Chapter 193 The First Performance!
Shi Fei lost, can they win?

This is a problem, several people gritted their teeth, hesitant to go up.

"You don't even have the courage to go on stage? Then why do you have the courage not to practice?" Zhao Wu's words made several people want to bury their heads in the soil.

Teacher Zhao said that, is it too much?
It's not that they haven't practiced!
"Then you." Zhao Wu ordered someone to come up.

The man was a little dumbfounded when he saw Zhao Wu pointing his finger at him.

She held out her hand and pointed to herself.

"Yes, it's you." After Zhao Wu finished speaking, she put down the microphone.

Wang Qing had just finished a round of dancing and was a little tired, but her eyes were still full of fighting spirit.

The person who stood up was much worse than Wang Qing in terms of temperament alone, and the dance after that was even more unbearable.

Wang Qing had a one-by-one PK with several other people. Although her back was already wet with sweat, her spirit was getting better and better, and her whole body seemed to be in a state of excitement.

The last person, after she came to the stage, she didn't even have the courage to compete, so she just gave up and admitted defeat.

Wang Qing won the PK. The trainees on the stage did not speak, but applauded for Wang Qing.

Not everyone has the courage to make this decision.

Zhao Wu encouraged Wang Qing, and the mentors left one after another. Wang Qing ran up and hugged Ye Tian.

"I won!"

"Well, you won!"

"Ah, ah, I won, I won!" The first sentence at the beginning was relatively calm, but the second sentence after that showed the real Wang Qing.

"Go back and take a shower!" Ye Tian also pushed her away at this time, with an unconcealable smile in his eyes.

Wang Qing didn't let go, but rubbed against her body instead.

"Hee hee, let's wash together!"

In the end, Ye Tian rejected Wang Qing's proposal, and the two returned to their rooms.

The losers on the other side were not convinced in their hearts, but they dared not say that Wang Qing's strength was not good anymore.

After all, Wang Qing was the one who defeated them in an open and honest manner. If Wang Qing's strength is really not good, does it mean that their strength is not good?
Wang Qing's matter was resolved, and the team began to operate normally.

Xiao Yixuan's incident did not cause any disturbance because of Starlight Entertainment's timely handling.

Ye Ming just sent her to a mental hospital, because it was indeed found that she had a mental problem, and it was already a serious one.

The Internet was harmonious, and the third episode of the show was broadcast, and the director didn't dare to let the trainees watch it again, for fear that something might go wrong again!
Everyone trained as usual, and the atmosphere in the practice room became extremely tense.

On the Internet, fans of various trainees also became nervous.

Because before the fourth episode airs, the first performance will be held!
From the end of the first performance to the moment when the fourth episode is broadcast, the first round of voting ends.

After the first round of voting, only fifty trainees can stay, and all others will be eliminated.

The opportunity to watch the first performance has to be grabbed, and the votes have to be done. The fans are very busy.

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooophone 】

[More people participate in the ticket grabbing!The more people, the greater the opportunity! 】

[Go to the milk side and forward it to a few people!You might hit it! 】

[There are also people on the mask side!Grab tickets, grab tickets, grab tickets! ! ! 】

The atmosphere was very tense, and the trainees were almost out of breath.

The first stage, the first time facing the audience, are they ready?
 Now in the process of PK, recommendation votes and comments are very important, the current ranking is not optimistic, I still hope to pass, everyone votes for recommendation.well.


(End of this chapter)

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