent effect on all camps. 】

[Special note: Before these two titles, the rest of the host's titles will be automatically hidden, and only epic titles will be eligible to appear in the future. 】


[Evaluation: Today's host is qualified to call himself Wu Ritian, this is the standard title for the chosen one, such a host is barely worthy of this system, continue to work hard, host, look after you. 】


Upon seeing the final evaluation, Wu Liang directly gave the word "hehe".

Then I ignored it, and my eyes fell on some attributes.

The changes in cultivation base and skills were completely out of Wu Liang's expectation.

After all, after leaving the level, his cultivation base has skyrocketed, and he has also drawn two god-level skills, which will naturally show up in his attributes.

What surprised Wu Liang a little was the change in the attributes of the Immortal Domain.

It should be noted that before this, Wu Liang clearly remembered that he only owned one Immortal Realm, and that was the Vulcan Realm.

Unexpectedly, this time when he exited the customs, he directly owned two completely different fairylands.

The Five Elements Immortal Realm is easy to understand. It must be the Immortal Realm that Wu Liang condensed directly after he comprehended the Five Elements Dao.

It's just that the map of mountains, rivers, and land is a bit miraculous, which made Wu Liang interested for a moment.

These five characters are extraordinary.

As soon as the thought moved, the information of this fairyland emerged.

[Shanhe Sheji Picture: Host, please stop delusional thinking. Of course, this cannot be one of the legendary treasures of the Nuwa saint, although it may not be impossible to grow to that level.This Immortal Realm is formed by the combination of the two divine cauldrons of Mountains and Rivers under the control of the host. It was previously limited by the host's cultivation and could not be displayed, but now it can appear in the world. Although the power is not as good as the original version, it has its own structure and is infinitely mysterious. 】

[Remark [-]: The use of this fairyland requires the cooperation of the two tripods of the mountains, rivers, and rivers, and it can trap opponents whose cultivation level is not higher than that of the host. 】

[Remark [-]: In addition to the combat function, this fairyland can also nourish heaven and man, and transform all things, which is the true background. 】

"Good baby!"


Wu Liang's breathing became a little quicker, obviously he got a big surprise.

The two tripods of Shanhe and Sheji had already fallen into Wu Liang's hands. Ordinarily, this fairyland should have appeared long ago, but Wu Liang's cultivation was insufficient at that time, and now he has stepped into the sixth heaven of Yuanshi in one step, which made this mysterious supernatural power appear, which made Wu Liang happy endlessly.

The system's remark is correct, but the combat function of this supernatural power comes second. What really surprises people is its other supernatural powers.

Like the Spring of Ganyuan, the Ice and Fire Cave, and the seedlings of the Hibiscus Sacred Tree, this magical power of transforming all things is the true foundation for a sect to grow stronger.

As a master, it is normal to be surprised by it.

Now it seems that Wu Liang's trial journey is not too rewarding.

Although all the more than 20 billion master points have been consumed, and once they return to the pre-liberation period, compared to the skills, titles and treasures obtained, the mere points are not worth mentioning at all.

Not to mention other things, just those few treasures.

Wu Liang knew that it was something that the Zijin District could not see at all. I am afraid that only when he entered the Xianyu District would he have the chance to see it, but with more than 20 billion points, he could not even cross the threshold of the Xianyu District Let alone bought it.

And if Wu Liang was asked to rank the gains of this trip, those few treasures are actually at the end.

Of course, the special time domino must be removed first.

(End of this chapter)

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