Chapter 798

"Liang Jingru!"


Lei Moshan, who was in a rage, suddenly heard a name from Wu Liang, and was really stunned.

Of course, he wasn't the only one who was stunned.

The audience was also stunned, even the children of Jiudingzong were also stunned.

Who is Liang Jingru?
Is it awesome?

It can actually make people not afraid of a super eighth-rank force at all. It should be noted that even in the second state of Qiankun, the Holy Heaven Sect is a powerful sect with a good reputation. It can be seen from the fact that it can send out sixth-level monks like Lei Moshan at will It's clear.

Looking at the bewildered crowd, Wu Liang felt extremely empty, lonely, and cold at this moment.

But seeing this guy, he looked up to the sky and sighed: "Oh, it's really lonely. No one here understands my tricks. It really is a world lacking a sense of humor."

When Wu Liang sighed, the system finally couldn't stand it anymore.

The next moment, Wu Liang's mind immediately heard a "ding ding ding" bombardment, and the system roared: "Host, are you stupid? This is the Shenyuan Continent. Who would understand the stalk of your hometown, and don't think that this system I don’t know, even in your hometown, this meme sucks.”

"If you don't understand, you don't understand. Why lose your temper, really."

Wu Liang slowly put away the photo stone in his hand, and dug his ears.

When responding to the system, this guy's face finally became more serious.

Obviously, I should have had enough fun and plan to get serious.

Although from Lei Moshan's point of view, the so-called seriousness of this guy is still the same, especially the cheap smile on the corner of his mouth, which makes Lei Moshan unable to contain the anger in his heart at all, and a strong thought arises It came out like a wildly growing vine, completely unstoppable.

"Kill this guy, or I will regret it."

That's right, this was the premonition in Lei Moshan's heart.

It has to be said that his premonition was very correct.

As expected, he was a strong man of the sixth heaven who condensed the strange things of Yuanshi. He was completely different from those coquettish sluts who died in Wu Liang's hands before.

The most different thing is his combat experience.

Although Lei Moshan made the same mistake as many villains, that is, talking more.

But fortunately, he is more aware of his mistakes and can correct them.

After discovering that the eyes of the "killing target" in front of him could not see the slightest trace of fear towards him, a strong man of the sixth heaven, Lei Moshan immediately had the idea of ​​vigilance, and at the same time he gave up in a flash. The problem of talking too much.

Do it!

But hearing a "bang", Lei Moshan's unbelievably thick palm had already grasped the Thunder Demon Halberd in the air that suddenly transformed from nothingness to reality.

In an instant, Lei Moshan changed.

The Thunder Demon Mountain before one breath, although it has a terrifying coercion and a terrifying aura, after all, it can still see its human side, so the crowd onlookers can still hold it, and even some mischievous guys can still raise their hands. photo stone.

But now, it's different.

No one can keep holding up the plaything in their hands. It is already a miracle that they can stand.

In fact, except for the Jiudingzong side, everyone else knelt down.

Including the veteran powerhouses like the Promise Sword Master, they are also monks in the Yuanshi Realm.

But at this moment, they had no resistance at all in the face of the terrifying coercion suppressed from the sky.


The high sky was completely filled with thunder.

The people below all had an extremely real and clear feeling in their bodies. If they didn't kneel down at this moment, and didn't show their surrender to that stalwart and huge figure, those thunderbolts might fall at any time and take anyone's life .

The sixth heavenly powerhouse, and also a monk who specializes in the law of thunder, even the sword masters of Wuji couldn't hold back even one of the thunder that was knocked down.

At this time, the Wuji Sword Master and others felt that they were extremely wronged.

While kneeling down, he couldn't suppress his inner desire to complain.

"Why are we here?"

"Are you saying that we are fools? We live comfortably, but we have to come here to suffer."

"Who is to blame, who doesn't have a B number in mind, but do you dare to say that name?"


Although everyone didn't dare to say the name, it was still possible to take a look.

It's just that after watching it, they became even more angry.

This guy, Wu Liang, released his aura of the sixth heaven in an understatement, and completely eliminated the thunder demon pressure, so that no one in the Nine Cauldron School was affected, so they all stared at the kneeling crowd with curious eyes.

The two sides looked at each other, and the scene can be said to be very embarrassing.

Of course, it was Wuji Juggernaut and others who were more embarrassing unilaterally.

The Jiudingzong side is well hidden in the "home" that has been packed, with various spirit melons in their hands, full of fragrance, it can be said that they are a group of very qualified melon eaters.

"The sixth heaven of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!"

"No wonder, I said that Di Shitian, the second guy, is stupid, but his strength is not bad. How could he be killed in a rural place? I dare to say that there is a sixth-level monk in this poor place, who is crushed by his realm. Next, it is normal for that idiot to be killed."

Looking at Wu Liang's cultivation, Lei Moshan was obviously surprised.

The reason why he took every rural place in the legendary six prefectures is naturally because the aura here is far less dense than the two prefectures of Qiankun, and naturally it is impossible to produce strong men who can stand on the table. In his eyes, the standard of this table is the sixth level of Yuanshi. sky.

Then, he immediately became excited again.

I saw the man in the sky who looked like a real thunder demon, suddenly a pair of eyes released a strong light, staring at Wu Liang.

That eagerness made Wu Liang's chrysanthemum feel slightly chilled.

"Nimma, this ugly thing with thick eyebrows and big eyes, can't it be a rabbit, did you fall in love with the beauty of the master?"

"Is the leader already handsome to this extent? It's too cool to kill both men and women."

If Lei Moshan heard this guy's heartfelt feelings, he might ignore any temptations and directly release Thunder.

Lei Moshan once again committed the problem of talking too much, in addition to being surprised by Wu Liang's cultivation, it was also to dig something out of Wu Liang's mouth.

After all, before this, Lei Moshan thought that Wu Liang was just a despicable ant. Now that this ant suddenly became as powerful as him, he naturally gained a little respect accordingly, and at the same time attracted Lei Moshan's strong covetousness.

A little bastard who looks stupid and has no qualifications can actually cultivate to the sixth heaven of Yuanshi in this kind of place. He must have obtained some terrible inheritance.

This inheritance must be mine.

This is the thought in Lei Moshan's heart at the moment.

So the next moment, I saw this ugly man like a thunderbolt, his big eyeballs rolled, and the corners of his mouth suddenly curled up, and he heard him speak immediately.

"Boy, I didn't expect a golden phoenix like you to fly out of such a broken place."

"That's right, well, how about it, I won't kill you anymore, as long as you join our Holy Heaven Sect, I will go and explain to the suzerain in person at that time, there is no problem in making you an inner sect elder, as for that idiot Di Shitian, die If you die, it's no big deal."



Lei Moshan's sudden words made everyone in the field dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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