The most powerful system in history

Chapter 95 Bronze Level Vitality Cannon

Chapter 95 Bronze Level Vitality Cannon
On one side is the Kuroshio army composed of hundreds of body-hardening and soul-shattering monks.

On the other side, there is a lonely mountain peak and a lonely second-rank sect on it.

War is imminent.

Just the moment the soldiers approached the city, the monks watching the battle couldn't help their blood boiling.

When did such a scene happen in Daluo County?

In front of the Kuroshio, the leading monk was an unparalleled handsome young monk.

Even, this monk's life is a little strange.

Dressed in white, with a folding fan in his hand, he has a handsome appearance, but he has a pair of purple eyebrows, and his eyes exude a non-human aura, which seems to be some kind of fox.

Regardless of whether men or women read it, they will feel a sense of being charmed.

However, the reason why other monks made him stand at the front was not because of his appearance but because of his cultivation, which was revealed without any concealment and directly overwhelmed everyone.

The Seventh Realm of Sheltered Soul!
No wonder, such a person is indeed qualified to be the leader.

And from the exclamations of those big Luo monks, it can also be known that this strange young man does not seem to be an unknown person, and he seems to have a lot of fame in the entire Zhenwu County.

At this moment, the man took a step forward, swayed the folding fan lightly, and uttered a magnetic voice in a personable manner, which was transmitted to Jiuding Peak with incomparable precision.

"Fellow Daoists of the Nine Cauldron Sect, we must have known the purpose of our visit. Ruzong has no choice but to offend us because of our chance."

"After three breaths, we will attack the mountain!"


As soon as the words fell, all the cultivators in the Kuroshio immediately released their aura, and suddenly formed a terrifying sky net in the air, covering the entire Jiuding Peak.Under such imposing suppression, if the monks were a little timid, they might have already been scared to the ground.

And the people watching the battle, while being surprised, also secretly praised the extraordinary demeanor of the strange young monk.

It is obviously a war that is about to start, but it actually gives people a strange sense of beauty.

"The strongest casual cultivator of the younger generation in Zhenwu County—Master Zimei, he really lives up to his reputation."

In the crowd, an obviously well-informed monk sighed.

Only then did the rest of the people think of the identity of the strange young monk. Among the young generation in Zhenwu County, there are leading figures between the sects who came from sects and the casual cultivators who practiced alone. Hetian Bodao and these people, but among the casual cultivators, it was this young man with purple eyebrows who stood out from the crowd.

It's just that people didn't expect that this person was eyeing the identity of the true disciple of the master of the Xie Dao.

If Mr. Zimei really worshiped the Xiedao Sect Master as his teacher, his aptitude might be able to threaten Tian Bodao's suzerain position.


In the dark, a cold snort with strong killing intent came out.

But before Tian Bodao, who was hiding in the dark, could do anything, a response from the Jiuding Peak directly stunned the spectators.

"Damn sissy, come up now if you have the guts."


There were only four words, but it was like a slap in the face of the purple-browed young man.

"Die! Mother! Mother! Tongue!"

Every word made Zimeizi's heart beat violently, and the violent killing intent surged out uncontrollably, almost drowning his reason immediately.

Although he is a casual cultivator, who dares to underestimate him since his debut.

Even those disciples who were born in the great sect did not dare to insult him like this.

Unexpectedly, in this local beetle place, he was called out by the suzerain of a second-rank sect.


Huge shame!


Zimeizi only felt a surge of anger filling his limbs and bones in his heart, like a volcano about to erupt.

But in the end he still held back, the importance he attached to his own reputation made him suppress his anger.

"Hehe, this guy is pretty bearable."

On the top of Jiuding Peak, Wu Liang couldn't help curling his lips when he saw his plan fail.

The four girls on the side were speechless at this moment.

Especially Su Mu, who knew Zimeizi, although she could still maintain the style of the three goddesses, the deep smile in her eyes still betrayed her.

The three-breath time passed in an instant.


Exhaled the last breath, and the young man with purple eyebrows who had endured three breaths as long as three years finally broke out completely at this moment.


At this moment, the terrifying aura brought by the seventh level of soul-shattering was released unreservedly, rushing towards Jiuding Peak like a storm.

What followed was an even more terrifying tsunami.


"Attack the mountain!"

"Take the head!"

The Kuroshio moved, and the powerful monks with red eyes finally stopped hiding their greed.

In their eyes, what is above this lonely peak is not a second-rank sect, nor a monk who has lost his soul at the first level, but a chance.

A stepping stone!

As long as you take Wu Liang's head, you can step on it and become the true disciple of the Xie Dao Sect Master.In the future, not only will he be able to practice the legendary Heavenly Rank Kungfu——Evil Sword Jue, but he may even have the opportunity to become the suzerain of a fourth-rank sect. This is a temptation that the younger generation of monks cannot refuse.

Of course, the young man with the purple eyebrows in front of him still wanted to vent his anger.

"A group of turkeys and dogs!"

Standing on the top of the peak, Wu Liang looked at the rushing monks with a ferocious smile on his lips.

This familiar scene made Wu Liang choose the first attack method almost without hesitation, his mind sank into his mind for a moment, and then he exchanged something from the head mall in the blink of an eye.


The same thing, landed out of thin air.

After a muffled sound, both the four girls and the monks watching the battle could see the true face of this thing clearly.But it is a cold iron cannon, which looks similar to the iron cannon used by mortals.



As soon as this thing appeared, many monks of Daluo exclaimed in surprise.

The iron-blooded, icy breath completely awakened their memories.

The scene in front of me is indeed extremely familiar. There was once such a group of thugs who stormed Jiuding Peak, and their fate...

"No way!"

"Impossible, but this time...?"

Many monks subconsciously did not believe what would happen next, even though the scene in front of them was exactly the same as the previous scene, they still did not want to believe it.

Until the next moment!
The cruel reality has come.

The cannon mouth began to emit light, which gradually became stronger and quickly reached its peak.

When the leading Zimeizi reached the halfway up the mountain, Wu Liang's ferocious arc also bent.

At this moment, on Jiuding Peak, the wind stopped, the insects stopped singing, everything became extremely quiet, and everything became extremely familiar.



A white blazing beam of light spewed out instantly, covering a large area, and all the figures in this area were turned into fly ash the moment the light fell.

The power of a shot is so terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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