Chapter 932 Desperate
"Damn Buddha, really as shameless and despicable as what I say in memory, ah ah ... the God will not let you go."

"Boom~ puff puff"

The devil fetus wants to taste the taste of Buddha's blood, the taste of swallowing it in the belly, not the burning taste of letting Buddha's blood drip on the body.

Not to mention that at this time, his body was trapped by the Buddha's blood, and the three-breath time was unbelievably long for these strong men in the field, enough for them to display their strongest supernatural powers.

Driven by the omen of the crisis, the evil spirit in the devil's body erupted wildly, and the radiation of the power of the devil god was like an abyss like the sea. For an ordinary monk, it would have turned into fly ash long ago, but these radiations bombarded the old monk. But it is like a mud cow sinking into the sea, it has no effect.

What the old monk said is true, he has indeed made a huge sacrifice.

As the Great Elder in Xiaoleiyin Temple, his status is second only to the abbot who is almost about to become a Buddha. What he cultivates is the top skill in Erzhou. of the Supreme Dharma.

Such a golden body was abolished by the old monk on his own initiative, and he squeezed out the Buddha's blood to pour the devil's body and bind his body.

Coupled with the power of the Buddha bone relic, even though the devil's body is physically tyrannical and perverted, there is still a majestic memory of the devil in his mind, and he can't break free for a while.

But at this time, there can only be three breaths.

How vast is the memory of the demon god, no matter how stupid the demon fetus is, it is impossible to find a solution after three breaths.

Aware of this, there are five other powerhouses.

At this moment, even the second head of Shike Ridge, who was the most injured, shot with all his strength regardless of everything.

The second-in-chief, whose body is the soul-devouring rat of a different kind of beast, suddenly took out a strange big net from under the tattered black robe, which was the soul-catching net woven by the power of the dead. , After taking out the net, the second leader didn't know what he did, and the main body suddenly let out an extremely mournful wail.

Then immediately, with a "buzz", a mass of white brilliance merged into the big net in its hand.

It was also at this moment that the originally unremarkable big net suddenly burst into a faint blue light that made people unable to move at a glance.

Most of the soul of this second master was destroyed by the devil's claws during the previous fight, and now he has forcibly divided one-third of his soul power. An extremely miserable state.

The price paid was probably less than that of the old monk of Xiaoleiyin Temple.

As soon as the treasure was activated, the Soul Eater threw it directly on the head of the magic fetus without looking at the result, obviously very confident in the power of its own strange treasure Soul Catching Net.

And the results, are indeed extraordinary.


The magic tire, which was fighting back and struggling crazily, seemed to be in a state of rigidity after being covered by the weird big net, unable to move.



Immobilizing the soul of the devil's fetus, the second master appeared strangely on top of the devil's head, his body became incomparably transparent and huge at some point, his shriveled claws held an exaggeratedly large sickle, and slashed towards the devil's fetus.

Judging from this situation, it is clear that the soul of the devil fetus is about to be beheaded.

Almost at the same time, the other four also shot together.

And they all coincidentally took out their own ancient treasures that suppressed luck, and displayed their strongest magical powers.

The female fairy of Yunxiaozong, her pretty face was covered with frost, full of murderous aura, but she saw that she directly took out the Thunder Heart Sword, and then bit the tip of her tongue, a mouthful of bright red blood immediately sprayed on the little sword full of purple thunder, The dharma sword, which was still somewhat petty, exploded with a "boom".

The sword is still there.

Just a moment, from one to ten thousand.

"Boom~ boom"

"Thousand swords to kill evil!"

This female fairy obviously had a real murderous intention, she mobilized the sect's treasure with her heart and soul, the power exploded, and the evil spirit thunder from the ancient times completely exploded, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth.

Rao is extremely proud of Motu, and his complexion changed drastically at this time.

What was even more frightening was that following the explosion, there was an invincible brilliance coming from a distance.

"call out"

"Rapeng Golden Light!"

I don't know when, this strong man from Jinguangding, whose main body is the light condor, has completed his supernatural powers.

That ancient roc feather just like that turned into a golden light, mercilessly heading towards the heart of the devil's embryo.The tail feathers from a genuine ancient roc bird, even if it is a magic fetus, there is no way to destroy it now, but if it is pierced through the body by that feather, the magic fetus can predict its own end.

Motu thought it was over like this, but there were two killing intents that were even more terrifying than the first four, and they locked on him from afar.

The white-clothed master uncle of the Clear Sky School, and the black-clothed middle-aged man from Wan Yaokong City, these two are the most powerful among the six powerhouses. When the powerhouses like Soul Eater were injured, these two It was unscathed, and has always maintained the demeanor of a strong man.

At this time, the other four paid the price one after another to drive away the treasure.

These two are still unhurried, and seem to be even more leisurely.

But the magic tire with extremely perverted sensitivity didn't think much of it. What he felt at this moment were two unprecedented murderous intentions.Whether it was the old monk's Buddha bone relic or the soul-catching net of the soul-eating mouse, the threat was far inferior to the two killing intents that were about to strike.



The two started almost at the same time.

Accompanied by two loud bangs, two giants appeared in the Demon God's Fate Aperture in no particular order.

The first statue is the uncle of the master in white, but he is dressed in white, with a stern face, suppressed by supreme majesty, as if he is the legendary emperor of heaven, in charge of the life and death of all living things, coldly watching the immobile devil fetus.

"Evil, you should be punished."

"The Seal of Scourge!"

As if speaking the Dharma, behind the uncle of the white-clothed master, the Haotian ancient seal appeared, and then shot a stream of red light into the fingertips of the white-clothed man, and directly became a Dharma seal to suppress it.

In a trance, Motai only felt that the real Emperor of Heaven had appeared, who wanted to punish him and give him death.

Before he could respond, another wave of coercion that did not lose at all came.

But behind the middle-aged man in black, the black dominoes suddenly appeared, and the faint brilliance spread across the earth in an instant. The vast land of the demon god's fate suddenly turned into a ghostly realm. A terrifying big hand grasped it. The middle-aged man in black People seem to have turned into Emperor Jiuyou, who wants to bring the devil's fetus back to purgatory.

"Nie Zhan, your time has come."

"Hand of Nine Serenities!"



That's right, it's the real desperate situation.

If there are still bystanders at this time, I am afraid that this is the only way to describe the situation facing the magic fetus at this time.

The six powerhouses unreservedly displayed their most powerful supernatural powers at this time.

Among them, there are even the power of six ancient treasures.

With such a lineup, it may be possible to encircle and kill a super strong man who has broken through the ruthless barrier.

And the magic fetus who just succeeded in seizing the body may not even have a chance of life. At this time, he should regret why he didn't run away immediately after the success of seizing the body. Instead, he stayed and pretended to be coercive. .

Magic tire, there is indeed such an idea.

But just for a moment, this idea was eliminated by him.


The immobile devil's fetus, and the pair of devil's pupils that originally had a hint of fear, at this moment... suddenly changed.

(End of this chapter)

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