Chapter 931 The Taste of Buddha's Blood


The one who spoke first was the old monk who suffered a lot and had a deep hatred.

This strong man who was born in Xiaoleiyin Temple and had great prestige in Qianzhou had a sad face at this time. After clasping his hands together and singing a Phono, he looked at Wu Liang who was exuding an increasingly powerful aura, and seemed to have fallen. Some kind of extraordinary decision.

The old man's face seemed to overflow with compassion, and he sighed: "The Buddha said: "If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell? Since the poor monk is here and sees the devil, how can he let the devil escape from the sky and harm the common people. "

"This evil obstacle will be destroyed by the poor monk."

"I also ask the Buddha's great compassion to help the poor monk."


The moment the old monk finished speaking, his clasped hands slowly opened, and a ray of light bloomed inside, making one's soul calm and peaceful, filling the entire Demon God's Life Aperture. Buddha bone relics.

One of the treasures of Xiaoleiyin Temple!

The system has also given a very high evaluation, but it is a genuine Buddha relic.

Because of the portal of the void, the Buddha relic was stunned once by the radiation of the real demon god, and there was a little wear and tear, so it was put away by the distressed old monk.

Unexpectedly, he took it out again.

And judging from the situation, the old monk clearly planned to use the power of this Buddha bone relic to have a hard anus with the devil's fetus again.

This is easy to understand, the magic fetus after the success of "Seizing the House" is indeed extremely difficult to deal with.

If the old monk did not rely on external force, he might be beaten to death by the magic tire.

His actions are for exterminating demons, but also for saving his life.

The same goes for the rest.

That's right, this moment included the Bright Condor from Jinguangding, the powerhouses from Clear Sky School and Ten Thousand Monsters Empty City, no matter how arrogant they were in their hearts, in order to save their lives and participate in the final decisive battle, they all had to draw out their trump cards.

The ancient treasure, the treasure that can only be produced by the ninth-rank forces with profound foundations.

It is about to show the complete power in this demon god's fate.

And the target is a demon fetus that has been bred for many years by the remains of a demon god, and has just been successfully captured.


"Everyone, don't keep your hands. If this beast becomes a climate, Erzhou will be destroyed forever. Let's kill him here."

"it is good!"

During the exchange of thoughts, the terrifying aura that appeared in Liudao immediately burst into the sky again with a "bang".

If Wu Liang is still awake here, his mind must be roaring at this moment.

"Buddha bone relic!"

"Thunder Heart Sword!"

"Haotian ancient seal!"

"Ancient Dapeng Feather"

"Soul Catching Net!"

"Black domino!"


The devil fetus that was still aloof before a breath, was suddenly suppressed by the ancient aura of the Six Paths, and fell directly from the sky, hitting the ground like a meteorite. , a black shadow rumbled out, and the still wild laughter followed.

"Boom~ Whoosh"

"A native chicken tile dog is a native chicken tile dog. Whether it is a human race or a monster race, they are just stupid and weak juniors in front of our clan. When the god makes a comeback, let's start by slaughtering you and other second clans."

"Well, I'll kill you, the despicable Buddha's successor first, the smell of Buddha's blood is too tempting."


Accompanied by such a sound, the figure of the devil's fetus suddenly shattered the void, and appeared in front of the old monk. He laughed wildly, and at the same time punched the old monk's head without hesitation.Judging by his appearance, it was clear that he wanted to beat the old monk to death, and then drink his Buddha's blood alive, and eat some brains if it is not complete.

This punch seemed ordinary, but the frightening thing was that the old monk couldn't dodge it at all.

Among the ancient gods, there are hundreds of millions of demon gods, and the [Chi Demon God] inherited by the devil fetus happens to be the one who is best at fighting.Random strikes are mysterious to beyond the law of combat skills, not to mention in the two states of Qiankun, even if you go to the Central State, it is definitely a first-class supreme supernatural power.

The background of Little Leiyin Temple is not deep enough to fight against it.

But at this moment, the old monk didn't seem to have any intention of confronting him.

He, smiled.

A sad and inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of the old monk's mouth.

For some reason, seeing this smile, the heart of the devil's fetus "thumped", and an extremely bad omen immediately passed by.

Although Motai is arrogant, he is also extremely sensitive to life and death. Once he feels something is wrong, he will immediately withdraw and retreat. If he is fooled, he will fight back later, Motai thought so.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

The old monk smiled, let go of his hands under Motu's unbelievable eyes, bared his chest, and met his fist.

I don't know when, the body of the old monk has become golden from top to bottom, soft and majestic Buddha light, which is enough to calm down any living beings at this moment, not including the magic fetus, but it also has the ability to make the magic fetus unable to move. Some good things about resistance.

"Boom~ Boom"

"puff puff"

Hit, as if the old monk who had transformed into a Buddha, the moment he was hit by that white fist, a muffled sound came out, terrifying enough to blow away a hundred mountains with such a huge force that even the old monk who used the Buddha bone relic Can't take it peacefully either.

So the old monk vomited blood, and the golden Buddha's blood flowed down.

The pain hit, but it made the old monk laugh even more wantonly.

Because of this moment, he succeeded.

The whole body of the devil's body seemed to be glued to the old monk's body in an instant. The golden Buddha's light actually resisted the radiation of the devil god that was emitted from the devil's body all the time. .

Letting the magic tire run its energy, trying to escape, but to no avail, the angry magic tire roared: "Despicable Buddha, what have you done? Let go of this god!"

The roar of the magic tire brought the old monk a more miserable and wanton smile.

The golden Buddha blood dripping from the corner of his mouth not only showed no signs of recovery, but flowed faster and faster. It seemed that the old monk had done something. The Buddha blood kept gushing out, and fell on the palm of the devil's fetus "tick-tick", and then began to spread , There is actually a sign that the magic tire will be dyed into a golden statue.

After this change occurred, the old monk began to age at a frightening speed, and his cultivation realm also fell crazily, as if he had changed from an eminent monk who could expect Buddha in the future to an old man with a short life.

But after a series of changes, the Buddha-nature in the eyes of the old monk became more and more vigorous, and his whole body was shining with golden light, and the sound of compassion pierced through his life orifice: "The wicked want to drink the taste of the Buddha's blood, but the old monk is also trying to imitate the ancestors and cut his flesh." Feed the eagle, give up your life to feed the tiger."

"Fellow fellows, the old monk gave up the glazed indestructible golden body and the Buddha bone relic, which can trap this beast for three breaths. Please don't hesitate any longer, take its life, and then talk about other things, otherwise my universe will be two The state is in danger."

"Cough~cough cough"

As if to prove what the old monk said was true, as soon as he finished speaking, the golden Buddha's blood gushing out of his mouth became more intense, not a single drop wasted, and all fell on the body of the magic fetus.

And this drop of Buddha's blood, in addition to restraining the devil's embryo, seemed to have brought it great pain. The dusty evil spirit was directly stimulated to the point of being stimulated, and it began to counterattack frantically, and it immediately had a great effect .

"Hoohoo ~ puff puff"

"Puff puff"

If the other monsters were replaced, just a drop of Buddha's blood would be enough to burn them to death.

But on the devil's body, the evil energy was consumed at a speed visible to the naked eye, the golden color began to fade, and the devil's body showed signs of resuming action.

(End of this chapter)

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