Chapter 96

The familiar scene completely occupied the eyes of Da Luo monks.

When the light dissipated, the Kuroshio had gone by a third.

More than 30 cultivators in the Body Tempering Realm and two cultivators in the Soul Shedding Realm have fallen.


Not only on Jiuding Peak, but also below the peak.

Everyone was quiet, no matter whether they were in the dark or in the light, they seemed to have forgotten to breathe at this moment, staring dumbfounded at the completely empty area on the peak.

What monster is that?

What treasure?
Great horror!
Chaotic thoughts occupied people's minds, even Tian Bodao and others who were hiding in the dark, couldn't restrain the fearful thoughts climbing up like vines, firmly occupying their eyes.

Until the subconscious murmur of a big Luo monk gave them a reason to suppress their fear.

"How did this happen? Didn't this thing not help the monks at the Body Tempering Realm last time? Why is the power increased so much now?"

"Fortunately, it seems that this thing can only be used twice."


Two reminders brought the monks back to their senses.

Soon, they also discovered some "weaknesses".

The terrifying cannon in Wu Liang's hands killed most of the monks at the Body Tempering Realm, and the monks who had lost their souls and above the third level seemed to escape by instinct at that moment.

From this point of view, the threat of this artillery does not seem to be that great.

The thug monks comforted themselves so much, but they couldn't resist Wu Liang's next move.

"Tsk, it's not worth it, it's not worth it."

"It's a big loss this time."

Wu Liang's face was full of pain, looking at the terrifying cannon in his hand.

Although it looks exactly the same as the vitality cannon that was redeemed last time, it is actually far worse.

[Vitality Cannon (Bronze Level): This is a treasure from a different time and space. Although it is powerful, its durability will be reduced every time it is used, and it needs to be recharged once. The power depends on the input of the host.Remarks: The minimum charge starts from 50 low-grade spirit stones. 】

That's right, this time Wu Liang exchanged for a bronze-level vitality cannon.

The point is that it costs a full 50 low-grade spirit stones to use this cheating thing once, which is simply a big prodigal.

Even if Wu Liang is quite strong now, he can't hold on a few times.

And to Wu Liang's great disappointment, the effect after the first shot was unsatisfactory.

"That damn sissy escaped so easily, it's so useless."

Wu Liang complained very painfully, and finally understood a major drawback of this lethal weapon.

Powerful, but not flexible enough.

With the power of that cannon, if it really exploded, none of the monks rushing up could hold it back.

It's a pity that monks above the soul-shattering third level seem to be able to escape with their instinctive spiritual sense.

As for the two unlucky ghosts who died, they both happened to be below the third level.

After pondering for a while, Wu Liang tapped lightly on the cannon, and the cannon disappeared after a "buzz".

Seeing this scene, the thug monks all felt relieved.

As for the spectators at the foot of the mountain, they had doubts on their faces.

"Is he crazy?"

"Such a terrifying weapon is no longer used?"

"Could it be that there is a backhand?"


Wu Liang didn't care what other people were thinking, after putting away the vitality cannon, Wu Liang seemed to lose his patience, and looked coldly at the dozens of people left below.

The continuous killing for more than a month not only brought Wu Liang a lot of experience points and points, but also made Wu Liang's killing intent intense to the extreme.

Although on the outside, Wu Liang is a ruffian, youthful and unreliable suzerain, but at this moment, when Wu Liang restrained his smile and let out an undisguised murderous look in his eyes, all the people down the mountain were immediately shocked. Ten people tensed up, and actually had the illusion that they were being watched by some monster.

"Come on, as long as you people can walk in front of the suzerain, the suzerain will give you a chance to take the head."

Wu Liang leaned forward slightly, stretched out a finger, hooked it lightly, and said coldly to the thug monks from Zhenwu County.

Killing intent and disdain penetrated into people's hearts.

This is sarcasm!

A powerful taunt!
At this moment, it seems that Wu Liang's aura of "Fighting Beast Enemy" is still there, and it has also evolved into an aura of "Zhenwu County Cultivator Enemy". Aroused a monstrous rage, he put aside all his fears, and looked at Wu Liang and the four girls beside him with murderous eyes.

"Go up the mountain and kill him."

"From top to bottom of this sect, chickens and dogs will not stay."

"We're going to decide on your head."

"call out"

Some spoke, but more thug monks rushed to the top of the mountain without saying a word.

It seems that taking into account Wu Liang's vitality cannon, all the monks burst out at the most terrifying speed at this time.

If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!

After going up to the Jiuding Peak, they knew very well that if they couldn't charge all the way to kill Wu Liang and others, they would have no way to turn around and run for their lives.If you charge forward, you are afraid of the power of the vitality cannon, not to mention the back that will be exposed when you turn around and run for your life.



Wu Liang, who watched this scene from the top of the peak, let out a cold snort, and casually summoned a blood mist, which enveloped the entire Jiuding Peak under the dissatisfied eyes of all the monks watching the battle. up.

After the blood mist came out, Wu Liang turned sideways slightly, and said to the four women: "Each choose their opponents and practice their combat skills. It's rare that this group of so-called geniuses from Zhenwu County come to practice their skills. Don't let them go."

"Sister Mu, don't do anything, use the forbidden method to meet us here."

"it is good!"

As soon as Wu Liang gave the order, the four girls seemed to reply with great experience.

It is true, this scene has been like this for more than a month, and it is no stranger to the four girls.

"buzz buzz"

Silently, four figures flew into the blood mist, and a killing covered by the blood mist began.

The monks watching the battle couldn't see any scenes, but they could hear the voices coming from under the blood mist without hindrance.

And these voices, without exception, were mournful wailing.



"Who? Who, don't kill me, please don't kill me."


"Boom~ boom"


The concealed truth is that all the cultivators at the Body Tempering Realm are surrounded by three beautiful shadows, and once a cultivator at the Soul Transformation Realm beyond their abilities approaches, "five thunders" and "horror" will immediately appear within the blood mist. Acid rain" and even "scratching wind" are terrible punishments of natural disasters.

However, every time someone was killed, a look of pain flashed in Wu Liang's eyes.

"Oh, it's all experience!"

While Wu Liang lamented, he accelerated the movement of beheading his opponent.

And Wu Liang's first target, of course, was the purple-browed son whom he scolded as a "dead sissy".

In the eyes of Zhenwu County and Da Luo Guanzhan monks, this is a powerful genius monk who became famous in Zhenwu County as a casual cultivator. With his handsome and strange appearance, he has attracted many Zhenwu female cultivators.Unfortunately, in Wu Liang's eyes, there is only one sissy who represents "experience value".

(End of this chapter)

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