Chapter 169 What are you doing?
There are not too many problems in dividing the lyrics. It is roughly that the skill part is handed over to those with a basic foundation, and it is handed over to those with a poor foundation without too many skills.

After the division, everyone continued to watch the dance video.

Ye Tian has already memorized the dance.

After all, she also got this dance in her previous life. Apart from some differences between the team members and her previous life, the dance hasn't changed much.

She stood behind the line and jumped up watching the video.

There are ten teams in total, and two teams in the same group share a practice room.

The videos are the same, the songs are the same, and they will compete on the same stage.

It all depends on the strength of each member, with the same performance, whichever group impresses the audience the most will win.

Of course, the program group allows the trainees to change and rearrange the dance songs, if you have enough time.

When she was dancing, everyone's eyes were on her almost instantly.

Calm and natural, the stage is everywhere.

"It's terrible, isn't it?"

"I've only watched the video once, but I can't see the movements clearly. Can she dance?"

"What's this called? This is murder. I'm a waste."

"Are we really going to compete with their team? It's scary!"

The people in Luo Zi's team exclaimed.

Why can she be so strong?
This is too scary, right?

After dancing the song, Ye Tian's breath changed slightly.

Sitting down, she reaped more than a dozen pairs of bright, longing eyes.

The movement of drinking water paused, and she looked at everyone: "What's wrong?"

Looking at her like this made it easy for her to doubt the sexual orientation of the people around her.

She already has someone in her heart!

"Ahhh, how did you learn it after reading it once?!!!" After a moment of silence, a loud voice broke out.

If this dance is simple, it is definitely not simple!

They watched it once, but they didn't figure it out in their minds, so Ye Tian just finished dancing?

After hearing this voice, Ye Tian took a sip of water.

Ya, forgot...

She was a little nervous, and just wanted to recall the action, but she didn't expect everyone to look at her.

"That..." She skipped it in her previous life, of course she learned it quickly.

"I also skipped it before. This change is not too big, so I learned it." Explain it carefully, I don't know if you believe it or not.

"Wooooow, you are too powerful!" Someone howled, with a hint of despair in his voice.

After all, Ye Tian and them are rivals.

Ye Tian looked at those people without any doubt in their eyes, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Huh, thinking too much.

"Everyone can do it too, there's still time!"

"Come on!" Ye Tian gestured to everyone, and the trainee next to her rushed over and hugged her.

"Let me rub it, and then I can learn it after reading it again!"

"I also want."

"I also want."

The girls huddled together, Ye Tian was pressed down, but there was a smile on her face.

Huang Wan'er next to her also wanted to pounce on her, but she was the oldest one before, and she said that she would take care of you, so it was obviously not very prudent to pounce on her at this time.

Sitting next to her, her expression was a little ugly, and she even felt a little regretful.

At this time, the closed door of the practice room was opened, and a person walked in from the outside.

Seeing the situation in front of him, his complexion instantly became unsightly.

What is this doing! ! !

 Ye Tian: I panicked a lot

  Qi Ye:! ! !
  Ask for a recommendation ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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