Chapter 170 You Can Only Drink One Bottle

Qi Ye just came to see it casually, um, just walked around casually.

Then when I walked to the door of this classroom, I opened the door smoothly, um, it was very smooth.

Finally, you can see what the classroom looks like now! ! !

Ye Tian smiled and gently pushed away the people who rushed over her one by one, and everyone was just playing around.

Several people stood up slowly, then turned around, and when they saw who was standing behind them, everyone immediately stood up, pursed their lips and lowered their heads, as if skipping class and jumping over the wall, the teacher just happened to be outside the wall.

Ye Tian breathed a sigh of relief, and when she raised her head, she met Qi Ye's bottomless eyes.


She stood up hastily and bowed her head like others.

Why is he here?
"Still playing?" Qi Ye didn't know why he was angry, but he was angry anyway.

"Have you learned how to dance? Can you sing?" That's all for playing, and they all lie on Ye Tian's body to play?

What about trouble?

Everyone was silent and shook their heads collectively.

It's such a coincidence that I was caught by the teacher just after I relaxed.

But they didn't dare to refute it. More than ten days sounds like a lot, but if you say two weeks, then you suddenly feel that the time is not long.

Ye Tian raised her head, Qi Ye seemed to be really angry, but he didn't seem angry at all.


Tiantian can't understand it! ?
"Why is Teacher Qi here?" Today is a day for them to arrange freely.

Tomorrow, the teacher will teach each song separately.

Because two groups performed the same song, five teachers corresponded to five large groups.

"Let's see if everyone needs help." Actually, he came to see Ye Tian.

I wanted to take a look quietly, but I didn't see it outside the door.

After entering...

"No, no, no, we've only just started watching." One person was very honest.

After saying this, everyone stared at her.

This unlucky boy, what are you talking about?

"Practice well!"

"Alright, alright, let's practice hard!" Everyone nodded like chickens scratching rice.

Qi Ye suddenly laughed out of nowhere, "I brought you the sponsor's milk and added some sugar."

After speaking, the staff outside brought in two boxes of milk.

This is what the director ordered just now, saying that Qi Ye is here, so let's send some warmth.

Ye Tian's eyes lit up when she saw the milk.He quickly ran to Qi Ye and stood in front of him, like queuing up to receive candy.

"One bottle per person, don't drink too much! Some trainees shouldn't drink up their own and stare at others." After Qi Ye said this, Ye Tian's eyes widened.

She felt that there was a deep meaning in this sentence.

Well, for some people.

No, it was targeting her!

snort!What some trainees!That's her!

Ye Tian took the milk with both hands, and hid in the corner, drinking more and more gas.

"Tiantian, why do you drink so fiercely? What's the matter?" Looking like a kitten with frizzy fur, with a ferocious expression, those who didn't know it thought it was a little lion cub who was about to howl.

As a result, the little lion drank the lovely milk, so it could only be a little milk cat.

"Ms. Qi's words were aimed at me just now!" She said, swallowing another mouthful of milk.

"You're right. Drinking one bottle is enough. If you drink too much, you will gain weight. Many people don't drink it in order not to gain weight." After all, it is a sponsoring father, and it is necessary to appear on the show. Trainee They just went through the motions.

"Susu!" Ye Tian glanced at the name pasted on the body of the trainee opposite, "Why don't you give me the milk quietly?"


"I like to drink, and I only drink two bottles without gaining weight!" She said this very seriously.

When she just went back, she found that there was less milk in the cupboard!

 You are angry, I am angry after you are angry hahaha

  Continue to ask for recommendation tickets~

(End of this chapter)

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