Chapter 106 Who Knows?


"Ye Tian!"

The eight people who came from Starlight Entertainment participated in Starlight Girls.

When Ye Tian saw them, the corner of her mouth twitched slightly.

"Tiantian, have you signed a contract with our company?" There was a trace of surprise in the voice, it was Fu Yawei, one of the last two members of Starlight Entertainment who stayed in Class A.

The trainees of class A, everyone's relationship is okay, and everyone recognizes Ye Tian's strength.

"Yeah." Ye Tian smiled and nodded.

Xiao Yixuan, who was standing among the eight trainees, clenched her fists at this moment.

Obviously, she is the strongest among the eight members of Starlight Entertainment, but now, she is not in Class A.

It was Shu Ruxue and Ye Tian who caused this result.

Now, Ye Tian actually signed a contract with their company?

what does this mean?
In the future, the company's resources will be tilted towards Ye Tian.

"Great! Our company is great, do you want me to take you for a stroll?" Fu Yawei didn't think too much about it. Ye Tian was able to sign with Starlight Entertainment, and she felt happy from the bottom of her heart.

After all, she knows her own strength. After this rating, she might fall out of Class A directly.

"No need, Miss Xiao Bei will take me shopping, so I won't waste your time!" Ye Tian smiled and refused, and everyone saw Xiao Bei standing beside her.

"Miss Bei!"

"Miss Bei!"

The eight of them greeted Xiaobei in an instant. Everyone knew the president's secretary.

After Xiao Yixuan saw Xiaobei, a hint of ferocity flashed in her eyes.

Why was Sister Bei taking her?
As the president's secretary, Xiaobei has a lot of daily chores. Logically speaking, he doesn't have time to take a newly signed trainee around, right?

"Yeah." In front of other people, Xiaobei kept his aloofness.

After the eight people said goodbye to Ye Tian, ​​Xiaobei asked, "Tiantian, you don't have a good relationship with a girl among them?"

As the president's secretary, being able to observe words and emotions is the most basic ability.

She had been watching Xiao Yixuan's expression change just now, and decided to report this matter to Ye Ming later.

"Well... she lost to me on the show." Ye Tian thought for a while, but still said the truth.

Xiaobei nodded to write down, but on the other side, Xiao Yixuan and the others began to discuss.

"Wow, I've never seen Sister Bei leading a newcomer to familiarize herself with the company!"

"No, Sister Bei is too scary. I touched her once last time, and I don't want to touch her again."

However, they didn't think too much about it until Xiao Yixuan said: "Who knows why? Sister Bei took it personally. After so many years, who can have this honor?"

Having said this sentence, everyone immediately shut their mouths, looked at each other, and saw three words in each other's eyes: No way?

"Maybe our boss has taken a fancy to her?" Xiao Yixuan shrugged her shoulders, and the words she said were sour.

But everyone didn't refute it. After all, who knows?

Ye Tian didn't know what the people here were talking about her. After choosing a lounge at random, Ye Ming called to tell her that her manager had arrived.

Ye Tian went upstairs to sign the contract with her agent, and after discussing her needs, she left Starlight Entertainment and returned home.

It is already afternoon, and there are only a few hours until the first episode of Starlight Girls airs.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that Qi Ye wants to cook her dinner.

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(End of this chapter)

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