Chapter 930
The vicissitudes of the middle-aged man in Jinguangding, and the mysterious old man in Shike Ridge, are all big monsters who can overwhelm the sky as soon as they appear.It also comes from a force with a profound background, and his cultivation base is supernatural.

Since they achieved great success and broke through the blood barrier, even if they went to the outer world, they rarely encountered life and death crises, let alone the two states of Qiankun and Qiankun in this base camp.

But now, it's different.

A sword!
One claw!
They were casted out by the left and right hands of the devil's fetus respectively. It seems that the power is not as good as the supernatural powers displayed by the two big monsters, but after it is really displayed, it gives people a sense of terror, as if it has an eternal charm, mysterious extreme.

On another level, it crushed the two big monsters.

In a trance, the six powerhouses seem to have returned to the incomparably wild ancient times. At that time, in the battle between gods and demons, they punched and kicked at random, breaking the mountains and rivers, capturing the sun, moon and stars. It's normal.

The origins of the supernatural powers of the two big monsters are also impressive, but they are far from being comparable to the bloodline inheritance of the ancient gods.

If the one who made the move at this time was Wu Liang before he was taken away, maybe the monsters could forcibly crush Wu Liang with their cultivation level.

But at this time, it's not going to work. No matter what level the two sides are at, the big monsters will lose.

And the result, even more so.


"Boom~ bang bang"

"puff puff"

Although at the last moment, the two big monsters used some means to save their lives, they couldn't save their miserable appearance.

They were forced to show their original shapes almost instantly, one was a condor with white holy light all over its body, the other was a big black rat with a strange appearance, and then, the huge bodies of the two big monsters were struck by a sword light and A claw shadow flew away.

While still in mid-air, they all vomited blood.

And that appearance is extremely pitiful, most of the feathers of the Bright Condor have been cut off, and a big hole was opened between the chest and abdomen, and blood with a strong and strange fragrance flowed out.

And that big black mouse whose real name was Soul Eater Rat almost lost half of its body.

With a random move, it was directly injured from a harmless state.


The second head of Shike Ridge, who was enough to scare most of the human monks in Qiankun Erzhou, wailed frantically at this time.

It doesn't care about physical injuries.

After the bloodline is broken, although it cannot change forever, it is not difficult to give birth to broken limbs and live endlessly.

What really made this big monster whose body was the Soul Eater Rat extremely painful was the half of its soul that it had lost.

At this time, Wu Liang was holding him in his hand, and he was about to stuff it into his mouth.

This scene is simply unbelievable.

Originally thought that the sword called Nirvana should be more powerful.

Who would have thought?

What's really scary is actually a random claw.

He actually ignored the defense of the body and grabbed half of the Soul Eater's soul.

This kind of means, even if there are six players in the field, they don't have it.


This seems to involve the manifestation of the law at the soul level, and this kind of power cannot be mastered by ordinary creatures.

Human monks have a bright future, but if they use this method, it is impossible to just break through the barrier of mortals. At least they need to break through the barrier of longevity and begin to greatly increase their lifespan in order to catch up with the naturally invincible race like the ancient gods.

The soul-devouring rat, which was born in Skeletal Ridge, is also an ancient beast of different species, and it specializes in the blood of the soul.

Such ferocious beasts were all captured half of their souls lightly by the magic tire.

Perhaps this scene was so shocking that there was a moment of stagnation in the Demon God's Fate Aperture.

Even the uncle of the Haotian Grandmaster who exudes an extremely arrogant aura has a solemn expression on his face at this time, obviously frightened by the devil's fetus.

Before seizing the house, the magic tire was beaten into a dog by them.

Who would have thought that a successful seizure would lead to a counterattack.

From the current power of the devil's embryo, one can predict how terrifying this devil's remains were when it existed as a real devil before it fell.

And how vast and fascinating is the melee in the plane that can cause this terrible existence to fall?


"It's impossible!"

In the distance, the blood-stained Bright Condor opened a pair of divine eyes that seemed to be able to see through everything, and looked at Wu Liang, who was so powerful in the void, or in other words, the magic fetus.

Bright Condor had reason to be so surprised. Before he didn't take action to prevent the devil from taking Wu Liang, it was because he saw that Wu Liang was not in danger of life and death.

But today's changes made him doubt his innate supernatural power for the first time.

It has a pair of bright eyes, which can predict good and bad, and rarely makes mistakes.

"Could it be that the first time you make a mistake, you have to contribute here?"

"The most important thing is that if this kid dies here, then the little magic star will definitely not let go of my old bones. I have a headache."

"However, let's think about saving your life first. The boy with the energy of hundreds of millions of living beings and the blood of the demon god, Duoshe, now has a body and soul. Not to mention the unfathomable inheritance of the demon god, it's just physical strength. I'm afraid it's enough to crush me and wait."

"This time, it's troublesome."


There are five other people who have the same thought as the Bright Condor.

The situation of the two sides changed all of a sudden.

This time, it was replaced by the six powerhouses who were at a disadvantage, and unfortunately there was no place to escape.

This is the Fate of the Demon God, and for the Demon Tire, it is simply the home of home games.

And the six of them seemed unable to summon helpers.


Crazy laughter spit out from Motu's mouth, and at the same time, malicious eyes fell on them.

Including the seriously injured Soul Eater, they all heard the subtext of the magic tire.

Feng Shui turns around!
This time, it was his turn to beat everyone's brains into dog brains.

And it looks like it might become a reality.

A good oriole will not be made, but will be hammered to death.

The six powerhouses all felt aggrieved at this moment.

But it was just a momentary thought. These six were not ordinary strong men, let alone monsters whose weaknesses could be destroyed at the first urge.

Even the Soul Eater, which looked extremely miserable at this time, stopped howling after adapting to the pain of losing half of its soul power, and was once again shrouded in tattered black robes. Its body was transparent, only the In the looming pair of blood-colored pupils, one could see a monstrous killing intent brewing.

The other five also regained their stature at the same time, each occupying a position, and a storm of terrifying fighting spirit spread silently across the entire Demon God's Fate Aperture.

As a "landlord", the magic fetus naturally sensed it in an instant, but there was no trace of solemnity on his face, but he became more and more rampant, as if he was not the kind of six top powerhouses in the universe and two states who could conquer the heavens and the world Super monks and big demons.

It was six chickens and dogs who were overwhelmed, and they could be crushed to death with one hand.

The next moment, he did stretch out a hand, hooked his fingers at the six people, and said contemptuously: "You ants, who will come first? Or... together?"


The last three words were spit out, and the field exploded instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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