Chapter 107

Qi Ye was waiting for Ye Tian to come back at home. Before that, he had already gone to buy vegetables.

Ye Tian is not the kind of girl who likes to be vegetarian. Apart from various types of vegetables and bitter gourd, she can eat anything, but she also has favorite foods such as chicken wings, ribs, and fish.

Qi Ye was going to fry some chicken wings for her and put them beside her, which can be eaten as a snack in the afternoon.

When Ye Tian came back, the chicken wings had just been fried, and the smell of fried chicken poured into her nose. Ye Tian stuck out her tongue, licked her lips, and walked quickly to the kitchen.

She couldn't stand eating those things in the program group these days.

As soon as he walked in, he saw Qi Ye wearing an apron and holding a knife, concentrating on handling a fish.

"I'm back!" She didn't even look at Qi Ye, she stared directly at the fried chicken wings beside her, took a piece, it was a little hot.

"Ah, whoosh." The moment she was burned, she put down the chicken wings and took her hands back. Qi Ye hurriedly turned her head and glanced at her.

He put down the knife in his hand, washed his hands, and walked to Ye Tian's side, "Let me see."

"It's okay." Ye Tian showed him her hand, and after confirming that she wasn't burned, Qi Ye breathed a sigh of relief, stretched out his hand, and pinched her face: "Don't worry."

"Oh." Ye Tian replied, looking around in the kitchen.

Qi Ye turned around and continued to handle the fish, Ye Tian leaned over: "What are you eating tonight?"


"There are also flowers..." Ye Tian shook her head before she finished speaking, "No!"

Qi Ye laughed, and Ye Tian realized that the other party was teasing her.

"Hmph!" After being angry for a while, Ye Tian couldn't help turning her head and looking at Qi Ye.

A man who can cook is also handsome.

"Does it look good?" Qi Ye felt Ye Tian's gaze, and didn't look up, just asked.

Ye Tian thought for a while, "It looks better without me."

"But I don't despise you."

After finishing speaking, she looked at the thing next to her again: "I'll help you!"

There are white radishes, which seem to be used to stew pork rib soup?

After looking around, Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief when there was no cauliflower.

"Wash the ribs for me." Qi Ye also said directly.

Ye Tiantian nodded and rolled up his sleeves. Qi Ye's side, the fish was almost done. Seeing Ye Tian like this, he took off the other apron hanging beside him and walked behind Ye Tian.

"Put this on." Although a piece of clothing is nothing, getting it dirty is a very mood-destroying thing.

Ye Tian opened her hand and let him tie the apron on.

The two of them were busy in the kitchen, and the outside sunlight came in sparsely through the window, shining on the two of them, as if adding a golden halo to them.

"Complete!" The last dish was out of the pot, Ye Tian stood behind, hugged Qi Ye's waist, and put her head on his shoulder.

"You can eat it!"

"Are you sure you can still eat?" Qi Ye held her hand and asked with a light smile.

The little greedy cat ate up a large plate of chicken wings all afternoon, and his stomach was like a bottomless pit.

"I can still eat!" She can still eat a lot!eat a lot! ! !
No matter how many chicken wings there are, they are just snacks after all, and they don’t take up your stomach.

Just like many people are full after eating hot pot, but after coming out, they can still drink another cup of milk tea. The stomach of eating hot pot is not the same as the stomach of drinking milk tea, absolutely not! ! !

"Let me see." Qi Ye turned around and put his hands on Ye Tian's stomach.

 I want to sleep, please wake me up with a recommendation ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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