The most powerful system in history

Chapter 97 Undead Phantom Demon

Chapter 97 Undead Phantom Demon
No matter how high or low the people who were bombarded and killed by the Ten Punishment Prohibition Law were, Wu Liang would not get even a trace of experience points or points.

As a result, Wu Liang was of course in great pain.

However, Wu Liang was also very clear that the current Nine Cauldron Sect had too few manpower, and it was indeed impossible to kill all the thug monks who attacked, and could only rely on the forbidden law.

But Wu Liang did not intend to let go of those high-ranking monks.

Especially the sissy with the purple eyebrows, who has lost her soul at the seventh level, one can imagine how much experience it can bring to Wu Liang.

Of course, the prerequisite is that Wu Liang can kill him.

After more than a month of killing, Wu Liang's cultivation base has also been promoted to the third level of soul-shattering, and he can be called the number one powerhouse in Daluo County.

But now Wu Liang is facing off against the leading figures of the younger generation in Zhenwu County.

According to common sense, the two are not at the same level at all.

According to speculation based on realm, Wu Liang might not even be able to last three rounds if the third match was against the seventh match.


Although covered in blood mist, for a cultivator in the seventh level of soul-shattering, that layer of blood mist is useless except to obscure a little vision, and the terrifying inspiration has already locked Wu Liang in the air.Of course, apart from Young Master Purple Brows, the same is true for the rest of the cultivators above the third level of soul-shattering.

After going to the blood mist, it can be seen that Wu Liang is in a very dangerous situation.

Wolves are all around!

More monks, less porridge!

At this time, Wu Liang has become a "sweet pastry", and the mob monks around are all salivating.

That's why they didn't attack Wu Liang for the time being out of mutual fear.


With a cold snort in his heart, Wu Liang didn't even look at the other monks, his eyes were only on Zimeizizi and the other monks who had lost their souls in the sixth level, and their murderous aura was undisguised.

At the same time, Wu Liang's long-prepared thoughts also moved at this time.


"Do you want to increase the level of phantom body skills?"

That's right, at this time Wu Liang intends to upgrade the level of phantom magic body skills.

Most of the skills that Wu Liang got from the system had a constant initial level when they were exchanged, and once they used a golden skill point, they had a chance to evolve. They might fail or succeed, and they might even mutate.

After using the golden skill point once, the skill will remain at that level and cannot be improved any more.

In addition to skill points, there is another means of evolution, which is the proficiency gained from daily killing enemies.

However, there are also some rare skills that are not restricted by skill points, nor can they be improved with skill points. The best examples are the special skill dissociation technique, and the sword art of the gods.If you want to continue to improve these two skills and supernatural powers, what you need is epiphany.

Wu Liang's Civet Walk, Explosive Blood Fist, and Flying Knife Technique have all used gold skill points once.

The only exception is the phantom body technique that was just exchanged for a while ago.

Of course, Wu Liang can use his proficiency to improve this agility.

But at this time, it is too late.

Without hesitation, Wu Liang chose to pay the upgrade.

"Ding, the skill point is -10, and the phantom magic body has been promoted to the second rank of Taoism!"

"Ding, the skill point is -20, and the phantom magic moves to the third rank!"

"Ding, the skill point is -30, and the phantom magic body has been promoted to the fourth rank of Taoism!"


"Ding, the skill point is -80, and the phantom magic body has been promoted to the ninth rank of Taoism!"

"Ding, the gold skill point is -1, [Phantom Demon Movement] has undergone an unknown mutation, it is mutating...mutating...the mutation is successful, and it has evolved into a special movement technique [Immortal Phantom Demon]."

[Immortal phantom: special movement, dodge 2000, speed 5000, can create an undead phantom in one thought to replace the deity, save damage equivalent to twice the life value of the deity, the number and power of the undead phantom will follow the host's cultivation Change for improvement.The current number of creations: one.Remarks: This agility comes from different time and space, I hope the host can carry it forward. 】

"Special moves?"

As soon as the result came out, Wu Liang's eyes lit up immediately, and a look of joy emerged.

Wu Liang knew it from the dissociation technique, but if the word "special" was attached to it, it meant that it was powerful.

And after Wu Liang read the notes, his brows were filled with joy.It can be called a pleasant surprise, the power displayed by the Undead Phantom Demon movement technique is even more perverted than almost all the magic-level movement techniques.At this time when combat power is most needed, the appearance of this movement technique is a timely rain for Wu Liang.

After joy, Wu Liang suddenly came back to his senses, but immediately found that a few breaths had passed, those thug monks who rushed up to the Jiuding Peak were still confronting each other, and none of them took the lead in attacking Wu Liang.

The purple-browed young man who wanted to do it the most was stopped by three soul-shattering sixth-level monks.

Apparently, the purple-browed young man with the highest cultivation was the most feared, for fear that he would kill Wu Liang first, then take his head and run away.

If that's the case, wouldn't it be a waste of time for them to come.


"A group of guys blinded by greed."

Being in the "encirclement", Wu Liang couldn't help but sneered.

"Since you guys don't do it, don't blame me."

Within the blood mist, Wu Liang smiled slightly, flitting towards a cultivator in the fourth level of soul-shattering state with a light movement of his body.

He was the closest to Wu Liang, and happened to be between Wu Liang and Young Master Zimei.

This is a young man with a face full of flesh. When he saw Wu Liang approaching, he immediately laughed triumphantly. Perhaps he felt that heaven had given him a chance.


Unfortunately, his laughter stopped abruptly the next moment.


A sword light exploded without warning, like a silver bottle bursting, blinding his eyes and taking his life at the same time.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully killing [Fourth Stage Monk Niu San] with 200 experience."

When Wu Liang heard this voice, his figure had already stepped over the young man's body.

It was a sneak attack, a shameless but extremely effective sneak attack.

The young monk called Niu San never thought that Wu Liang's random sword would have such terrifying power. When the god clan's sword energy shot at his body, the shield of true energy he relied on was like paper, and he could easily kill him. It was punctured, the heart burst open, and even the gods could not save it.

In the blink of an eye, a soul-shattering fourth-layer monk fell.



The sound of horror and the sound of sucking air rang out in the blood mist at the same time.

It wasn't until this time that those who were confronting each other remembered that Wu Liang, the suzerain of the second-rank sect, was not at all the soft persimmon they imagined. Like a tiger descending a mountain, its aura is terrifying and captivating.

"Come on together and kill him."

"The idea is tough, kill him together, and then grab the head."

"This kid's swordsmanship is very strange, don't leave alone."

"He must have hidden his cultivation, Niu San died too unjustly."


In the exclamation, a group of powerful monks in the soul-shattering state had a sign of joining forces.

Unfortunately, under Wu Liang's disdainful sneer, their plot was instantly shattered.


"The cage is divided!"

In Wu Liang's mouth, he spit out four words suddenly, and with a wave of his hand, a powerful force gushed out to separate the group of soul-destroying monks, and moved them to various parts of Jiuding Peak.

(End of this chapter)

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