Chapter 98


"what happened?"

"What power is this?"

Shouts of exclamation rang out one after another. Although the powerful force from the Forbidden Law could not kill these soul-shattering cultivators in an instant, it was much easier to move and separate them.The source of all this is that Tian Bodu, an unlucky bastard who has lost his soul at the fifth level, can't resist the restrictions from the ninth-rank forbidden law.

These people, even if they are stronger than this trash like Tian Bodu, are not much stronger.

Of course, even splits have limits.

If Wu Liang can't quickly deal with these people in a short time, he will still fall into the situation of being besieged sooner or later.

Occupy a geographical advantage, but it may not necessarily win.

Almost all the soul-shattering cultivators were thrown to other places by Wu Liang, the only exception happened to be that young man with the purple eyebrows.

Apparently, he found this too.

The purple-browed young man smiled, with a strange and smug smile blooming on his face. If these nympho female cultivators in Zhenwu County saw this scene, they would have to go crazy for this handsome young man for a while.It's a pity that there is only Wu Liang here, and the purple-browed son once again got a "dead sissy" evaluation.

"Boy, it seems that you really want to die, this young master decided to fulfill you."

Young Master Zimei's anger, which had already reached its peak, completely exploded at this moment.

The combat power shown by Wu Liang in attacking and killing the monk named Niu San was not taken seriously by Zimeizi at all.

If it was a one-on-one fight, Mr. Zimei could easily kill a fourth-level monk.

What's more, Wu Liang still adopted the method of sneak attack.

"Undead Turtle"

"Dead Sissy"

This is the evaluation the two gave each other, and both of them couldn't wait to do it.

"Purple Butterfly Dafa"


Zimeizi shot first, the folding fan in his hand seemed to be his weapon, and he slammed it towards Wu Liang. Suddenly, the whole space changed drastically. Wu Liang rushed over.

Every purple butterfly gave Wu Liang an extremely dangerous feeling.



Almost instantly, Zidie's horror was revealed before Wu Liang's eyes.

Where the Sea of ​​Purple Butterflies passed, all the flowers, plants and trees withered at a speed visible to the naked eye. The strange thing was that with the tide of the Sea of ​​Purple Butterflies coming in, there was no fishy smell at all. Instead, there was an intoxicating fragrance.

"Very poisonous!"

Wu Liang made a judgment in an instant, and the intuition in his mind made Wu Liang choose to avoid without hesitation.

"buzz buzz"

Wu Liang's figure was like a ghost, and he perfectly avoided the invasion of the purple butterfly sea from an incredible angle, but the subsequent changes made Wu Liang's complexion slightly changed. These purple butterflies transformed by the true essence seemed to be spiritual. Avoid but always follow like maggots with bones.

Once being entangled, the end....

Just this time, the scariness of the purple-browed boy was fully revealed, and he was much stronger than that prostitute Tian Bodu.

But for Wu Liang, it was not good news.

Even though the power of phantom demon body technique has skyrocketed after Wu Liang promoted it to a special martial skill, it is not a problem to blindly dodge. Even though the Jiuding Peak is big, it is impossible for Wu Liang to keep hiding. I am afraid there will be a few more breaths. He will be covered by the purple ocean, and Wu Liang's ending will be no different from those flowers and plants.


Wu Liang's face was cold, while avoiding, his mind turned quickly to think of countermeasures.

This was Wu Liang's first fight with an opponent who was higher than himself at the fourth level, and he never expected that he would be at an absolute disadvantage as soon as he came into contact.

"No, the distance is too far, even if the undead phantom is summoned, it may not last a few times."

Wu Liang glanced at the distance between himself and the purple-browed young man and judged the situation. His skills and supernatural powers were so easily suppressed by the opponent. He absolutely used his power to overwhelm others, and did not allow Wu Liang to display the protoss at all. The chance of sword tactics.

Zimeizi's ability to travel across Zhenwu County is really not unusual, and it is obviously inspired by seeing Wu Liang kill the soul-shattering fourth-level monk with a sword.

If you don't get close, the sword formula will lose its power.


Seeing that the tide of purple butterflies is getting closer, Wu Liang will soon be unable to avoid it.

If it was normal, Wu Liang should sink his mind into his mind at this time, and go to the head mall to choose treasures that can be used to tide over the difficulties.

After all, Wu Liang's point account is very full now.

But at this time, Wu Liang didn't do that.

"You can't yield, you can't form dependence on external objects, only your own strength is the fundamental."


Undoubtedly, Wu Liang's "heart of the strong" emerged at this time.Of course, a strong person can't turn to foreign objects for help every time of crisis. After all, those foreign objects will disappear one day. If Wu Liang is in danger one day but has no points to exchange for treasures, wouldn't he be dead.

But now, if Wu Liang didn't exchange the treasures, he would probably perish in the next moment.

"buzz buzz"


The highly poisonous purple butterflies came all over the sky, without a single gap, and there was no way to go to the sky and no way to go to the earth. Wu Liang seemed to be able to see himself after a breath, turning into a puddle of bones.

But at the moment when the first purple butterfly was about to touch Wu Liang's body, Wu Liang suddenly calmed down.

He felt that his body seemed to disappear at this moment.

No, it didn't disappear, but merged with the extremely rough cast iron long sword in his hand.

The world seemed to be different.

In Wu Liang's eyes, everything became extremely fragile, as if it could be destroyed instantly with a single thought.

In the mind, it seems that some reminder flashed through.

But at this moment, Wu Liang didn't care at all. In his eyes, there was only one figure left, the one at the end of the purple tide that was about to cover him.

"Man and sword are one!"

"Destruction style!"

A cold voice resounded at the top of Jiuding Peak without warning.

"Huh? This is...?"

For some reason, the young man with purple brows, who had always kept the victor's smile, suddenly trembled, and a bad premonition instantly occupied his mind.

As if to confirm his induction, at the next moment, a shocking sword aura shot up into the sky with a "boom", from the top of Jiuding Peak to the sky above the sky, everything in the area where the sword aura erupted was destroyed.The highly poisonous purple butterflies transformed by true essence quickly shattered, as if they had encountered some catastrophe, they turned into flying ash and disappeared under the blazing sword light.

What made Zimeizi's complexion change greatly was that the terrifying sword energy came towards him without hesitation after destroying his highly poisonous purple butterfly.


The shattering sword light traversed the void, blasting towards Young Master Purple Brows.

"Not good, damn it!"

After all, Mr. Purple Eyebrows is different from a good-for-nothing prostitute like Tian Bodu. As a genius monk, he made the most correct reaction the moment he sensed danger.

(End of this chapter)

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