Chapter 796 What a Great Devil

Three years is extremely short for almost all monks.

Shengtianzong, as a super eighth-rank force with a good reputation in the two states of Qiankun, three years, can just calm down a little trouble, and then spare a little energy to crush the ants who dare to offend the majesty of the sect.

As the envoy sent out to crush the ants, Lei Moshan, who was on his way in the strong wind of the sky, expressed his displeasure.

"I've said it a long time ago, don't let Di Shitian, that bastard, perform such an important task, it's fine if you lose an army of puppet, this guy even lost his own life, it's like throwing away all of us The face of the Holy Heaven Sect."

"In the outer gate, there are a bunch of useless snacks from him, which caused me to trek across mountains and rivers to kill people."

"What about the legendary six states? You'd better pray that there are some beautiful girls who can catch my eyes, otherwise I will kill them state by state. They are just ants anyway."

Obviously, as a "monk", this powerful monk called Thunder Demon Mountain is of the nagging kind.

That's right, the envoy sent by the Holy Heaven Sect looks like a monk.

It's just that people can tell at a glance that this is not a serious monk. The loose monk's clothes can only barely cover half of the body, revealing the frighteningly strong upper body. The strange purple-black tattoo extends from the back of his heart and spreads all over the body. All skin that can be seen.

And his face is full of flesh, even without makeup, he can easily scare all children and some not very strong adults to tears.

Of course, compared to the terrifying aura that surged out of him all the time, his appearance was completely negligible.

It's just horrific!
Even if he didn't display any supernatural powers, he didn't make any moves.

But as long as a creature with a slightly more sensitive perception can take a look at him, he can feel it immediately.

In front of him, it was not a person, let alone a compassionate monk.

This is a fierce beast, a real humanoid beast.

This point can be seen from the path he chose, there is not no peaceful sky below, allowing the powerful monk to fly by.

But this one, was born to forcibly break through countless bone-scraping winds and nine-day thunder.

The monks who changed to the other side, being pinched by these strong winds and thunders, might have already complained endlessly, but Lei Moshan's ferocious face was actually full of happy smiles, as if he was enjoying something, and he didn't take these things as nothing. The torture was really a mess.

And when he said the word "beautiful girl", the brilliance in his eyes can be known.

If nothing else, this is still an obscene monk.

I don't know what kind of sect the Holy Sky Sect is. A Di Shi Tianyao with a demonic aura was replaced by an elder from the inner sect, but it turned out to be an extremely strange and sturdy humanoid beast.

Although the strong wind and thunder blocked the way, Thunder Demon Mountain reached the destination very quickly.

Ahead, the scene that once shocked and frightened Wu Liang was reflected in Lei Moshan's eyes.

Qiankun Tiansuo!

One body with two sides, the moat-like portal is no different from what Wu Liang saw.

Of course, as a monk of Qiankun Erzhou, Lei Moshan would not be a bumpkin like Wu Liang.

Seeing Tiansuo, he stepped forward and took out something.

He didn't look too much, just threw it out.


The thing reaches mid-air, and its brilliance shines brightly.

When it revealed its true nature, it was a key. Seeing the mysterious light shaking on it, it was actually completely made up of talismans.

As soon as it flew up, it flew directly to a sky lock in the sky.

Keys and locks!

It was just too rough.

If Wu Liang were here, seeing such a scene, he would probably jump and curse.

It wasn't just Wu Liang, it should be said that if the monks in the entire legendary six states saw this scene, they would all curse.

The case is solved, there is no need to doubt it.

This Qiankun Tiansuo was definitely created by the bastards from Qiankun Erzhou.

Otherwise, it is completely impossible to explain why the monks in the two states of Qiankun can come up with a key that obviously matches a certain sky lock.Judging by the look on Lei Moshan's face, the key doesn't seem to be too rare and the only thing.

In other words, the hundreds of millions of monks in the legendary six states are equivalent to being locked in the six states, while the key falls into the hands of the monks in the two states of Qiankun.

To do such an unfair thing, the person who set up the Qiankun Tiansuo is a complete bastard.

Of course, as a monk of Qiankun Erzhou, Lei Moshan would not think so.

In fact, from Lei Moshan's point of view, the existence of these Qiankun Tiansuo is very necessary, and those guys who come from remote corners will enter the Qiankun Erzhou to gain spiritual energy from time to time, and they are all a group of country bumpkins.

Yes, this guy is a regional discrimination dog.

Just looking at Lei Moshan's haughty and extremely arrogant appearance, he knew that he came to the Legendary Six States definitely did not come with good intentions.




When Lei Moshan discriminated against the region, the lock was already opened that day.

But on the majestic sky, a gap that only allows one person to pass appeared.

As soon as the gap appeared, Lei Moshan immediately stepped out. When the void was trembling because of it, this guy was already laughing wildly, and went to the other side of the gap.

"Boom ~ hum"

"Hahaha... all the country bumpkins of the so-called legendary six states, come out and kneel, your grandpa Lei is here."

"Oh, that person called the Nine Cauldron Sect doesn't need to kneel down, just destroy their minds, so as not to bury Grandpa Lei's hand."

As soon as Lei Moshan passed through the gap, his body had just stood on the boundary of the Legendary Six States, and he released his aura of cultivation without any delay. state.

How flamboyant is this guy?
When the manifesto was released, he also used his great magic power to reflect his own image out of thin air over the six states.

So at this moment, the creatures from the six states saw it.

A great monk who didn't look like a good person at first glance, surrounded by countless thunders, announced his arrival to everyone with an image of evil charm, madness, arrogance and domineering.

Regardless of the aura of appearance, image, or the terrifying cultivation that emanates.

This giant-like monk called Lei Moshan is far superior to the previous emperor who tried to plot.

The two are not at the same level at all.

To be honest, if it weren't for a special reason, most of the monks and creatures in the six states would choose to surrender just by relying on the overpowering devil's aura revealed by Lei Moshan.

They can even imagine that a monster like Lei Moshan might usually eat human flesh and drink human blood, and occasionally have to get some white and yellow human brains to drink, and walk with an extremely bittern. Tasty human thighs.

Demon monk, evil monk, that's what he said.

According to the normal development, maybe after the Thunder Demon Mountain has ravaged, there will be a horror legend of "Unrivaled Demon Monk" left in the six states. After all, there is no monk in the entire six states, who can compete with the Thunder Demon who cultivated in the sixth heaven of Yuanshi. Mountain confrontation.

Therefore, there is a high probability that legends such as subduing demons and eliminating demons will not exist.

It's a pity that since a person appeared, the legendary six states will not unfold normally.

So at this moment, when the creatures of the six states raised their heads and saw the coercion of the Unrivaled Demon Monk, they were startled at first, then shook their heads together and sighed: "It's a pity, what a great demon monk."

(End of this chapter)

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