Chapter 799

"what's the situation?"

"Is this villain stupid? He only hears that he will get angry when he hears that he doesn't agree with him. Why is it so popular to recruit him when he disagrees with him?"

"An elder from the outer sect died as soon as he died. Is the face of the Holy Heaven Sect so worthless?"


The onlookers were all confused.

The most surprised ones were the Wuji Sword Masters. After all, they are not ordinary monks. Although they may not know much about the two states of Qiankun, they at least know what kind of sect the Holy Heaven Sect is.

Shengtianzong, nicknamed in the two states of Qiankun, is called the villain sect.

It should be noted that every super eighth-rank force, especially the sects that came out of the chaotic world in the second state of Qiankun, cannot be easy to get along with.

To what extent can one be recognized as a villain.

Ya Zi must retaliate, these four characters must be standard.

In fact, Shengtianzong can be said to have brought these four characters to the extreme.

Whenever someone provokes a monk of the Holy Heaven Sect, the Holy Heaven Sect will definitely do everything possible to kill that person or force by any means.The principle that this sect believes in is that they are the only ones who can provoke others, and others cannot provoke them.

Being so domineering, he was naturally called a villain.

They were born with incomparable cunning, so all along, they have not provoked those horrible existences that they really can't afford.

This makes the monks of Shengtianzong extremely domineering when they go out.

It was precisely because they knew this that the Wuji Sword Masters were extremely surprised.

They all looked at each other, and Qiqi communicated with each other with their eyes.

Of course, the dialogue process is also extremely short.

"There is a conspiracy!"

"So~ will that person be fooled?"

"Hey, what are you thinking about? What we should be more worried about is this ugly Lei Gong. His opponent is..."


After four sentences, it was over.

At the last moment, these people did not forget to cast a sympathetic look at Lei Moshan, and of course they were ignored by Lei Moshan, who was immersed in the inheritance of the opportunity.

Realizing that Wu Liang was different from the country bumpkin he knew, Lei Moshan finally saw many peculiarities in the field after he decided that this son must have received some powerful inheritance.

To be precise, it is the peculiarity of the Nine Cauldron Sect.

The rest of the onlookers perfectly fit the definition of a bumpkin.

But on the side of Jiudingzong, the style of painting is completely different.



Lei Moshan's gaze, which was rarely separated from Wu Liang, fell directly behind him, and a shocking scene immediately came into his eyes.

It was a mountain, a gigantic super mountain that covered the sky and the sun.

At this moment, it is floating above the sky.

Looking around, I can see the vast sea of ​​clouds, covering it, covering the turbid wind. With the misty air, the endless clouds below turn into black dragons and kunpeng, carrying mountains on their backs. Go with the wind.

The exterior scene is already so frightening, but the interior scene is completely unimaginable.

But everyone can only imagine.

Gein, under the cover of the vast sea of ​​clouds and dense aura, no exploring gaze could penetrate through it. Even if a special monk used some magical powers, he would still be blocked by the powerful prohibition in the dark, and he would not be able to peek into it at all. mystery.

Only through the occasional breaks in the sea of ​​clouds, one or two more frightening scenes can be glimpsed.

After watching it, everyone was intoxicated by it, wishing they could fly in.

At such a moment, in the clouds and mist, on a towering Lingxiu and lonely peak, there will be a melodious bell sound, and a vague and chaotic ancient sound will enter everyone's minds.

Bai Yujing in the sky, five cities on the twelfth floor.

Immortals caress my top and endure longevity.


Lei Moshan suddenly took a step back.

It wasn't a sneak attack, it was an involuntary shocking move.

Rao is this ugly thunder-like demon who comes from a super eighth-rank force, but he is still shocked by this "fairy mountain" in front of him.

Such a spectacle!

So vast!
Even a fool or a blind person can feel it.

If it was a mortal who saw it, he would have already knelt down and began to kowtow and pray.

When the monks read it, they wished they could enter it, as the ancient poem said, asking the gods in the sky to caress my top and bestow the way of longevity.

Here, of course, no mortals exist.

They are all extremely eye-catching monks, such as the monks in the other legendary five states, they all think the same way.

Unfortunately, they can't get in.

In fact, when Jiudingzong decided to move and started to build this unprecedented "fairy mountain", he once again issued a "recruitment order" to the entire legendary six states, saying that as long as he can enter the eyes of Jiudingzong, Those who can pass the test of Jiudingzong can join Jiudingzong.

At that time, the respondent gathered.

It's just a pity that there are only a few people who have really passed the test.

And those people are some perverted monks who are disgusted and feared by the monks of the six states.

This further strengthened the thoughts of the monks of the Six States, that is, the entire Jiudingzong people are all perverts.

Even so, it does not hinder the envy of everyone.

After all, the momentum of this fairy mountain is too scary.

Didn't look at this time, even the Thunder Demon Mountain from the "big city" was shocked?
Lei Moshan was shocked, more than just shocked, he even trembled with excitement and couldn't control himself.

If it is said that before this, his opinion of Wu Liang in his heart was just an uncertain guess.

So now, Lei Moshan dared to use his Yuanshi Rare Object as a guarantee, and his idea was absolutely 100% correct.This is already a big bargaining chip. It must be known that Lei Moshan regards his Thunder Demon Halberd as more precious than his lifeblood.

At this moment, it was as if Lei Moshan hadn't taken any medicine when he went out today, his whole body was shaking, and his already excited face could hardly contain his expression.

Inside a pair of eyes, it seems that light is really about to be released.

This look is no different from that of a hungry dog ​​that has been hungry for 100 years and then saw a large piece of delicious dragon meat.

Even, he no longer hides his thoughts.


"It's so good. I thought it was a boring errand. Who would have thought that this would be the greatest opportunity in my life."

"The fairy caressed my head, tied my hair and gave me longevity."

"Hahaha... That's too good, even if my Holy Heaven Sect were to forge this fairy mountain, it would never be able to be made, but it fell into the hands of a yellow-haired boy. Is it destined?"

"It's mine, it's all mine."

"The ancient immortals must have arranged it long ago. Let this fairy mountain fall into the hands of you, the boy who gave the treasure, and then arrange for me to come to receive it. What a perfect opportunity."

"Don't worry, immortals, I, Thunder Demon Mountain, will not disappoint your expectations."

"Boy, are you ready? I'm coming to beat you to death."


When these words came out of Lei Moshan's mouth again, the onlookers were once again dumbfounded and shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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